Who are you downing first?

cardoor Posts: 185 Tile Toppler
edited April 2016 in MPQ General Discussion
There are exceptions of course, but in general who on the opposing team do you generally target first?

1. icon_juggernaut.png
2. icon_blackwidow.png

1. icon_blackwidow.png
2. icon_moonstone.png

1. icon_hood.png
2. icon_loki.png
3. icon_blade.png

1. icon_jeangrey.png
2. icon_professorx.png
3. icon_redhulk.png

It is not necessarily that the characters above are the most dangerous in their tier, it is more how they can enhance the dangerous ones, steal my AP or make me dread a cascade that makes me want to get rid of them pronto.

1. OBW
2. Hood
3. Loki
4. Jean Grey
5. Moonstone
6. Prof X
7. Juggernaut
8. Red Hulk
9. Blade
10. She-Hulk

I think OBW edges out Hood because she can also heal, so if they were on the same team I would probably target her first.

Even though JG is far more deadly than Loki, I would down him first because match-4 are more common than match-5.

If I have built up a strong strike tile I want Moonstone black off the board and if I do not have specials I want her purple gone.

Professor X would be higher if enemy match-5 were more common. On a team with no group damaging powers I would probably target him earlier (those invisibilty tiles can end up in stubborn spots).

AI loves Juggernaut green and it is so cheap that when he is buffed I usually want him gone or at least stunned before he can fire a red.

Red Hulk is a little more situational, so even though his purple is super annoying (especially when overused as an AI team-up) it is not as vital to get rid of him as the others.



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  • aa25
    aa25 Posts: 348 Mover and Shaker
    I think it also depends on the team. Clearly, the character that serves as a backbone of the team should go down first. In addition to what you already listed, I would also add

    2* storm - Her yellow can deal a massive damage if you are not careful.
    GR - You don't want him to stare at you.

    Sometime, Gamora or Patch make into my top priority as well since I don't want them to use their power when they tank most of the color.
  • PuceMoose
    PuceMoose Posts: 1,445 Chairperson of the Boards
    IM40 is definitely a strong contender for high priority after his recent un-suckifying changes, as even one level five recharge going off for the enemy can be disastrous. On a similar note, I have had a great deal of fun with IM40, Cyclops, and Nick Fury in the current Cyclops PvP - Optic Blasts and Demolitions as far as the eye can see!
  • Smudge
    Smudge Posts: 562 Critical Contributor
    Moonstone to me is much, much lower priority. Her health pool and highly situational abilities make her usually my last target. Even if she can steal my tiles, having one out there actually is usually more of a help since you can completely negate the damage from her purple on top of the fact that the AI has no idea how to try to use it right.

    Honestly, I will clear out Yelena because her turning 2 tiles into massive critical cascades is far more damaging to my team than having my tiles turned against me, plus she's more squishy than Moonstone. I've been known to prioritize Yelena, Daken, and then Moonstone last in some of the DA events, or I'll target Moonstone with match damage but nuke Daken and Yelena first.

    There is a lot that is situational to me regardless though. Most of the low health pool characters are my first target, and I'll direct stuns at the higher health/damage output chars while matching away the squishy guys like Hood. Maybe target them with a weaker strike or something to help get rid of them sooner.

    Blade is another one of those iffy characters. If there's a lot of red out, I prioritize getting it off the board and wiping him out sooner. If the board is red-starved, he's not as big of a target. Bottom line is: It depends.
  • DeNappa
    DeNappa Posts: 1,400 Chairperson of the Boards
    I agree that generally speaking, any AP drainers/stealers and match-X passive powers deserve priority most of the time. I also loathe cheap (team) stunners; I probably won't have to remind anyone who's been playing this game for a while of the devs love of pairing Venom with Juggs.

    In 3* land, I'd probably prioritize She-Hulk over Blade, simply because 6 green is really easy to come by. Having your AP pools devastated is a real pain.
  • wymtime
    wymtime Posts: 3,764 Chairperson of the Boards
    I say the yeagermister followed by the beer chaser. The reason is a shot of Yeagermister should never be used as a chaser.

