Ulamog's Despoiler

soultwist Posts: 329 Mover and Shaker
"When this creature enters the battlefield, Process 2: This creature gains +4/+4"

This works fine on the first casting. With 2 void gems available it processes 2 and is correctly buffed to 9/9.

Casting the card again to re enforce, it processes 2 gems as before but there is no extra +4/+4 and it ends up at 14/14.

While card effects like Ebermaw's are not cumulative, this reads more like an extra process from the casting like an how the Llanowar Empath adds 3 mana to the next card in your hand. Plus it does do the processing part just fails to add the buff


  • soultwist
    soultwist Posts: 329 Mover and Shaker
    This is still an issue, however in using in a bit more it might not be exactly as I have stated already. If you have the Despoiler cast and you re-enforce him without the gems to process, he only goes up +1/+1 instead of +5/+5 so it LOOKS like the processing is failing but I think its just an error in the re-enforcement.

    Just speculating here but maybe the game incorrectly thinks he's 5/5 as that's his base (instead of buffed to 9/9) so casting another brings him to 10/10??????????? 5/5 plus 5/5
  • I thought this was addressed in the last update? Does it still do this?
  • soultwist
    soultwist Posts: 329 Mover and Shaker
    I tested/made the post right after the patch but I cant remember for sure if I tested casting 2 with void gems available.

    I can tell you I just cast one with void gems, it's 9/9. Cast one without and it became 10/10 instead of 14/14 then the 3rd one cast (also with out void gems) was "normal and it went to 15/15
  • Upstartes
    Upstartes Posts: 98
    May 25th: Still happening.