Can we please get 4 star content

chaos01 Posts: 316 Mover and Shaker
I am stuck in the 3-4 star transition. I have played this game for 707 days. I have 25 championed 3 stars and one max covered 4 star but I don't see the use in level maxing them since I have no one to pair with them. My PVP MMR is more than ruined and getting to 1000 is not worth my time, health packs and HP needed. I also can't be bothered to "optimum" grind a PVE to place 10th.

I will however help to finish 6 rounds of a boss event if it means two covers. I will also complete any gauntlet or PVE that is truly a Player V Environment instead of the Player v player with no life that we have now.

I realize I have no one to blame but myself for staying with a casual alliance and not grinding, but, at some point I should be able to progress after playing for almost two years.

Give us daily DDQ for 4 stars, run a weekly gauntlet, increase 4 star rewards for PVE, add a 4 star progression reward in PVE, stop giving standard tokens in daily supply after 365 days...

We have nearly 40 4 stars and they are just as hard to get as when we had 4.


  • san
    san Posts: 421 Mover and Shaker
    While I can certainly empathize with the notion that PVE is a real grind, and that rewards are measly in this game, I also see a great deal of entitlement in your post. If you have been playing for nearly 2 years at a casual level, then casual rewards you shall have. Simple.

    I'm a few days behind you (hitting 660 soon) and I have a fully functional team of 4*s champed. Mostly through PVE (I play for top progression only) and PVP to 1K (regularly for 10+ seasons now). 1K is possible with very little time (90 minutes or so total) and without any shields (go to 650, wait till recharged, go at it for the final 300-400). The legendary tokens in PVE are practically a giveaway.

    Again, I understand that it's a great deal of work to advance in this game, but you are choosing to play. If you should choose to quit, based on your assessment of time>reward, then you have that right too.
  • TLCstormz
    TLCstormz Posts: 1,668
    It's also entitlement to judge someone else's experiences as inadequate of what YOU consider good enough.....
  • san
    san Posts: 421 Mover and Shaker
    edited May 2016
    TLCstormz wrote:
    It's also entitlement to judge someone else's experiences as inadequate of what YOU consider good enough.....

    The OP is complaining about the low rewards for time investment. I am pointing out that playing this game is a choice, which it is. The OP is saying that PVP is "not worth [his/her] time." The OP also mentions that they have been in a casual alliance. The rewards earned playing casually in a casual alliance, appear to be on par. Rather than invalidating the OP's experience, I am stating that they are right, and that if they feel that their time is wasted, quitting is an option.
  • wirius
    wirius Posts: 667
    I posted months ago in the suggestion boards that there is no real fun in collecting a higher tier if they don't open up new rewards in gameplay. Transitioning to the 3* level felt like a real change. It was fun, exciting! I joined alliances and worked my way up.

    Once you get your first 4* and level him up, what else is there? Hit 1k in pvp again? Grind PvE for the same rewards you did to get that first 4*, only do it 40 more times? Ha ha h-NO. Give me something to look forward to with 4*'s, not more of the same.
  • ClydeFrog76
    ClydeFrog76 Posts: 1,350 Chairperson of the Boards
    I don't see any entitlement. I see frustration at the way the devs are ignoring the 4* meta and I completely understand it.
  • BearVenger
    BearVenger Posts: 453 Mover and Shaker
    edited May 2016
    san-mpq wrote:
    While I can certainly empathize with the notion that PVE is a real grind, and that rewards are measly in this game, I also see a great deal of entitlement in your post. If you have been playing for nearly 2 years at a casual level, then casual rewards you shall have. Simple.

    I'm a few days behind you (hitting 660 soon) and I have a fully functional team of 4*s champed. Mostly through PVE (I play for top progression only) and PVP to 1K (regularly for 10+ seasons now). 1K is possible with very little time (90 minutes or so total) and without any shields (go to 650, wait till recharged, go at it for the final 300-400). The legendary tokens in PVE are practically a giveaway.

    Again, I understand that it's a great deal of work to advance in this game, but you are choosing to play. If you should choose to quit, based on your assessment of time>reward, then you have that right too.

