ISO Brotherhood Double ISO Appreciation Thread



  • jgomes32
    jgomes32 Posts: 381 Mover and Shaker
    This is great, should be the new normal or at the very least once every month. I have 6 QS covers in my queue (first one expires in 8 days) and i need 52k to champ him, but thanks to this i'm focusing on Psylocke. Small boost from 102 to 112 but why the hell not.
  • Jabrony_Geoff
    Jabrony_Geoff Posts: 378 Mover and Shaker
    I also appreciate the double Iso in the current event, if it wasn't for that then I wouldn't be playing.
    The last 7 day event nearly finished me off for good. icon_lol.gif
  • Phumade
    Phumade Posts: 2,534 Chairperson of the Boards
    A double iso event once a month would be amazing!
  • TLCstormz
    TLCstormz Posts: 1,668
    As an intermediate player / 3-4 transitioner, I still do not immeasurable why this Double Iso is not A CONSTANT, in this game. Or at least a frequent.

    Anyhoo........thank youuuuuuu!
  • HxiiiK
    HxiiiK Posts: 195 Tile Toppler
    I was just thinking, wouldn't it be nice if they put in double ISO for the new "Test PvEs"? I'm sure it would greatly increase the sample size for a better result and better feedback

    Please, devs? icon_e_biggrin.gifiso8.pngiso8.pngiso8.pngiso8.pngiso8.png
  • mikepro
    mikepro Posts: 95 Match Maker
    iso8.png I'm loving this double iso event. I personally have banked about 70k with 2 days of subs being done so about 35k a day from this. I sold most of my 3* for leveling up a few 4* but kept the top teir ones. But now by the end of this event I'll have 3 covers for war machine. Yes I'm sitting roughly 3rd but close to 2nd. And I can either use the iso from all of this and champ up my max cover Flaptain who is 5/3/5 or save it till I get my unicorn of a cover my 3rd blue for teen jean. And max plus champ her and still have iso left over to max my support 3* like loki hood and bpanther and patch up for 4 Lt tokens off the hop. But only time will tell by the end of this pve how much I'll have banked up.hopefully around 250-300k+
  • xdogg
    xdogg Posts: 335 Mover and Shaker
    Love the Double Iso, doimg this once a month would be great! Out of curiosity has anyome been able to send the 1k iso to friends?
  • MarcusGraves
    MarcusGraves Posts: 495 Mover and Shaker
    It would be really nice if every PvE sub had the one time 3k ISO node, if they don't wanna give us perma ISO x2, I don't think asking for that would be too much.

    Devs pls....
  • Dayv
    Dayv Posts: 4,449 Chairperson of the Boards
    HxiiiK wrote:
    I was just thinking, wouldn't it be nice if they put in double ISO for the new "Test PvEs"? I'm sure it would greatly increase the sample size for a better result and better feedback

    Please, devs? icon_e_biggrin.gifiso8.pngiso8.pngiso8.pngiso8.pngiso8.png
    Unfortunately, that would also skew involvement, making the format look artificially popular. This is probably one of the reasons they haven't done a new PvE test for a character release yet. Well, that and maybe someone in the dev team has realized that at least one player will stay up for seven days straight running a 20 point node over and over and someone's gonna die.

    Competitive PvE is still a bad idea.
  • wymtime
    wymtime Posts: 3,764 Chairperson of the Boards
    DayvBang wrote:
    HxiiiK wrote:
    I was just thinking, wouldn't it be nice if they put in double ISO for the new "Test PvEs"? I'm sure it would greatly increase the sample size for a better result and better feedback

    Please, devs? icon_e_biggrin.gifiso8.pngiso8.pngiso8.pngiso8.pngiso8.png
    Unfortunately, that would also skew involvement, making the format look artificially popular. This is probably one of the reasons they haven't done a new PvE test for a character release yet. Well, that and maybe someone in the dev team has realized that at least one player will stay up for seven days straight running a 20 point node over and over and someone's gonna die.

    Competitive PvE is still a bad idea.
    The test PVE has not just been bout involvement they have been looking at scores and trying to listen to feedback. Double ISO for running a test should be standard as a reward for trying something that could go horribly wrong like the first PVE test with the scaling. They should want to get as many players playing as possible on a test and reward players accordingly.
  • Inarius
    Inarius Posts: 141 Tile Toppler
    This should be the new standard from now on, there's nothing i'm more frustrated about than not having enough ISO to level my characters and by god did this delivered.

