Level increases in story event

AXP_isme Posts: 809 Critical Contributor
With the feature in the story event tests that shows you how many level enemies gain when you defeat the node I saw a problem in 'a tree groots in new York'. When I defeated the node the levels of the Maggia thugs went up (about 25 levels iirk) but Juggernaut's level didn't increase. When I went back to the node Juggernaut's level had increased to the same as the goons. It seems to only be a visual thing where the ticker isn't always going up, it doesn't affect gameplay in any way. I don't know if it makes any difference but I think this was the third time I'd cleared the node.

This happened at about 17:20 BST on May 16th it was on an iPhone 6S on iOS 9.3.1 on version 100 of the software.

Let me know if I can provide any other information.