PvP Needs some adjustments to points earned/lost

LoserGuy Posts: 2
Good morning -

Long term player, and I spend money. I mention that not to get special treatment, but to make it clear i'm supporting you/the game/etc.

There needs to be some work on the number of points lost when you're beaten in PvP.

There's an increasingly common pattern lately - I shield for 24 hours because I'm busy, leaving in the top 25 somewhere. I come back the next day, have dropped to somewhere around 30, unshield, play one or two rounds. In theory, i might earn 60 some points for those two games. In practice, i'm down 180+ points. Literally. I have screenshots.

I've got no incentive to keep playing (and spending money) if i'm going to drop 50 places every time I play. I can reluctantly accept that people are using line etc to look for "easy" scores when they unshield but this is no fun for the rest of us.

I'm given to understand that the point values are supposed to be scaled according to both rank and the power of the person attacking. It certainly does not seem to be working- i'm transitioning from 2->3, with one 5* (single cover) and only one 4* with even 4 covers. Yet the people crushing me have over a dozen 5* covers, a handful of maxed 4*s, etc.

Where's the balance?
