hoard pulled. the good, bad and ugly of it.

TxMoose Posts: 4,319 Chairperson of the Boards
edited June 2016 in MPQ General Discussion
pulled 76 classics today and will continue to pull until the percentages change. overall had a great run. total of 12 5*s pulled.

pull by pull, in order:
1. Thing green
2. Punisher black
3. XFW green
4. Elektra red
5. Nova red
6. Venom black
7. PX yellow
8. Falcap blue
9. Cho green
10. Thor yellow
11. Surfer red
12. Gwen purple
13. Ice blue
14. Fury blue
15. Fury yellow
16. Falcap blue
17. Cho blue
18. PX purple
19. Thor yellow
20. Elektra purple
21. Quake yellow]
22. HB blue
23. Thor yellow
24. Punisher blue
25. Gwen yellow
26. Elektra black
27. Elektra black
28. OML black
29. X23 red
30. Venom green
31. Venom yellow
32. IW green
33. Punisher blue
34. Carnage red
35. Venom black
36. OML red
37. Venom yellow
38. Cyke red
39. GR red
40. Thor red
41. Surfer black
42. X23 purple
43. Cyke red
44. Surfer red
45. Elektra purple
46. OML yellow
47. Surfer red
48. Antman yellow
49. Quake yellow
50. MF yellow
51. PX purple
52. Thor blue
53. Elektra black
54. Gwen red
55. Quake blue
56. Falcap yellow
57. MF black
58. MF black
59. OML black
60. Venom yellow
61. OML red
62. Elektra purple
63. MF blue
64. Surfer black
65. Rulk green
66. Surfer red
67. KP yellow
68. Punisher green
69. HB blue
70. PX purple
71. Nova red
72. Surfer black
73. Nova black
74. Falcap red
75. IW yellow
76. Iceman purple
by rarity:
icon_wolverine.pngblackflag.pngblackflag.pngyellowflag.pngredflag.pngredflag.png applied blacks and yellow. dupe of 2 reds makes no sense. really hesitant to just sell though.
icon_silversurfer.pngredflag.pngredflag.pngredflag.pngredflag.pngblackflag.pngblackflag.pngblackflag.png applied 1 red and 2 black. considering dupe - would be -/3/1. not sure that's worth 8K iso, especially with no blue in sight since my main only has 1 blue.
icon_jeangrey.png nothing. kinda bummed. I think she'll be a fun character but she's so far behind now, who knows when I get her going.

icon_antman.pngyellowflag.png will be sold. needed blue to finish respec.
icon_carnage.pngredflag.png will be sold. needed black to finish him.
icon_hulkcho.pngblueflag.pnggreenflag.png blue applied, green sold
icon_cyclops.pngredflag.pngredflag.png champ levels
icon_elektra.pngblackflag.pngblackflag.pngblackflag.pngpurpleflag.pngpurpleflag.pngpurpleflag.pngredflag.png will be sold. really annoying pulling so much of her and venom
icon_captainamerica.pngblueflag.pngblueflag.pngredflag.pngyellowflag.png will be sold
icon_nickfury.pngblueflag.pngyellowflag.png will be sold
icon_ghostrider.pngredflag.png will be sold
icon_spidergwen.pngpurpleflag.pngredflag.pngyellowflag.png all applied
icon_ironman.pngblueflag.pngblueflag.png champ levels
icon_iceman.pngblueflag.pngpurpleflag.png champ levels
icon_invisiblewoman.pngblueflag.pnggreenflag.png will be sold
icon_kingpin.pngyellowflag.png will be sold
icon_mrfantastic.pngblackflag.pngblackflag.pngblueflag.pngyellowflag.png blue applied for respec. others will be sold.
icon_nova.pngblackflag.pngredflag.pngredflag.png was really hoping for yellows. these will be sold
icon_punisher.pngblackflag.pngblueflag.pngblueflag.pnggreenflag.png all applied and looking forward to finishing him and leveling him.
icon_professorx.pngpurpleflag.pngpurpleflag.pngpurpleflag.pngyellowflag.png 2 purples applied to dupe. need blues for him. others will be sold.
icon_quake.pngblueflag.pngyellowflag.pngyellowflag.png all applied and yellow is at 5 covers. really happy with that and will level her for pve aoe protection. kishu can shove his caltrops...
icon_redhulk.pnggreenflag.png champ level
icon_thing.pnggreenflag.png champ level
icon_thor.pngblueflag.pngyellowflag.pngyellowflag.pngredflag.png champ levels
icon_venom.pngblackflag.pngblackflag.pnggreenflag.pngyellowflag.pngyellowflag.pngyellowflag.png yellows applied and respec'ed. others will be sold.
icon_x23.pngpurpleflag.pngredflag.png champ levels
icon_wolverine.pnggreenflag.png champ level

edit: counting these up looks like I missed a couple, but not going back to proof it - you get the idea...

