Longer delays between hits registering.

whitecat31 Posts: 579 Critical Contributor
For the past 5 to 6 weeks I have been taking hits, and I see it in my score, but I don't get the red retal and the message that I have been hit until much later. I am not talking a few seconds either. I am talking 3 to 5 minutes. This also seems to be happening post shielding as well. Example. I just shielded. I noticed my scored had dropped. about 5 minutes later the hit actually registered. I used a clock to check the time. This is very furstrating.
Has anybody else noticed this?


  • Dayv
    Dayv Posts: 4,449 Chairperson of the Boards
    I've definitely seen this as well, and many other players I've spoken to have confirmed it.

    Sometimes I see the app push messages in my phone's notifications before I see the hit in the actual game.

    Scores, however, seem to update in real time so long as you check in the scoreboard and not just in the event screen.
  • TxMoose
    TxMoose Posts: 4,319 Chairperson of the Boards
    also, when the hit notification comes in but the nodes don't immediately turn, take care in doing a match at that point. I took on a node that had a 3*/4* team right after I got a hit notification and the team I fought was a ~400 level 5* team. luckily I won, but was worth nothing in pts and cost me 3 health packs and gave him a juicy retal node. thankfully he didn't retal until after my climb was done.
  • kibbymiah
    kibbymiah Posts: 19
    Server lag is a real issue but all D3 seems to do is push our new characters. I've shielded, gone into my roster, sold covers, gone into deadpool daily, played the 1* match, gone back into roster to level a character and THEN I get told I've lost to an attacker. The shield should be instant, not after the servers decides to log it. Plus I have passive moves not working, PvP points not adding properly and any time I send a message about it, I get nothing but an automatic response. How about quit putting more and more 4* in and concentrate on improving your servers? Or is making money from HP really more important than game quality? Ow wait, don't answer that
    Another thing, I would really really like my pulls investigated on your end, I know you lower the rates so ppl buy more but the **** multiples are just ridiculous. I won 4 Invisible Woman covers within 7 days. 4. Bearing in mind she's maxed and there's many others, too many others in fact, to choose from but yes I need 4 of the same one. And gold tokens the other day, 3x 2* Wolverines, really? 3 out of 5 tokens?? My roster is massively held back by this and could give so many examples, but as one of the paying players I want you to look into it