    Now if they would implement this into every single event and make the next ISO brotherhood a triple ISO event, that will wash away at least some of the bad s**t they've been throwing at us
  • Arphaxad
    Arphaxad Posts: 278 Mover and Shaker
    iso8.pngiso8.pngiso8.pngiso8.png Thank you for the ISO-8 iso8.pngiso8.pngiso8.pngiso8.png

    It feels good to be able to level up some covers. Maybe the devs should look to make this the normal ISO reward? Or, just make every non-new release event this level. Think about it.

    Your players are more happy when they are drunk on iso8.png , don't close the bar!!
  • El Satanno
    El Satanno Posts: 1,005 Chairperson of the Boards
    I very much appreciate the double Iso. I would appreciate the pants off it all the time. No pants, whatsoever. I would also appreciate:
    • the hell out of it
    • the **** out of it
    • the bejeezus out of it
    • the **** out of it
    • it to death
    • it to hell and back
    • it for days
    • it for ages
    • it to the end of time
    • it till my head falls off

    I would probably appreciate it some other ways, too.
  • Azoth658
    Azoth658 Posts: 348 Mover and Shaker
    El Satanno wrote:
    I very much appreciate the double Iso. I would appreciate the pants off it all the time. No pants, whatsoever. I would also appreciate:
    • the hell out of it
    • the **** out of it
    • the bejeezus out of it
    • the tinykitty out of it
    • it to death
    • it to hell and back
    • it for days
    • it for ages
    • it to the end of time
    • it till my head falls off

    I would probably appreciate it some other ways, too.

    I'd appreciate it like a male seahorse giving birth (youtube it if you've never seen it)
  • Nick441234
    Nick441234 Posts: 1,496 Chairperson of the Boards
    I appreciate it like that first sip of an ice cold beer on a warm summers day.
  • HxiiiK
    HxiiiK Posts: 195 Tile Toppler
    DayvBang wrote:
    HxiiiK wrote:
    I was just thinking, wouldn't it be nice if they put in double ISO for the new "Test PvEs"? I'm sure it would greatly increase the sample size for a better result and better feedback

    Please, devs? icon_e_biggrin.gifiso8.pngiso8.pngiso8.pngiso8.pngiso8.png
    Unfortunately, that would also skew involvement, making the format look artificially popular. This is probably one of the reasons they haven't done a new PvE test for a character release yet. Well, that and maybe someone in the dev team has realized that at least one player will stay up for seven days straight running a 20 point node over and over and someone's gonna die.

    Competitive PvE is still a bad idea.

    If you're going for popularity, then it would be skewing the results. However, if you're collecting data on roster level and speed of clearing against MMR then this would only serve to give a more accurate set of data, creating a larger sample size to work with.

    So, popularity = no, but if testing MMR and difficulty level versus rosters = yes
  • BlackSheep101
    BlackSheep101 Posts: 2,025 Chairperson of the Boards
    I haven't commented yet because I've been too busy trying to pull all the 1000 iso prizes (and cp, and get to 7/7 on at least the trivial nodes) from each sub.

    Side note, even though I've been awful about clearing on schedule, the extra grinding for iso has kept me in the top 50. Maybe my problem all along has been sticking to slice 4?
  • Azoth658
    Azoth658 Posts: 348 Mover and Shaker
    I haven't commented yet because I've been too busy trying to pull all the 1000 iso prizes (and cp, and get to 7/7 on at least the trivial nodes) from each sub.

    Side note, even though I've been awful about clearing on schedule, the extra grinding for iso has kept me in the top 50. Maybe my problem all along has been sticking to slice 4?

    Haha I'm exactly the same on position and randomly clearing at inopportune moments.

    I think this additional ISO just highlights that if you clear enough times you can score pretty highly you just won't be top 10.

    Although it has made me hate Crit Boosts with a fiery fiery passion.
  • The Bob The
    The Bob The Posts: 743 Critical Contributor
    Agreed with all the above. It's been great.

    My suggestion: Make one 7-day event a month double ISO. I'd obviously like more than this, but if the devs are hesitant, this could be a decent compromise that gets more players competing in a more grueling format (but please don't make it for Heroics only!).

    It's fun to have this short block of faster progress, and I could easily see myself looking forward to it.
  • TimGunn
    TimGunn Posts: 257 Mover and Shaker
    Not to be a negative Nancy, but you realize they are just making up for the recent week when all we had was Civil War PVE and Gauntlet PVE - that was a low ISO week because 1. no daily sub rewards and 2. no grinding to get seven prizes - they probably just put us back to even

    But I would welcome more double iso events. If not every time, then at least once or twice a month.