Replacing opponents?

gigatilburg29 Posts: 88 Match Maker
edited May 2016 in MPQ General Discussion
In PVE you constantly battle Dark Reigh enemies, jugs, rags, daken, moonstone etcetera and etcetera. It becomes very boring playing agains the same enemies over and over again.

I always wondered how come we dont play against arandom characters, we have so many characters right now and more releasing. I know that the characters wouldt fit the story but who cares? This game is not about the story its about match 3 mechanics and strategy picking the right team beating particular opponents.

To create new PVE's it takes allot of time so batteling different teams in PVE would be so much better.

What do you guys think?


  • Smudge
    Smudge Posts: 562 Critical Contributor
    I'm not necessarily opposed to the idea. After all, the characters for whom the original events were designed aren't required in the events. Why not? Sure would beat facing off against Juggernaut with a green feeder... or Gorgon with red/black/purple feeders... or Wolverine with red feeders... or...
  • madok
    madok Posts: 905 Critical Contributor
    After seeing what they did with DDQ and its random opponents, I'll pass. I'll take the devil I know.
    STOPTHIS Posts: 781 Critical Contributor
    madok wrote:
    After seeing what they did with DDQ and its random opponents, I'll pass. I'll take the devil I know.


    Not to mention that "randomness" would likely mean more 4*s. Which would be tough on lower transitioning players and would lock out higher player's rosters. Just look at how fun those Venom Bomb nodes are. What happens when you get Hulkbuster plus red feeders? Or your top boosted characters are now locked out? It would be a mess.
  • udonomefoo
    udonomefoo Posts: 1,630 Chairperson of the Boards
    STOPTHIS wrote:
    madok wrote:
    After seeing what they did with DDQ and its random opponents, I'll pass. I'll take the devil I know.


    Not to mention that "randomness" would likely mean more 4*s. Which would be tough on lower transitioning players and would lock out higher player's rosters. Just look at how fun those Venom Bomb nodes are. What happens when you get Hulkbuster plus red feeders? Or your top boosted characters are now locked out? It would be a mess.

    I'd like to see them look at their internal metrics of character usage. Take the bottom half of the 3* tier and add those into rotation. That way, you're most likely facing enemies that aren't the best of the best and you're not having your most powerful characters locked out.
  • Suddenreal
    Suddenreal Posts: 92 Match Maker
    Enough with the new 4* characters! Take a year long break and add 2* and 3* villains to add new story events! Bring in Kraven, Electro, Vulture, Rhino, Shocker! You can make a Spider-Man Event making them the Sinister Six with Doc Ock and have fanboys rage on the forums how they're not the SS! Bring in Sabretooth, Toad, Master Mind, Blob and Sauron, so Magneto has his Brotherhood of Evil Mutants. Bring in Bastion with his sentinels. Bring in the Horseman and make an Apocalypse event.

    This will give older players to catch up (given all the complaints about how there are too many 4*'s already) and will give more options to new players, and give us an opportunity to use villain characters in PVE nodes continually instead of only the first times (man, my Daken is ripping throug these guy... oh wait, he's on the other team now...)
  • gigatilburg29
    gigatilburg29 Posts: 88 Match Maker
    I know that the improved deadpool was a disaster for low level players but i for once enjoyed the challenge.

    But my suggestion was more about haveing to fight diffrent enemies in PVE, theu dont have to be random but they can be picked from the large pool of available characters the game has. They dont even have to be villans for all i care. I just cant understand people want it to stay this for and fight the same enemy over and over again.