How about a simple scaling like this

MarcSpector68 Posts: 45 Just Dropped In
With all the scaling issues talked about in the forum how about something basic and fair that does not destroy players because they have 1 or 2 5* or maxed 4*. The system would take into account all of a players character levels and scale the Trivial to Deadly opponents as follows (Using my character levels):

256 126 104 70 55 134 120 91 70 53
154 125 104 70 55 131 120 90 68 50
140 124 104 70 55 130 117 89 66 45
137 123 102 70 53 128 117 86 66
135 121 101 70 53 128 115 81 66
127 110 70 66 127 108 70 63
127 104 70 55

Average of character levels: 96.8
Median Character level 101
Mode of Character levels 70
Std Dev 36

The normal difficulty would be the average of the mean, mode and average character level statistics (In this case 89). This will normalize out having a really high level character or a really low level character. the levels would then be based on either subtracting or adding the standard deviation to the "Normal Value". This would give a ranging something like this:
Trivial <54
Easy >54
Normal >89
Hard >124
Deadly >160

Any thoughts???


  • Lukoil
    Lukoil Posts: 266 Mover and Shaker
    What about situation when you have 1 high level(oml max) and all other start level characters (70-40-15-1 for essentials)
    (255 + 70*40 + 40*40 + 15*14 + 1*8 )/103= 47 average
  • MarcSpector68
    MarcSpector68 Posts: 45 Just Dropped In
    The normal difficulty would start at 47 and go up and down based on the standard deviation. Since most of the characters are very low compared to the one 255 it's unfair to give that person 150s to fight as easy.
  • firethorne
    firethorne Posts: 1,505 Chairperson of the Boards
    So, by buying ten character slots and rostering ten level one characters, you reduce your average opponent level from 89 to 58?

    By using a simple average, you open the door wide open for someone to completely exploit the system. For every "real" character you get, you just need to buy a second slot for an unleveled character, and you've wildly altered the difficulty.

    And even ignoring exploits, it still doesn't make sense for people not gaming the system. Why should someone who kept Yelena, Bagman, IM35, or whatever other worthless 1* or 2* have an easier go than someone who didn't?

    I kept only Juggs. He gets thought DDQ node one just fine on his own. I shouldn't get punished with higher scalings because I didn't keep 7 1*s I never use.