    As for PvP, it is kind of a vicious cycle. I, too, chose to champ my 3*s (under the red-lettered posters' proclamations that it would make them competitive with 4* teams), rather than try to develop a trio of ideal 4*s.

    Had I done it all over again and truly realized the 3*-> 4* separation, I'd have cranked up my IMHB, especially when direct whaling was an option. But I didn't, and I can accept that.

    For me (and I assume lots of 3* players), 1K isn't a guaranteed climb. 650, I can manage. But somewhere between the 850-900 range, even allowing for some shields to get out of everyone's crosshairs, the retal losses come a lot faster than the victory gains. The 2-3 times I've made 1K, it was pretty much a "tag" situation: My four-digit score lasted for about 5-10 minutes before falling back to 700-800 range. I'd say I have a 2:1 or 3:1 failure-to-success rate when I make an honest, full-force attempt to reach 1,000.

    Maybe your matches finish faster and your 4*s give you a better Scarecrow Factor. Maybe you get as heavily whomped by 5* teams as I get by 4* teams and face teams >100 levels per character better than yours once you get past the second progression token. Maybe if you take a 30-minute break without shielding, you don't see yourself falling back to the 500s.

    I'm okay with not being given anything (or even begging CS for OML covers); I'd just like to state that in my character tier, 1K in PvP is not just a matter of "wanting it bad enough."

    NOTE: And if I were a 4* team trying to make the climb to 1000, I probably wouldn't think twice about quickly running through a 3* team if they were worth more than me. Maybe after a while, if my pickin's were getting slim, I'd take on one worth less than me, just to take a breather and reset the ISO tax.
  • san
    san Posts: 421 Mover and Shaker
    BearVenger wrote:
    As for PvP, it is kind of a vicious cycle. I, too, chose to champ my 3*s (under the red-lettered posters' proclamations that it would make them competitive with 4* teams), rather than try to develop a trio of ideal 4*s.

    Had I done it all over again and truly realized the 3*-> 4* separation, I'd have cranked up my IMHB, especially when direct whaling was an option. But I didn't, and I can accept that.

    For me (and I assume lots of 3* players), 1K isn't a guaranteed climb. 650, I can manage. But somewhere between the 850-900 range, the retal losses come a lot faster than the victory gains. The 2-3 times I've made 1K, it was pretty much a "tag" situation: My four-digit score lasted for about 5-10 minutes before falling back to 700-800 range. I'd say I have a 2:1 or 3:1 failure-to-success rate when I make an honest, full-force attempt to reach 1,000.

    Maybe your matches finish faster and your 4*s give you a better Scarecrow Factor. Maybe you get as heavily whomped by 5* teams as I get by 4* teams and face teams >100 levels per character better than yours once you get past the second progression token. Maybe if you take a 30-minute break without shielding, you don't see yourself falling back to the 500s.

    I'm okay with not being given anything (or even begging CS for OML covers); I'd just like to state that in my tier, 1K is not just a matter of "wanting it bad enough."

    It isn't a matter of wanting, and I am certain it is no giveaway. If you remember, every vet here (and I don't consider myself a vet) has been in your shoes at some point. I remember when 800 was unattainable. Heck, even 600 was a grind. However, each success builds up. Play strategically for covers you need in PVP. Otherwise, do the PVE to max progression - there's no retaliation there. Covers will come. Things will get easier.
  • rossmon
    rossmon Posts: 130 Tile Toppler
    To start, I'll agree that I would like more 4star content.
    That said, you've created your own problem. You don't need championed 3 stars (I have around 8). And you don't need to have maxed 4 stars to play PVP.
    I hit my 1 year mark in the game this week. When I started playing PVP (November or December) I was using a level 140 fist and cage. Playing to 1300+ in pvp. that was also the point where I stopped grinding PVE. I still have no usable 5*s, and I have 4 champed 4*s. I have about 6-8 4*s that are not at 13 covers.
    You just have to figure out how to do it. at this point, I can climb to 1000 in PVP in in hour.
    As for 6 rounds of a boss event, the most casual of alliances should do that. Our casual (not t250 in PVE or PVP) alliance completed R8. My main alliance finished R8 on both sides, and I hit progression on both sides).
    4*s are not hard to get unless you refuse to do the ways to get them.
    Also, the best way to progress, and the only reason I'm still playing, is to find a decent alliance.
    I'm not trying to be a jerk, but...
    If you are not going to grind PVE or climb to 1000 in PVP, what's the point of it?
  • elusive
    elusive Posts: 261 Mover and Shaker
    edited May 2016
    I've spent almost $200 on this game and I'm basically in the same boat as the topic creator, not to mention I get a little pissed at seeing anyone throw around the word "entitlement" after all of the time I put into this, especially back when 4 stars were just happening and the climb into 3 star land was more difficult than it is today (and there was no Iron Fist or Luke Cage to make things easy). I wish I could make 1000 points in PVP in an hour, too, but it usually takes me anywhere from 5-10 minutes to finish a PvP match that's worth 30-40 points and I don't always win them, either, since the new matchmaking system has me fight teams that are right at or above my level and the AI loves to trigger cascades.

