Hawkeye's Speed Shot no longer speedy

areacode212 Posts: 150 Tile Toppler
Ever since the banner update (which is otherwise pretty good), Hawkeye's Speed Shot countdown tiles take forever to fire off once they hit 0, which makes him 1000% less fun to play. Please give Speed Shot its speed back. Thanks.


  • Smudge
    Smudge Posts: 562 Critical Contributor
    Ever since the banner update (which is otherwise pretty good), Hawkeye's Speed Shot countdown tiles take forever to fire off once they hit 0, which makes him 1000% less fun to play. Please give Speed Shot its speed back. Thanks.
    If you like the banner update aside from Speed Shot, please do yourself a favor and don't put out multiple Blade Nightstalker tiles... even one of those is painfully slow now, multiple tiles are teeth-gratingly irritating.

    This update caused a lot of slowness aside from just Speed Shot.
  • elusive
    elusive Posts: 261 Mover and Shaker
    I've noticed that a lot of countdown tiles in general have been slower for the past week or so, as if the game can't handle showing the animations, text, and removing the tile all at once any more.

    Edit: now that I've played after today's update, I think I see what you're saying - the tiles are taking a long time to be generated now, too. I don't know if non-Steam users had the speed issue I've been seeing for the past week, since I never saw anyone make a topic on it, but now the game's even slower than it's been for me, thanks to this.
  • bmart14
    bmart14 Posts: 10
    It's not just speed shot as has been mentioned (the joy of seeing four shots hit in less than a second has been taken away). Also goons (doombots, ISO mutants) and are taking forever to just pump their own AP. Scarlet Witch's Arcane power takes forever. It's so frustrating and has made the game much less enjoyable.
  • theloniuscrunk
    theloniuscrunk Posts: 10 Just Dropped In
    All of this. Please revert the banner update.