Server Down Shocker

Linkster79 Posts: 1,037 Chairperson of the Boards
Trying to start this much hyoed and expected Civil War event and get the now famous "Check internet connection" message.

Please if you are going to run a marquee event at least ensure the players can actually you know play it... This happens with every single event so I don't know what to say really, was expecting it and shouldn't be pissed but some of us have lives, family, children, work or all of the above so would really like to get started so we have time for another refresh before we go to bed. It went down about 1605hrs UTC and I'll be darned if I am staying up until 0200hrs UTC for a second refresh.


  • tacostain
    tacostain Posts: 5
    Agreed, once again another event crashing the servers. You would think they would be prepared after this happening every single event. Take our money yet don't invest it in better servers. Greed at its best
  • azmadu
    azmadu Posts: 63 Match Maker
    Yeah I'm seeing the same message so am not surprised. The thing is what about the other missions and events which are already active? We just lose out again?
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