5* Quasar!

slantedandenchanted Posts: 127 Tile Toppler
edited June 2016 in Speculation and Concepts
Quasar (Wendell Vaughn)

yellowflag.png(Passive) Quantum Energy: Wendell is a being of pure Quantum energy, and as such is protected from incoming attacks. Wendell takes 5% less damage from enemy powers. At the start of the turn, if you have at least 12 yellow AP create a strength 90 yellow protect tile, consuming all AP to do so.
2 Covers: Creates a strength 150 yellow protect tile.
3 Covers: Creates a strength 200 yellow protect tile.
4 Covers: Creates a strength 250 yellow protect tile.
5 Covers: Wendell takes 10% less damage from enemy powers.

blueflag.png 12 AP Containment Field: Wendell contains the target enemy in a forcefield, trapping them and disallowing them from the combat. Turns a random basic blue tile into a 3-turn countdown locked tile. As long as this tile is on the field the target enemy cannot attack and is treated as stunned. Tile is removed when either matched or if Quasar takes 5% or more damage. As long as such a tile exists, this power becomes "Quantum Slam"
2 Covers: -1 AP Cost to Containment Field.
3 Covers: -1 AP Cost to Containment Field.
4 Covers: Quantum Slam now deals 1800 damage to the enemy team and creates three charged tiles.
5 Covers: Quantum Slam now deals 2500 damage to the enemy team and creates four charged tiles.

blueflag.png 8 AP Quantum Slam: Wendell slams the enemy trapped in the containment field onto the enemy team dealing 800 damage to the enemy team and destroys a 5x5 radius of tiles around the locked tile dealing extra damage to the enemy trapped in the containment field. The massive amount of energy left from the wake turns two random basic yellow, purple, or blue tiles into charged tiles.

purpleflag.png 9 AP Quantum Forcefield: Quasar uses the power of his Quantum bands to create a forcefield for his allies, however this pulls him out of combat temporarily while he concentrates. Stuns Quasar for 2 turns but creates a strength 125 Purple protect tile for each ally still in the fight.
2 Covers: Creates a strength 170 Purple protect tile for each ally still in the fight.
3 Covers: Stuns Quasar for 1 turn and creates a strength 210 protect tile for each ally still in the fight.
4 Covers: Creates a strength 250 Purple protect tile for each ally still in the fight.
5 Covers: Creates a strength 300 Purple protect tile for each ally still in the fight.

We have a ton of offensive type "damage" characters being released in the game, I felt like bringing in a more "control" type character might shake things up a bit. Hence why I designed Quasar to be the kind of guy who just doesn't go down while also controlling the battlefield accordingly. He isn't exactly a "heavy damage" type character but he can be if he needs to be(Quantum Slam). Either way, he'd be a pain in the **** to get rid of.
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  • zodiac339
    zodiac339 Posts: 1,948 Chairperson of the Boards
    yellowflag.png The wording ends up with an unlimited number of protect tiles if the AP isn't used (easily accomplished by team comp) and that's a toxic thing to have in the game. While it's easy enough to add "caps at X tiles" a more interesting idea is: "If there are 10 protect tiles at the start of your turn, the power reaches critical mass, converting all protect tiles to basic/charged tiles and destroying all tiles surrounding them. Destroyed tiles do not generate AP." Charged tiles make sense with the character and probably should be in his kit somewhere.

    blueflag.png The locked tile makes sense thematically as a containment field, and since the locked tiles other characters use are noticeably different from each other, it shouldn't be too much of an issue for the system to know that it belongs to that power. I'd suggest it not specifically target blue tiles, but instead target the target enemy's strongest color (locking their power down). You do intend Quantum Slam to unlock the tile for balance's sake, right?

    purpleflag.png Hmm. Lower the cost. 8 purpletile.png . It has a downside, so lower cost. Oh, and if the yellow were to use charged tiles, maybe add "If there are at least 6 charged tiles, this power becomes Quantum Force, destroying all charged tiles." And in this case, Quantum Force would get the AP from the destroyed tiles.

