Losing Covers

MojoWild Posts: 765 Critical Contributor
Anyone else losing covers they are saving?
Like they just disappear?

Last week I had a Fury cover disappear that I'd had for a couple days but CS said that was a sync issue, which I thought was odd and wrong cause I'd had it four days on multiple devices. Plus I'd seen the cover there during one play session, then it was gone.

Then just now I had a Thing cover with a week left, and now it's gone. One common between the two was that I'd just finished the DDQ, so not sure if there's a bug or not.

I hesitate to open a ticket on Thing because I assume they'll just tell me the same thing as before, even though I've only been on one device today.

Anyone else?


  • mrPuzzleQuester
    mrPuzzleQuester Posts: 34 Just Dropped In
    Yes, I think I had the same problem but with a 3* Daken I had won the last time he was in the DPD. It was a blue cover I had not applied right away but was going to since he is 5/3/2 and it would have completed him. I went to check it the other day and noticed it missing...I just assumed it was accidentally deleted but I thought that was pretty unlikely since I needed that cover. Maybe I'll send a ticket to CS and see what they say. Thought I was going crazy but after seeing your post maybe I'm not as crazy as I thought.
  • mrPuzzleQuester
    mrPuzzleQuester Posts: 34 Just Dropped In
    So I put in a ticket right after I posted here and got a response/resolution from CS within 24hrs with a much more positive result than yours Mojo - they gave me the missing 3* Daken that disappeared from my queue, no questions asked. They didn't say why it happened but just gave me the cover after I told them I think the cover just disappeared - I'm following up to see if I get an explanation as to why this happened and will follow up if they give a response. I'll be extra careful with my queue now and try to keep track of whats there in case this happens again.
  • MojoWild
    MojoWild Posts: 765 Critical Contributor
    They did tell me that they'd helped me out once before, when I think it was actually a sync issue, so they couldn't again, because they said this was the same thing.
  • MojoWild
    MojoWild Posts: 765 Critical Contributor
    OJSP wrote:
    MojoWild wrote:
    They did tell me that they'd helped me out once before, when I think it was actually a sync issue, so they couldn't again, because they said this was the same thing.
    What is this? Double Jeopardy?

    They said preventing sync issues falls on the player, so they did me a favor the first time.

    But this wasn't a sync error imo.
  • MojoWild
    MojoWild Posts: 765 Critical Contributor
    OJSP wrote:
    MojoWild wrote:
    But this wasn't a sync error imo.
    I agree. The 2 occasions sounded like they were caused by 2 different things. I don't know how to prove what's happened though..

    Me either and explaining/communicating by email with CS is difficult. Wish there was a phone number to call sometimes.