12 5* pulls is really good, but keep in mind I came into it on a dry run of 20-30 pulls. selling some of them will really hurt. does anyone see any value in a SS dupe? blue is not coming for the dupe any time soon, so I'm not sure how much value there'd be. right now the 8K iso looks more appealing. happiest about OML yellow (obviously), quake yellows and blue, and punisher covers. figures that Elektra and venom are the ones I got stuck on over and over again. 2 that I don't ever think i'll consider putting iso into. x23 getting jean in her boosted group in the offseason hurt since I just maxed x23 but could have done kp. today I got more x23 than kp and landed the OML yellow, so looks like that was a good decision.

OML immediately went to 330 (just enough iso for that) and i'll keep him there for a while. I think he'd be better with another yellow or 2 before I take him high. played a couple of daken matches with him and he's not fast, but you come out at full health. well, i'll say he's not fast...until you transform. then poof the match is over.

I feel for those on the other end of the pull spectrum and for those without yellow like I was for so long. really a **** system.


  • fmftint
    fmftint Posts: 3,653 Chairperson of the Boards
    Even factoring your 20-30 "dry run" 12/96-106 is still ahead of the curve
  • stochasticism
    stochasticism Posts: 1,181 Chairperson of the Boards
    I was inspired by this post and did a little classic token opening myself. Opened 9 tokens, got 3 5*. icon_wolverine.pngredflag.pngblackflag.png (now 1/2/2) and icon_jeangrey.pnggreenflag.png (now a useless 3/1/1).

    The 4*s were half good and half bad. icon_ironman.png and icon_redhulk.png levels, icon_punisher.pngblueflag.png to move him to 5/1/4 and IW, Fury and XFDP turned into ISO.

    Thanks for giving me the motivation to do this Tx, the best set of tokens I have ever opened.
  • Vhailorx
    Vhailorx Posts: 6,085 Chairperson of the Boards
    This thread inspired me to open some classics too. Then I realized I had no cps or tokens saved and have been on a brutal cold streak (just 2 truly useful covers from all LTs and cLTs since march). icon_e_sad.gif


    Duping OML is a tough choice. He is so good that I understand the temptation. But he is arguably the character that benefits least from a duplicate since he finishes almost every match at full health. 4K is probably the way to go. (since you can't give them to me! I desperately need oml covers. . .). Grats on finally getting a yellow.
  • SnowcaTT
    SnowcaTT Posts: 3,487 Chairperson of the Boards
    Wow, all the OML's pulled. I've lost count of how many LT's I've opened and found -two- of the covers of the only character that matters. icon_cry.gif
  • BlackSheep101
    BlackSheep101 Posts: 2,025 Chairperson of the Boards
    Congrats on finally pulling OML yellowflag.png!
  • TxMoose
    TxMoose Posts: 4,319 Chairperson of the Boards
    SnowcaTT wrote:
    Wow, all the OML's pulled. I've lost count of how many LT's I've opened and found -two- of the covers of the only character that matters. icon_cry.gif
    i'll happily trade some OML reds and maybe a black for some phoenix. funny how RNG giveth....and not giveth.
  • Melevorn
    Melevorn Posts: 137 Tile Toppler
    Holy Small Cats!

    That's an amazing 5* rate. Since my 170-token effort (pulling twelve 5*'s) I've probably opened a dozen or so more legendary tokens - zero 5*'s in them.

