Pve fix

OneLastGambit Posts: 1,963 Chairperson of the Boards
edited May 2016 in MPQ General Discussion
There have been a couple of posts recently (and in the past) about the dissatisfaction with pve (credit to stax for inspiring my fix) here's my thoughts...

I do think pve should move away from placement awards or if the devs really do want to keep pve placement then make placement awards all iso. Put all covers in progression and give us some truly excellent iso prizes for grinding like a madman.

I usually place t10 for most pve events by a combination of different tactics which actually favour the placement model but I would still rather have progression based awards. It solves a number of problems:

1. If its progression based then congrats! Remember how you said you wanted people to play to their own time schedule? With progression based They do and there's no need for lots of testing.

2. It stops certain people exploiting the bracket system and in fact does away with a need for a bracket system at all (unless you go for the amalgamation system I suggested above) which has to be good for servers.

3. It makes the chance of reward equal for everyone who plays and favours nobody - currently if you have a good roster you get good prizes it's that simple. Sounds fair right? But if you're a new player then how do you earn good prizes when you have a starting roster? Most new players will stop playing when they realize this.

What I propose?

Make a difficulty selection phase. When you enter pve you select a difficulty level
Easy = levels are 30 below your average
Medium= levels are 30 above your average
Hard = levels are 90 above your average

And each difficulty setting comes with it's own prizes too

Easy = iso, hp, a couple of standard tokens and 3 x 2* covers
Medium= twice the iso of easy, same hp, a couple of event tokens and 3 x 3* covers
Hard= twice the iso of medium, same hp, one LT and 3 x 4* covers.

Now.... That takes care of that. If you want to amalgamate my new format with the old one then throw in

1-2nd place = 50k iso
3-5th place = 35k iso
5-10th place = 15k iso

I'm sure you can work out the rest of the reward structure for placement.

This takes care of nearly all current issues in the game whilst also making it so people can CHOOSE when to play. Want some iso ? Gonna have to grind and use some health packs. Want covers only? Choose your difficulty and play at your leisure .

* I'm gonna pre empt a comment here- yes a 2* player does not need 50k iso for finishing 1st but guess what? A 2* player has nothing to spend it on anyway until he becomes a 4* player so why does it matter if he gets it as long as the 4* player does as well.

That's my fix. Upvote if you agree or don't if you don't.


  • OneLastGambit
    OneLastGambit Posts: 1,963 Chairperson of the Boards
    Could a mod please move this to auggestions, I think pretty much everyone has seen it now