    Oh sorry wrong topic icon_lol.gificon_e_biggrin.gificon_cool.gif
  • SpecSpecter
    SpecSpecter Posts: 182 Tile Toppler
    Kamala would probably near the top of my list for the very same reasons I love using her. Typically healers in general always take priority and AoEers next, Kamala is strong as both.
  • OneLastGambit
    OneLastGambit Posts: 1,963 Chairperson of the Boards
    Personally I generally go for whomever has the lowest health first since they can be downed with 1 shot from a decent character leaving only 2 left to fight.

    There are exceptions: juggernaught always goes down first.

    And I'll target switch first as well because a 4 turn stun is annoying.
  • zodiac339
    zodiac339 Posts: 1,948 Chairperson of the Boards
    Smudge wrote:
    Moonstone to me is much, much lower priority. Her health pool and highly situational abilities make her usually my last target. Even if she can steal my tiles, having one out there actually is usually more of a help since you can completely negate the damage from her purple on top of the fact that the AI has no idea how to try to use it right.

    Honestly, I will clear out Yelena because her turning 2 tiles into massive critical cascades is far more damaging to my team than having my tiles turned against me, plus she's more squishy than Moonstone. I've been known to prioritize Yelena, Daken, and then Moonstone last in some of the DA events, or I'll target Moonstone with match damage but nuke Daken and Yelena first.

    There is a lot that is situational to me regardless though. Most of the low health pool characters are my first target, and I'll direct stuns at the higher health/damage output chars while matching away the squishy guys like Hood. Maybe target them with a weaker strike or something to help get rid of them sooner.

    Blade is another one of those iffy characters. If there's a lot of red out, I prioritize getting it off the board and wiping him out sooner. If the board is red-starved, he's not as big of a target. Bottom line is: It depends.
    Yeah, can't forget the crit generators. I'll focus on the one that seems most dangerous, then suddenly spectacular strategy goes off and I'm watching half my health vanish from the resulting cascade. But when it's one stars, I still hit icon_blackwidow.png Modern first. That five turn stun trivializes a fight that you might not otherwise win.
  • AsylumTKJ
    AsylumTKJ Posts: 149 Tile Toppler
    icon_juggernaut.png (cheap annoying skills)
    icon_blackwidow.png (stun)

    icon_blackwidow.png (steal AP + heal)
    icon_storm.png (stun + AE)

    icon_ironfist.png (low health but high damages)
    icon_hood.png (low health and AP stealer)
    icon_loki.png (low health and AP stealer)
    icon_kamalakhan.png (group heal + big AOE)

    icon_jeangrey.png (My nemesis, really hate her AOEs)
    icon_iceman.png (cheap stun + big AOE)
    icon_carnage.png (his black is annoying)
    icon_professorx.png (low health + invisibility)
  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    im40, px, hood are the only 3 that always die first, any other char combos, i take it as it is necessary depending on the enemy team.

    If the team were made up of those 3.. i would kill im40 first, AI seems to like to hoard yellow for pistols, so no need to let him live, then hood. PX can hide all he wants, any aoe can kill him.
  • DTStump
    DTStump Posts: 273 Mover and Shaker
    I agree with almost all characters mentioned so far.

    Things that motivate me to target a given character first:
    1) Team healer (e.g. OBW, Kamala Khan, Beast)
    2) Defense tile generator (e.g. Luke Cage, 2* Bullseye)
    3) Low HP (e.g. Classic Storm, The Hood, Loki)
    4) AP stealer (e.g. The Hood, OBW, Loki)
    5) Deadly attack(s) (e.g. Classic Storm, Ghost Rider, Juggernaut)
    6) Represents half of the team's colors, while the other two are "redundant" and in the other half (e.g. Daken in a team with 2* Wolverine and 2* Thor)
    7) Provides the engine for a combo (e.g. Scarlet Witch, IM40)
    8) General annoyance (e.g. Falcon, 2* Bullseye)
    9) Special tile stealing if I generate special tiles (e.g. Moonstone, She-hulk)
    10) Not a self-healer (e.g. not Ragnarok, not Daken, not Patch)

    Characters that accumulate several of these criteria are often first targets (OBW usually fits like half of these). Sometimes there are also contrasting factors (examples, Moonstone might be a good first target if I'm generating special tiles, but she is not squishy. 2* Bullseye defends the whole team but there may be other characters with more damaging attacks like Juggernaut which have to be dealt with immediately).
  • JackTenrec
    JackTenrec Posts: 808 Critical Contributor
    Smudge wrote:
    Moonstone to me is much, much lower priority. Her health pool and highly situational abilities make her usually my last target. Even if she can steal my tiles, having one out there actually is usually more of a help since you can completely negate the damage from her purple on top of the fact that the AI has no idea how to try to use it right.

