What's an appropriate amount to play every day?

20three Posts: 371
edited May 2016 in MPQ General Discussion
Been doing some self-reflection and have determined that perhaps I am spending too much time playing this game. I'm not sure how long I play each day, cause it varies a ton, 15 minutes (just the deadpool daily to much, much longer). There's a lot of points to consider, the overall goal (pretty pointless in the long run), the fun factor (I don't really love the game, I more enjoy the monotony stress relief and fun characters) and honestly, if I didn't play this game, I'd just waste my time with some other tablet game (before this it was adventure beaks, tower defense, jackpot casinos, etc).

I've decided no more than 1 hour a day, and it's also worth nothing that I never just play the game on it's own. So I'll play it while watching videos, or music, or some other nonsense, but still I've got my timer and everything. It's a bit off-topic but I'm really looking for self-improvement, I get annoyed thinking about the time I'm wasting when I could be bettering myself physically and mentally.


  • Redrobot30
    Redrobot30 Posts: 348 Mover and Shaker
    Depends on what your goals are in the game I would say. I would say my personal time playing varies. There are times when I am grinding like a mad man (like for WS right now) to times where I relax a bit and just do DDQ. There should definitely be a balance between spending time playing the game (for enjoyment) and spending time in the real world. Once you lose enjoyment from playing or realize you've been making too many trips to the bathroom (you know what I'm talking about...) to sneak in a few fights you should ease up on how much you are playing so you don't lose touch with your family and friends. Unless your family and friends play MPQ too icon_e_biggrin.gif
  • mazerat
    mazerat Posts: 118
    I think about an hour a day is appropriate but progression, DDP, and pvp take three or more.
  • Linkster79
    Linkster79 Posts: 1,037 Chairperson of the Boards
    I do DDQ each day so about 15-20 minutes and then whatever versus event finishes at 2200hrs UTC will play that for about an hour before it ends. If there is a story event ending soon will do that for about 30 minutes. Over a week I guess an average hour per day. It's a mobile match 3 game not a full on RPG and it gets its time accordingly.
  • wirius
    wirius Posts: 667
    I've gamed for years. There is one lesson you should learn as soon as possible in gaming.

    Do. not. waste. your. time.

    There is no goal which is ever worth it. You may feel great for about 5 minutes, then its gone. If you have doubts about a game, quit. You will never regret it, and you'll find something fun that you don't have a nagging feeling about. Nagging feelings are good, listen to them.
  • wymtime
    wymtime Posts: 3,764 Chairperson of the Boards
    When it comes to fermium games it really depends on how much you have time you feel you can afford to play. If you look at other games you have energy timers (like health packs), or building timers (clash of clans). For new covers I probably play PVE for 2-3 hours with s bulk of that at night while I watch TV and relax 20 min clear in the morning 20 min clear at lunch. For non new characters I play about 60-90 min per PVE sub.

    I will spend about 90 min each PVP to hit 1300. I have a solid 4* roster so I can climb quickly. I have gotten 500 points in 20min with no health packs. The most time is spent over 1000 points waiting on targets to become available.

    For me MPQ lets me play and get rewarded for playing. I have only run out of health packs once in 2+ years of playing. A lot of other fermium games become pay to play as you progress as you can do 1 battle every 45 min like Clash of Clans unless you spend gems.

    If you only play PVE or PVP you can do decent with 90 min of play a day and thatvis not much