Characters with Increased/Decreased AP costs

MarcusGraves Posts: 495 Mover and Shaker
I've seen this happen twice so far in the past two days, once when fighting an enemy team's 3* Magneto having one less AP cost on all 3 of his abilities and the second time on my team having an increased AP cost by one on both my 3* Magneto and 3* Storm on all 3 of their abilities.

Common factor seems to be 3* Magneto being in the match.


  • BlackSheep101
    BlackSheep101 Posts: 2,025 Chairperson of the Boards
    Are you sure the common factor wasn't Star-Lord on the other team? He has abilities that lower the cost of his team's abilities and raise those of his opponents.
  • MarcusGraves
    MarcusGraves Posts: 495 Mover and Shaker
    Are you sure the common factor wasn't Star-Lord on the other team? He has abilities that lower the cost of his team's abilities and raise those of his opponents.

    no star lord in either instance of it happening.

    edit: no TU of it either.