How much is a fully covered, unleveled 4* worth to you?

firethorne Posts: 1,505 Chairperson of the Boards
edited May 2016 in MPQ General Discussion
Seeing a lot of argument over how two random covers for $10 was or wasn't a good deal, I was curious. How much is a 4* character worth to people? If they offered a character pack, with 13 covers for a character of your choice (not including ISO to level), what do you think would be a reasonable price?
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  • Azoth658
    Azoth658 Posts: 348 Mover and Shaker
    I've plumped for $15. I probably would only do it for a new release character that I was desperate to have in my roster that I wouldn't earn for years otherwise.

    But it would have to be a timed thing like you could only do it once every three months or something so you couldn't have super whales owning all characters to max again.

    But if they implemented something like this I'd rather have a buy one cover for any character for $5 once a month.

    Want OML but RNG isn't kind then it'd take you just over a year but you'd finally have 13 covers icon_razz.gif
  • mohio
    mohio Posts: 1,690 Chairperson of the Boards
    I personally wouldn't buy it since I have plenty of fully covered, unleveled 4* so one more wouldn't really help me much. However, D3 would certainly value such a thing at well over $100. If you look at past pricing when you could buy covers with HP, it cost 25000 HP ($125) to buy 10 covers of a 4*. You first needed to either win all 3 colors, or open them in packs. I never did this so I have no idea what the average cost would be, but I imagine needing to open 2-3 40-packs on average to get a fully covered 4* from tokens. This might put you at 4 or 5 covers so you wouldn't need to buy quite as many covers afterwards, but it still means you're spending $200+ on fully covering a 4* from scratch. So, $100 would seem to be a discount, yet also feels like too much to spend for the immediacy of having it now as opposed to winning the covers and having them later. But if I were a 3* player I might be willing to pay even more, since getting your first couple 4* up and running is key to transitioning to 4* play.
  • TxMoose
    TxMoose Posts: 4,319 Chairperson of the Boards
    at the beginning of a 4* transition, its worth a ton. getting that first champ on a great character really changes pvp performance and opens an avenue for further progress. at this point for me, its not worth much unless its meta-breaking, and that was done via 5*s, not 4*s.

    edit: after further thinking, not having to grind the release pve has value. maybe $1-$5. I would be completely released from the pve and would only take minimal iso to get their ddq level if fully covered. was going to vote $1, but I'll go $5.
  • firethorne
    firethorne Posts: 1,505 Chairperson of the Boards
    Azoth658 wrote:
    Want OML but RNG isn't kind then it'd take you just over a year but you'd finally have 13 covers icon_razz.gif

    Well, OML is in 5* territory, so that would be a question for a separate poll.
    mohio wrote:
    I personally wouldn't buy it since I have plenty of fully covered, unleveled 4* so one more wouldn't really help me much. However, D3 would certainly value such a thing at well over $100. If you look at past pricing when you could buy covers with HP, it cost 25000 HP ($125) to buy 10 covers of a 4*.

    True, I'm sure D3 would have some exorbitant prices. This is why I'm interested in seeing if many players are priced out of their lofty expectations.

    The game has evolved. It now has seven 5* characters, so the idea that a 4* should be anywhere near triple digit prices is, to me, absurd
  • GrumpySmurf1002
    GrumpySmurf1002 Posts: 3,511 Chairperson of the Boards
    For mid tier blech like Bucky and War Machine, $0.

    If there were a clear top tier character released and my choices are play a re-hashed 7 day PvE for 3 covers or buy all 13 covers for $10-$15, I'm doing the latter every time.
  • mpqr7
    mpqr7 Posts: 2,642 Chairperson of the Boards
    It's worth $0 to me. I already have plenty of champed 4*s with more coming on the way about once per month, so I don't need more.

    Even if I don't win any during the release event, I'll win enough covers later on, eventually.
  • SnowcaTT
    SnowcaTT Posts: 3,486 Chairperson of the Boards
    I have a bunch of the "best" (older) 4*'s champed...fully leveled unboosted 4*'s are pretty worthless at this point, sadly. Wish they would make some game-play changes to make the 3*'s and 4*'s worth having.

