The tipping point



  • Legasher
    Legasher Posts: 67 Match Maker
    This is how I felt with Destiny. After one Iron Banner in early March or so I realized that Bungie wasn't actually learning anything, they were just doing the same things over again with new names, hoping we wouldn't notice. When it gets too frustrating to play, you have to walk away. I haven't touched Destiny since then and don't plan to. I left Marvel War of Heroes too, though mostly because the theft and cheating was so, so rampant. Good luck McG, hope you find something more worthwhile. If the ISO situation doesn't ease up very soon I'll likely be joining you.
  • jimstarooney
    jimstarooney Posts: 576 Critical Contributor
    New McG wrote:
    m not tryin to silence any1,if hes quit and it makes him happy good for him.All these quittin posts are startin to get a bit tedious though.wanna quit?just do it and leave i say.plenty of ppl still enjoy this game so why try and spoil it for everyone else its not perfect but its impossible to please everyone at the same time
    As the "quitter" who prompted this response, a couple things:

    1.) If the posts are getting tedious, they must happen a lot. Perhaps that implies there's noteworthy issues if it's happening with such frequency?

    2.) I am/was a huge fan of this game. I've played every Puzzle Quest game back to the original. I love the series. I've spent more money on this particular game than any game not named World of Warcraft. (Several hundred, but not quite thousands of dollars.) Specifically because of the latter part, I would think that kind of customer is one whose voice would be at least mildly important to those behind the game.

    I want it to be the same fun game I've played and paid for all this time, and it's moving the opposite direction. Here's a bad metaphor for how the game works now:

    Say your parents give you a car. They tell you "if you do your chores, you get a daily allotment of fuel". Let's call it 1/4 of a gallon. (About .9 liters for our metric friends.) Then, every two weeks, they give you another car with a tiny amount of fuel in it. Now you have to pick and choose what car to put your daily amount of fuel in. You ask to get more fuel for the steady stream of cars, because actually driving them is the fun part, but they just silently scowl at you for being unappreciative of all the cars they keep giving you. Sure, they offer to let you buy extra fuel, but it's $5000 a gallon, so realistically it's insane to pay such a premium for it.

    Dear devs: Up the amount of fuel, and let your players enjoy their cars. When that happens, I might come back and drive them again. (Hopefully most can follow the idea.)
    1.Vets leave all the time,i know of one extremely high profile vet that says the only satisfaction they got from the game anymore was pulling 5 stars.not playing.That is a sure sign its time to leave and the guy had put thousands into the game.He left with his integrity intact though and didnt ask for the trumpets to play him out.
    2.The game is still engaging to me,but maybe thats because im mostly f2p,i dont expect things to change for my benefit and nor should you. sounds like an iso shortage is yr main gripe with this wasnt so long ago ppl on the forums were moaning about the lack of 4 stars available and the devs listened,would u rather go back to that?im sure the devs have something planned but i wouldnt hold yr breath it will happen anytime soon.
    Heres my list of problems:
    Lack of iso,daily lightning rds and double iso would go a long way to solving this
    High end pvp is now oml/phoenix vs oml/phoenix very stale harking back to xforce/thora i want them nerfed?NO!A 5 star at 1500 would do nicely
  • slidecage
    slidecage Posts: 3,401 Chairperson of the Boards
    im going pure pvp after may ... game is just not worth playing anymore
  • udonomefoo
    udonomefoo Posts: 1,630 Chairperson of the Boards
    If you don't like quitting threads, don't click on quitting threads. If you click on a thread you didn't realize was a quitting thread there's a special button for that, it's at the top of your browser and says "Back" or is denoted by an arrow that looks like this: "<-"