    Don't throw around buzzwords and act like you're better than others when you don't even know how much time and money they've put into the game.

    Edit: I went ahead and started the Iron Fist PVP to test out what I just said. The first non-seed team I find is one with a maxed Iron Fist (who's also boosted), a championed 3 star Magneto, and a Silver Surfer. I timed myself, and it took just over six minutes to complete. My Iron Fist fell and my other two characters, both of whom are championed and have almost 13000 HP when boosted, ended at 700 HP and 3300 HP. All of that for ~40 points, putting me at 159 for the event so far. Next up is a maxed out/championed team of Iron Fist, Magneto, and Hood for 28 points. I must really suck at playing this game now, because I can see that team giving me a headache and leaving me having to use health kits, too.
  • wirius
    wirius Posts: 667
    edited May 2016
    Came back to this post and saw a couple of posts by the type of negative people who exist in every multiplayer game. They aren't posting on here to listen to your concerns, they're posting to subtly brag about themselves and give the illusion that if you don't sink hours of your life into a match-3 puzzle game, you're a wuss... or something.

    Ignore them. You're asking for a way to make the game better for all players. They're asking for a platform for their own ego. I think most players, even the top players, would benefit from having content catered more toward 4* and 4* obtainment now that we have 33? 4 stars in the game. This is about time when the devs eased 3* obtainment, its time again now.
  • Dragon_Nexus
    Dragon_Nexus Posts: 3,701 Chairperson of the Boards
    Speaking on a personal level, my PvP success has dried up over the last few months. Last year I'd hit 1000 in maybe 2 out of 3 PvPs but something changed and I've hit it maybe 5 or 6 times this year. Most of the time now I get to about 900 and then I cannot progress, either because the only fights available are this week's 4* champed out, usually with OML at level 325+, so I'm stuck using my unboosted 4* (one of three maxed out) and hoping for a quick kill. And then afterwards i'm hit for more points than I gained.

    I used to join a bracket where the leaders were getting 2000+ points and all the fighting was up there, leaving me free to coast to 1000 points, but that's been so difficult for a long time. I consider myself lucky hitting 950 these days. I always end up regretting trying to hit 1000 since if I *do* somehow manage to win I've been knocked back down to 820 at best at the end of it, meaning I should have just shielded.

    And then as a final insult I finish the PvP 102nd, not even gaining the 3* reward.

    I put the blame almost entirely on the nerfed 3* roster. Now a 3* roster is an easy win since they don't hit nearly as hard. My 4*s scare off the 3* guys, but the people with a boosted 4* laugh at me.
  • chaos01
    chaos01 Posts: 316 Mover and Shaker
    This is my problem. I can get to 800+ points in PVP if and when I want. Then I get murdered by 4/5 star teams seemingly at will. I go for a single match and the dreaded -100 comes up. That's playing at non peak times as I try to avoid the 8 hour, 3 hour, last hour. I used to hit 1000 when I wanted. But really it has become an MMR battle (I must be the lowest of the big league).

    As Wirius said I just wish there was something for me to do with my under covered 4 stars. That said maybe I'll dump all my ISO for the next month into my Teen Jean and see what happens when I'm running a 270 4 star.