Age of Apocalypse Nightcrawler!

slantedandenchanted Posts: 127 Tile Toppler
Nightcrawler (Age of Apocalypse)

LV healthpack.png
70 3774
170 8851

blackflag.png(Passive) BAMF!: Nightcrawler pops in and out of battle, maneuvering around the enemy and taking advantage of their weak spots. When Nightcrawler makes a match of 4 or greater, he turns a random basic black, blue, or purple tile into a 1-turn countdown tile that turns him invisible and turns into a strength 70 attack tile when activated as well as generating 1 blue AP.
2 Covers: Creates a strength 90 attack tile.
3 Covers: Creates a strength 115 attack tile and generates 2 blue AP.
4 Covers: Creates a strength 150 attack tile.
5 Covers: Creates a strength 210 attack tile and generates 3 blue AP.

purpleflag.png(Passive) X-Force Teamwork: Nightcrawler is always looking out for his teammates when needed. Whenever an ally is attacked for 10% or more of their health, the damage is negated by 200 points and Nightcrawler attacks dealing 500 damage as well as creatinga friendly strength 50 red strike tile.
2 Covers: Deals 900 damage.
3 Covers: Now activates when an ally is damaged for 5% or more of their health. Deals 1100 damage and creates two strike tiles.
4 Covers: Deals 1900 damage and creates three strike tiles.
5 Covers: Deals 2700 damage and creates four strike tiles.

blueflag.png 7 AP Piercing Strikes!: Nightcrawler teleports all around the enemy team delivering rapid piercing strikes with his fencing foils! Turns a random basic tile into a 2-turn blue countdown tile that deals 300 damage each turn to a random enemy and destroys a random basic tile until it activates. When countdown tile is activated, steal 1 AP from a random color and create a strength 90 blue protect tile. Destroyed tiles deal damage but do not gain AP. (Can have multiple countdown tiles)

Passive: When countdown tile is matched by you, create a friendly strength 70 strike tile. When matched by the enemy, create a friendly strength 44 protect tile. (Strength increases as character levels up)

2 Covers: -1 AP Cost.
3 Covers: Deals 600 damage each turn to a random enemy and destroys a single enemy protect tile as well. Protect tile strength increased to 125. Steals two random AP from the enemy team when countdown activates.
4 Covers: Deals 725 damage and Protect tile strength increased to 175.
5 Covers: Deals 950 damage each turn to a random enemy. Protect tile strength increased to 190

Keep in mind, this is the X-Force/Age of Apocalypse Nightcrawler that I based this build on(during the time when he was in X-Force after escaping the Age of Apocalypse).


  • ErikPeter
    ErikPeter Posts: 719 Critical Contributor
    Seems pretty solid, as long as the Passive part of his Blue ability fires whenever you match any countdown. If so it creates a pretty interesting niche case where he will be generally good but better in some situations, especially PvE goons. Right now he's pretty weak but may work as a "Kill him first" enemy since his purple passive is instantaneous retribution damage.

    Blue should be a bit cheaper to make him more powerful. Right now, 8 blue for less than 4k, at best (presuming the CD doesn't get matched away) plus a little shuffle seems weak. Either a bit more damage or make it cost 6-7.

    Nice spec.
  • slantedandenchanted
    slantedandenchanted Posts: 127 Tile Toppler
    ErikPeter wrote:
    Seems pretty solid, as long as the Passive part of his Blue ability fires whenever you match any countdown. If so it creates a pretty interesting niche case where he will be generally good but better in some situations, especially PvE goons. Right now he's pretty weak but may work as a "Kill him first" enemy since his purple passive is instantaneous retribution damage.

    Blue should be a bit cheaper to make him more powerful. Right now, 8 blue for less than 4k, at best (presuming the CD doesn't get matched away) plus a little shuffle seems weak. Either a bit more damage or make it cost 6-7.

    Nice spec.

    Thanks for the notes! You made some good points! I tried to make NC a squishy type character who picks and prods at the enemy while also avoiding enemy attacks in the process. Much like the character itself. I also made him squishy on purpose, while making enemy attacks do far less damage than they should when they do manage to attack him.

    NC doesn't really seem like that much of an "attack-y" character to be honest. He seems more like the kind of guy who'd gain major retaliation for hurting his allies while also tearing apart the enemy team from the inside.