    You're welcome.
  • NewMcG
    NewMcG Posts: 368 Mover and Shaker
    1.Vets leave all the time,i know of one extremely high profile vet that says the only satisfaction they got from the game anymore was pulling 5 stars.not playing.That is a sure sign its time to leave and the guy had put thousands into the game.He left with his integrity intact though and didnt ask for the trumpets to play him out.
    2.The game is still engaging to me,but maybe thats because im mostly f2p,i dont expect things to change for my benefit and nor should you. sounds like an iso shortage is yr main gripe with this wasnt so long ago ppl on the forums were moaning about the lack of 4 stars available and the devs listened,would u rather go back to that?im sure the devs have something planned but i wouldnt hold yr breath it will happen anytime soon.
    Heres my list of problems:
    Lack of iso,daily lightning rds and double iso would go a long way to solving this
    High end pvp is now oml/phoenix vs oml/phoenix very stale harking back to xforce/thora i want them nerfed?NO!A 5 star at 1500 would do nicely
    To your points:

    1.) You sure seem to know an awful lot about why this person quit playing. Almost sounds like... they voiced their issues with the game before they quit? Hmmm... weird.

    2.) You don't expect the game to improve for me, or you, or anyone from the sound of it. That's just sad that you'd keep playing something that you don't expect to get better.

    3.) Iso shortage is just one gripe, but it's a big one, and not mine alone. When I'm millions of Iso behind and they throw 5 new 4 to 5* characters out in the span of a month, that's just making it more obvious that they're deaf to this particular concern. The fact that 4* are available in Legendary packs now is being rapidly offset by the diminished odds of finding any particular 4* in the packs, as the number of 4* characters has climbed from the teens into the 30s in short order, and will be at least 40 by the end of the year. You'll love the .75% chance of pulling that specific color for that specific 4* you're looking for! (And good luck holding out for that "plan" you assume the devs have in mind. If someone high up comes across that line, they'll probably print it off and the team will have a good chuckle at it in a meeting.)
  • Warbringa
    Warbringa Posts: 1,299 Chairperson of the Boards
    New McG wrote:
    m not tryin to silence any1,if hes quit and it makes him happy good for him.All these quittin posts are startin to get a bit tedious though.wanna quit?just do it and leave i say.plenty of ppl still enjoy this game so why try and spoil it for everyone else its not perfect but its impossible to please everyone at the same time
    As the "quitter" who prompted this response, a couple things:

    1.) If the posts are getting tedious, they must happen a lot. Perhaps that implies there's noteworthy issues if it's happening with such frequency?

    2.) I am/was a huge fan of this game. I've played every Puzzle Quest game back to the original. I love the series. I've spent more money on this particular game than any game not named World of Warcraft. (Several hundred, but not quite thousands of dollars.) Specifically because of the latter part, I would think that kind of customer is one whose voice would be at least mildly important to those behind the game.

    I want it to be the same fun game I've played and paid for all this time, and it's moving the opposite direction. Here's a bad metaphor for how the game works now:

    Say your parents give you a car. They tell you "if you do your chores, you get a daily allotment of fuel". Let's call it 1/4 of a gallon. (About .9 liters for our metric friends.) Then, every two weeks, they give you another car with a tiny amount of fuel in it. Now you have to pick and choose what car to put your daily amount of fuel in. You ask to get more fuel for the steady stream of cars, because actually driving them is the fun part, but they just silently scowl at you for being unappreciative of all the cars they keep giving you. Sure, they offer to let you buy extra fuel, but it's $5000 a gallon, so realistically it's insane to pay such a premium for it.

    Dear devs: Up the amount of fuel, and let your players enjoy their cars. When that happens, I might come back and drive them again. (Hopefully most can follow the idea.)

    The metaphor does work but I will add a bit more. What happens though when the parents don't provide the fuel requested? You switch to electric cars to fill your enjoyment (in this case another game or maybe going to the gym, etc.). That is what I am afraid we have been seeing more of lately.
  • Warbringa
    Warbringa Posts: 1,299 Chairperson of the Boards
    Warbringa wrote:
    Lopan15 wrote:
    thank you for using the standard copy/paste quit form, i will see you next week in pve/pvp

    He quit our alliance and uninstalled. So you will see him when???