    So, do these changes sound interesting?
  • slantedandenchanted
    slantedandenchanted Posts: 127 Tile Toppler
    zodiac339 wrote:
    :yellowflag: The wording ends up with an unlimited number of protect tiles if the AP isn't used (easily accomplished by team comp) and that's a toxic thing to have in the game. While it's easy enough to add "caps at X tiles" a more interesting idea is: "If there are 10 protect tiles at the start of your turn, the power reaches critical mass, converting all protect tiles to basic/charged tiles and destroying all tiles surrounding them. Destroyed tiles do not generate AP." Charged tiles make sense with the character and probably should be in his kit somewhere.

    blueflag.png The locked tile makes sense thematically as a containment field, and since the locked tiles other characters use are noticeably different from each other, it shouldn't be too much of an issue for the system to know that it belongs to that power. I'd suggest it not specifically target blue tiles, but instead target the target enemy's strongest color (locking their power down). You do intend Quantum Slam to unlock the tile for balance's sake, right?

    purpleflag.png Hmm. Lower the cost. 8 purpletile.png . It has a downside, so lower cost. Oh, and if the yellow were to use charged tiles, maybe add "If there are at least 6 charged tiles, this power becomes Quantum Force, destroying all charged tiles." And in this case, Quantum Force would get the AP from the destroyed tiles.

    So, do these changes sound interesting?

    You have a good point with the yellow power and purple however since Quasar isn't all that aggressive and I designed him to be less aggressive I feel like he works better as a defensive "turtle" character.
  • Suddenreal
    Suddenreal Posts: 92 Match Maker
    That blue seems OP to me. Every stun has a number of turns active, but this one doesn't. So if you use it on the last enemy, you can just grind him down without any retaliation (just don't touch that tile or that power). I would change that containment tile into a Countdown Tile so there's at least a (small) chance of escape.
  • zodiac339
    zodiac339 Posts: 1,948 Chairperson of the Boards

    You have a good point with the yellow power and purple however since Quasar isn't all that aggressive and I designed him to be less aggressive I feel like he works better as a defensive "turtle" character.
    I don't remember enough about Quasar to know what the flavor should really be. It must be over 20 years since I saw any of the Quasar comics. The amount of protect tiles going on just seems excessive.

    Read a bit from wiki. Shielding and containing fit. Draining power is another common tactic. Attacks are typically with constructs, so hurling the containment unit is a cool way to demonstrate that. Hmm. Here's an idea for the draining effect. Rather than a steal effect, instead, it's a targeted AP destruction. Read like this: "Wendell realizes that his enemy's powers are dangerous and drains them to neutralize the threat. Target one basic tile, converting it to a charged tile (I know, I know. I talk about charged tiles a lot, but someone has to be able to use them. 4hor shouldn't have all the fun). Destroy 1 AP of the target color from the enemy's AP pool." Increase number of tiles that can be targeted with levels, and amount of AP destroyed per targeted tile to 2 AP, probably at level 4. For a 5 star, and the lack of damage, maybe 6 to 8 AP to use it, though with the power of choosing up to 10 cumulative AP of selected colors, 8 is probably closer to correct.
  • slantedandenchanted
    slantedandenchanted Posts: 127 Tile Toppler
    zodiac339 wrote:

    You have a good point with the yellow power and purple however since Quasar isn't all that aggressive and I designed him to be less aggressive I feel like he works better as a defensive "turtle" character.
    I don't remember enough about Quasar to know what the flavor should really be. It must be over 20 years since I saw any of the Quasar comics. The amount of protect tiles going on just seems excessive.

    Read a bit from wiki. Shielding and containing fit. Draining power is another common tactic. Attacks are typically with constructs, so hurling the containment unit is a cool way to demonstrate that. Hmm. Here's an idea for the draining effect. Rather than a steal effect, instead, it's a targeted AP destruction. Read like this: "Wendell realizes that his enemy's powers are dangerous and drains them to neutralize the threat. Target one basic tile, converting it to a charged tile (I know, I know. I talk about charged tiles a lot, but someone has to be able to use them. 4hor shouldn't have all the fun). Destroy 1 AP of the target color from the enemy's AP pool." Increase number of tiles that can be targeted with levels, and amount of AP destroyed per targeted tile to 2 AP, probably at level 4. For a 5 star, and the lack of damage, maybe 6 to 8 AP to use it, though with the power of choosing up to 10 cumulative AP of selected colors, 8 is probably closer to correct.

    I did add charge effects to his blue powder, I just feel like because Quasar is usually pretty defensive when he fights that protect tiles would be fitting. Plus, the whole idea I had for him would be that he'd control the battlefield with protect tiles and get rid of the enemy when he needs to.

    I did change his blue power into a countdown tile though icon_razz.gif
  • Aerospade777
    Aerospade777 Posts: 36 Just Dropped In
    I love the idea, Quasar is a great choice!