Unable to play until I revive all characters

theMediaman Posts: 5 Just Dropped In
On deadpool daily 1-star battle, I have a level 50 storm and a level 1 Spider-man. Both died in my first attempt, so I Revived storm. No reason to use a valuable revive on a level 1.

I was unable to play the level without also reviving Spider-man. I wasn't able to deselected Spider-man from my team, since they are the only two 1-star characters of have.

There are workarounds (wait five minutes, spend another revive), but it seems like a bug to me.


  • MojoWild
    MojoWild Posts: 765 Critical Contributor
    You have to use as many characters of the required level as you have or less. If you only have two, you have to use them both.