    Feel my envy...
  • Pongie
    Pongie Posts: 1,412 Chairperson of the Boards
    So jealous of your pull... one more pvp event and i'll hit 2000 command points. Lets wait and see what I get from 100 pulls
  • Polares
    Polares Posts: 2,643 Chairperson of the Boards
    I don't think having dupes for any of those 4s is worth having (Phoenix resuscitates, OML and SS self-heal). But maybe if you roster the covers they can later turn them into covers to champion them? (There were doing this for some people, weren't they? or maybe I just dreamt it)

    I am one of those in a OML draught. I have opened 64 classic tokens without an OML and I am starting to feel the effects in PvP. I used to have a better than the average OML, and now I am in the average, soon below average. I really need to pull at least one to be safe icon_e_sad.gif I have even considered saving 720 CPs !!!!!!!!!!!!! (Man covers are to damn expensive)

    PS: I can't be angry because I am still pulling 5s, but pulling SS covers or Phoenix greens is not the same as pulling OML covers or Phoenix purples icon_e_sad.gificon_e_sad.gificon_e_sad.gificon_e_sad.gificon_e_sad.gif
    PS: I guess we still don't have confirmation on the chances for 5s once they add Spidey to the classic ones... (I don't know why I want confirmation, everybody knows it is going to be 2.5%).
  • wymtime
    wymtime Posts: 3,764 Chairperson of the Boards
    I just opened 400 cp worth of tokens and got 1 black Drax and. Champion covers and the rest ISO. I pulled a Lott of Ant-Man and X-Force a cho. Overall this is the first Tim I pulled 20 LT in a row and got no 5*. I was really hoping to get another OML before Spidy entered the classic token mix.
  • El Satanno
    El Satanno Posts: 1,005 Chairperson of the Boards
    Congratulations, fellow hoarder! See, all you other non-believers. Hoarding is the only way to go. One more brick in the wall of confirmation bias!
  • TxMoose
    TxMoose Posts: 4,319 Chairperson of the Boards
    so...I've been contemplating the latest tokens (have/had 27). bssm/phoenix vs. 5steve/5tony and such. for several reasons I decided to pull the trigger on my latest tokens and here they are:
    bye pull:
    1. gwen yellow
    2. cho blue
    3. GR black
    4. drax red
    5. x23 red
    6. hb blue
    7. antman blue
    8. hb black
    9. starlord yellow
    10. starlord yellow
    11. gwen yellow
    12. px purple
    13. fury purple
    14. 5* bssm purple
    15. starlord red
    16. x23 green
    17. pun blue
    18. nova red
    19. GR red
    20. cyke red
    21. xpool black
    22. gwenred
    23. 5* goblin purple
    24. 5* phoenix green
    25. hb blue
    26. carnage black
    27. drax black

    by character:
    icon_spiderman.pngpurpleflag.png now -/1/1
    icon_greengoblin.pngpurpleflag.png first one
    icon_jeangrey.pnggreenflag.png now 2/-/-

    icon_antman.pngblueflag.png needed for respec
    icon_carnage.pngblackflag.png needed for his last cover
    icon_hulk.pngblueflag.png needed
    icon_cyclops.pngredflag.png champ level
    icon_drax.pngredflag.pngblackflag.png needed, up to 2/2/4
    icon_nickfury.pngpurpleflag.png iso
    icon_ghostrider.pngredflag.pngblackflag.png black needed for respec, red sold.
    icon_spidergwen.pngyellowflag.pngyellowflag.pngredflag.png yellow are 12th and 13th on her - at 4/5/4. red sold
    icon_ironman.pngblackflag.pngblueflag.pngblueflag.png champ levels
    icon_nova.pngredflag.png iso - so many red/black sold. only 1 yellow so far. sitting at 5/1/5 for a while
    icon_punisher.pngblueflag.png needed for 12th cover. at 2/5/5 now
    icon_professorx.pngpurpleflag.png iso
    icon_starlord.pngredflag.pngyellowflag.pngyellowflag.png iso
    icon_x23.pnggreenflag.pngredflag.png champ levels
    icon_deadpool.pngblackflag.png champ level

    so all in all, very happy with those pulls. 3 5* covers, one each and only 8/27 covers wasted for iso. success again. feeling very fortunate.
  • carrion_pigeons
    carrion_pigeons Posts: 942 Critical Contributor
    So have you hit the point where 50 percent of your unchampioned 4*s are fully covered? If so you may want to consider holding off opening any more tokens until you can farm a bunch of iso.
  • TxMoose
    TxMoose Posts: 4,319 Chairperson of the Boards
    yeah, 13 covered vs 7 not covered - I'm back to hoarding as soon as the new guys get inserted.