Is every PvP battle supposed to be an uphill climb?



  • ammenell
    ammenell Posts: 817 Critical Contributor
    for me, its a combination of the right slice/time/featured character and luck (who would have thought?)

    if i have the featured character (most of the time, sometimes even maxed), its down to time and ... luck.
    i refuse to roster 5*s, so my roster was 3*s only until two weeks ago.

    people are talking about nerfed 3*s everywhere, i just dont see it.
    i sometimes see well covered 4*s on my climb, sometimes even underleveled 5*s - i take the 5*s with two covers and mostly skip maxed 4*s.
    dont know why i still see mixed 2*/3* teams on my way to 700/800, but i wont complain.

    i mostly play in slice4 and here i was able to get to 1k several times with a 3* team. i even got it with a loner ragnarok.
    sometimes i find several good matches in a row, sometimes some cupcakes speed up my climb, and sometimes i just run into d3s troll wall - you know, the top10 range from 6k to 4.5k, im in t100 with about 700 points and the system refuses to match me with anyone worth more than 38 points. than i dont care about the cover and stop playing.