    I worry about Moonstone a lot more than Yelena. Photon Blast is one of the biggest nukes in 2* land, while Yelena's powers are relatively expensive, and she is always easier to kill.
  • Smudge
    Smudge Posts: 562 Critical Contributor
    JackTenrec wrote:

    I worry about Moonstone a lot more than Yelena. Photon Blast is one of the biggest nukes in 2* land, while Yelena's powers are relatively expensive, and she is always easier to kill.

    Eh, like I said, it's highly situational. If Moonstone doesn't have much red on the board, it doesn't really hurt that much. I've taken more damage from a surprise crit tile generation cascade on my special tiles courtesy of Yelena because I've left her until the end than I do from typical Moonstone blasts (think Juggs green style, but with crits that override my CD tiles or power protect/strikes at a critical moment). Photon Blast is relatively expensive to fire itself. I don't disagree that Moonstone can hurt, but her health pool is the biggest annoyance.

    It might depend on where your roster is overall though, too (no idea where yours sits, so take this for what you will!). I have 20 championed 3*s and one maxed 4*, so I can usually stun or manipulate Moonstone well enough that she isn't a huge threat, and my health pools can handle a blast or two from her. People who are earlier in the transition feel the pain of Moonstone more; I don't doubt that.
  • BlackSheep101
    BlackSheep101 Posts: 2,025 Chairperson of the Boards
    I'm rocking OML + 4*s and I'd always take down Moonstone first. Her red hurts if it catches someone other than Logan, but forget criticals! I don't want her stealing my awesome strike tiles!

    I used to aim for Bullseye before he could get out half a dozen protect tiles and shut me down, but that's less of an issue now. Similarly, Ares used to be higher priority since he dishes out quick damage. Now that I can soak most of it, I worry a lot more about AP and special tile theft. Yelena may steal AP, but not for a loooong time, and I'd rather eat a couple of criticals than hand Moonstone 1200 in strike tiles.
  • drcassino
    drcassino Posts: 141 Tile Toppler
    In general, I'll take down enemies in this order, with examples for each.

    1) AP stealers
    Hood, OBW, Blade (depending on my team: if I'm reliant on one color, he's gone)

    2) AP Batteries
    Iron Man 40, Scarlet Witch

    3) Protectors
    Deadpool, XF Deadpool, Thing

    4) Glass cannons
    Storm, Human Torch

    5) Group Healers
    Kamala Khan, Spider-Man

    6) Bruisers
    Gamora, Hulkbuster, Thor, Silver Surfer

    7) Specialized characters
    Ant-Man, Vision, Doctor Octopus

    8) AP Generators upon hitting
    Capt. Marvel, Hulk

    9) Self-Healers
    Phoenix, OML, Ragnarok
  • Warbringa
    Warbringa Posts: 1,303 Chairperson of the Boards
    Hood is always first because his AP steal is devastating. After that, I usually go for high damage dealers or potentially high damage dealers that are tough to prevent their powers from firing (i.e. Blade, Magneto, IF, etc). One exception to this rule is KK, because of her group healing and her green AoE is actually pretty easy to fire off with her purple. Loki usually isn't a priority for me because I can always choose to not match 4 and if I don't have a lot of tile producers, his black power is useless. IM40 hasn't been a big issue for me because I have usually been able to deny him yellow or if it does fire match one or two of his tiles so he hasn't worried me as much as I initially thought he would. Plus the AI doesn't usually use him effectively in my experience. Switch can be high depending on who she is paired with. In 4 star land I always go for Jean/Professor/Cyclops first although I normally play against 3* more often with the new changes to MMR. One character that I really don't like to sit around too long is Nick Fury if he has 5 blue covers because it can be really nasty to match one of those trap tiles.
  • chamber44
    chamber44 Posts: 324 Mover and Shaker
    I'll agree that I usually down AP stealers first, but i'll usually go for trap-placers second if I happen to be playing one.


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