    The only thing I'd do with all the covers is throw some ISO into it to get it to DDQ-able. Use it once every four months? I wouldn't pay anything for that.
  • udonomefoo
    udonomefoo Posts: 1,630 Chairperson of the Boards
    I'm one of the highest votes so far at $40. I only have one top tier 4* maxed (4cyc) and if I pretend I'm not one cover away from maxing each of bobby and jean and they offered me a fully covered Rulk for $40? I'd probably take it. Probably because I've been conditioned to see it as a good deal compared to their economy, but that's nearly a full price major title purchase so I know it's not a good deal. If you consider my minimal investment into this game so far compared to the hours I've played it then it looks better.
  • firethorne
    firethorne Posts: 1,505 Chairperson of the Boards
    udonomefoo wrote:
    Probably because I've been conditioned to see it as a good deal compared to their economy, but that's nearly a full price major title purchase so I know it's not a good deal.

    That's one of the two major problems had with their survey proposal (the second being my reluctance to pay for RNG). Even if they did guarantee pulls I wanted, over time, I'd still be spending $60 for what equates to one character. It never seems like a good deal when you factor in the special of the week on Steam. It is strange. In a lot of ways, I want to spend some money on MPQ, because deep down there are parts of it I still love. But what I'd get for the dollars spent just seems so out of line with other games. I can't justify it.
  • PeterGibbons316
    PeterGibbons316 Posts: 1,063
    In the old days you could buy that for a little over $100 if you had the first 3 covers. A lot of people paid that to cover new characters at the time. Hard for me to say now though since I'm in 5* land a shiny new 4* would have to be game-breakingly OP for me to justify spending much on it.
  • Thevipper
    Thevipper Posts: 90
    Well i have at least 1 cover in most 4 star except cyclops, redhulk, and professor x i would probally pay atleast $15 ea for all 13 covers for them espicially if i had the iso but i have 2 red hulkbusters 2 purple iceman and 5 covers for the thing (1/3/1) if i could pick and choose a total of 13 covers across serval characters for $15 or 20 i would.
    If there was 2 stores $15 for 1 character and a second one for $20 you get to pick 3+characters you already have and select covers for them and a pop up like the champion cover adjuster but new 4* gets a seprate shop for 1 month where its $30 to get all 13 covers before going into the $15 bin.
  • PuceMoose
    PuceMoose Posts: 1,445 Chairperson of the Boards
    Interesting topic.

    I voted $25, because I am in a (possibly?) unusual situation with the game. I guess I would call myself a "hardcore casual", as I play every day (MPQ is my treadmill game, so that's at least 30 minutes of guaranteed play a day), but I don't spend much time chasing placement/progression/CP as a general rule. As such, I have very few max-covered four-stars - I think I'm on day 909 (or maybe one after 909), and my only max-covered **** are Invisible Bag, Hulkbuster (about a week ago) and Nick Fury (just tonight!). Most of my **** characters have between one and seven covers. I don't even have Quake (and I think she looks pretty great), so if I could drop $25 to get a 5/3/5 (or whatever her best build is) Quake I would probably do it.
  • VA5
    VA5 Posts: 66
    This "should" be determined by your level and commitment to the game. A 3 star tiered roster will greatly benefit from a 4 where as a 5 star roster they collect dust. With that said I know some of the big whales like spending on cover packs when a player is first announced.
  • dr tinykittylove
    dr tinykittylove Posts: 1,459 Chairperson of the Boards
    VA5 wrote:
    This "should" be determined by your level and commitment to the game. A 3 star tiered roster will greatly benefit from a 4 where as a 5 star roster they collect dust. With that said I know some of the big whales like spending on cover packs when a player is first announced.

    And 4* rosters that grind pve will have more low level covered 4*s than they know what to do with...
  • Konman
    Konman Posts: 410 Mover and Shaker
    Will this mean I can buy 13 champion levels any time I want? How about only for 4* more than a year old? That way newer players can catch up, but there isn't an "everyone's a whale now" mentality for every new 4* release.