    I love how forum posters like jimstarooney love to act like people leaving the game isn't an issue, especially long-time active veterans leaving. I really do like this game but I am think its future is questionable and I believe it has been mismanaged over the past year plus. Let me explain why it tangibly matters when you see more and more people leave the game or decide to stop spending $:

    Looking at iphone data only (probably good indicator for overall mobile app data which accounts for 90% of the players and most likely revenue), it has been downhill since the end of 2014 for MPQ. Now the chart I linked only compares it to gross revenue rank vs. other game apps but that likely indicates it has flat to falling revenue (likely from a falling # of players spending $). The spikes probably correspond with sales that they run on iso and HP if I had to guess. There could be other factors that account for its decline in revenue ranking vs. other games but it is highly unlikely that this trend is not primarily due to stagnant or declining overall revenues. You can get specific data but it is expensive to pay for through several services. This chart alone though is enough to tell me things are probably not going well for the game since 2014. I admit this is not conclusive data but I do believe that highly probable the game is on a downward trend.
    So he should just quit then,and stop tryin to create a dark cloud for people that still enjoy playin this game

    1.) I am not trying to create a dark cloud, I am pointing out the dark cloud that is already there - the sustainability of the game itself can be in jeopardy if people leave and stop paying $ in large numbers
    2.) I still really like the game (as I mentioned in an earlier post in this topic) and the reason I still play DP dailies and get 4000 in PvP season is twofold - A.) hope that perhaps the devs will turn the game around in several areas and I could go back to playing more and supporting the game ($) some day (I know there are have been some changes to attempt this but the execution still isn't there) and B.) I still like playing puzzle match games, especially those with Marvel characters, every once and awhile - just not as much as you have to in order to be competitive (aka progress at a decent rate). This is what I finally discovered after playing the game for nearly 2 years
    3.) I am glad you still enjoy the competitive game but that doesn't mean you should deny or belittle a poster who is not. Players leaving on the forum is a trend that has intensified over the past year if you have been reading the forums (granted forum goers are only a subset of player base but probably tend to be those who spend $ too, even if only periodically) The fact that the majority care enough to post about it shows they still like the game in some form or would be willing to come back with changes. Yes I admit you will have a subset that complain but never follow through with actually quitting I am sure.
  • Grats to the OP for giving up the unwinnable chase, and bravo for posting your thoughts on what finally pushed you away. When the developers notice their business is fading posts like these will be invaluable pieces of information about what went wrong. They have been making a string of negative estimated value changes in the game imo for quite some time. PvE is going to suck and take to much time for my liking. PvP sucks (I wonder who thought it would be a good idea to separate the player pool, should of kept it to 1 single end time that alternates and give everyone a 24 hour shield for the event, now im stuck Qing the same 20 dweebs).
  • itstime1234
    itstime1234 Posts: 369 Mover and Shaker
    I agree with the OP. Game has lost a lot of luster. Pull a 3 star. Obsolete. Sometime worth a champion level but most of the time 500 iso or 50 hp. YAY.

    Get a 4 star. Likely needs to be sold if an older character since you have 13 covers or add another cover to Spider Gwen. Yay. My Spider Gwen at level 70 is really going to make a difference now. Once in a blue moon add a level to a champed 4. That's fun I guess.

    Pull a 5 star, now were talking. Only happy moment these days. Now I am welcomed by a 4000 HP bill and more 5s that are not worth the extra CP since chances of pulling a 5 are awful so only OML, Phoenix and Surfer for me.

    End of the day maybe its time for something new. Been fun.
  • IamTheDanger
    IamTheDanger Posts: 1,093 Chairperson of the Boards
    commandpointsbig.pngLocking topic before this gets out of hand. commandpointsbig.png

    commandpointsbig.pngJJ commandpointsbig.png
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