iOS/Android cross-platform issue (possible exploit)

DaveR4470 Posts: 931 Critical Contributor
I play MPQ on my iPhone and my Kindle Fire. With the start of Civil War, I've noticed that if I clear out the submissions on my Kindle, they don't lock out on the other platform. So I can clear all the subs and boss fights on my Kindle, then go to my phone and clear all the subs and boss missions again, with full point crediting (i.e. it's not a failure to update issue; when I go to the iPhone I have the same point total as I did after clearing the subs.

I'm not sure if it works in the other direction (clearing iPhone first). Just with clearing the Kindle first.

I hate to report this, because it would be a huge boost to me personally to double dip like this (non-elite alliance and all that), but... ethics and morality and all that.


  • DaveR4470
    DaveR4470 Posts: 931 Critical Contributor
    Update: the issue resolved itself after my third re-login on the iPhone. So... problem solved, I guess?