Is Chandra the new Nissa?

Morphis Posts: 975 Critical Contributor
edited April 2016 in MtGPQ General Discussion
I noticed that even if now each pvp bracket is bigger reward are much bigger too(1st is BIG BOX + 500 crystals+ mythic).
So i started grinding for it or at least the fat pack.

As usual I play nissa with some Gideon backup. All is going fine till I meet a Chandra. Boom start for her and I am in big trouble, I manage to win with 2 life after 10 minutes.
Ok she got lucky probably, let's go Gideon.

Another Chandra with super fast start + spells to kill any creature I play the turn I summon it. I wait to get at least the shrouding mist but she keeps summoning and dealing insane fast damage.

Uhmmm what I am missing? Time to get my lvl 37 Chandra.

OMG. Those start are not lucky. Every time you can unleash the hand by turn 3/4 max.
The first skill at 3 loyalty cost is insane.
Add in rumbling, abbot and animist support(I do not have) and you are in for insane chain cascades that even animist awakening pales in comparison.
Also you win so fast that unless u are against another Chandra the opponent can do very little damage to you.

The only problem i see is that you can run out of cards quickly and if the opponent manages to handle your initial burst you could be in danger.

Anyone else thinks the same?


  • They gave Chandra a nice boost and then nerfed every other planeswalker. Chandra was good even before this patch, just now it's a lot more noticeable!
  • Morphis
    Morphis Posts: 975 Critical Contributor
    I like the fact that I have a third valid pwalker to rotate, mostly for when I get bored(2 walkers + occasional regen potion are enough already).

    The problem is that right now Chandra has almost everything:

    - fast match(probably the faster right now)
    - support destroy(even with no Spell for it, just spam first skill and rumble/abbot)
    - huge mana production through cascades
    - damage spells to kill creatures

    The last 2 points together let you take little to no damage each match if you play a little more defensive.

    I am even using yamae tome to draw cards caus my hand just gets throw down most of the time.
    while gem destruction make thissupport last less at the same time make it easier to draw the card. At 5 mana cost and 4 shield with a little attention I can draw many cards before it gets destroyed. Would have preferred alhammaret archive but I have not it :/
  • Coconut99
    Coconut99 Posts: 212
    Question...what cards (or changes) specifically are making Chandra suddenly the new Nissa? I like my Chandra, but she's always been much slower than Nissa, and I can't see what's changed that much that's making her as fast as Nissa can be with her Animist's Awakening. I don't have Abbott, but have Volcanic Rambler. What is this "animist support"? Or what else is making her so much faster?
    EDUSAN Posts: 197 Tile Toppler
    the 3 mana 1st skill (when used to be 6 i believe)
    with some luck is a ramp mechanic

    the 25 damage 3rd skill (when used to be 10 damage)

    thats it.
    (to me at least)
  • Morphis
    Morphis Posts: 975 Critical Contributor
    It is mainly the first skill.
    The fact is that it gives more chances for cascades.

    What happens when I play is:
    - If I see a 5 match i do it

    - if I see a good cascade I do it

    - if none above is true I use the skill.
    The skill itself then can trigger cascades.
    After skill use I check again for 5 matches or good cascades.

    It is like instead of having one chance to cascade you get 3.

    Also more mana mean more abbot/rumbling elemental that leads again to more cascades and mana.
    It is a circle XD

    Also unless I use the other 2 skills I can use it every turn if I want to. Many times I end up gathering enough for last skill(21 loyalty) even when I spam the first one from the very beginning.
  • Coconut99
    Coconut99 Posts: 212
    Hmm, mainly I just need to pop my Chandra over 38 and then spam her first skill. Okay. Thanks!
  • Meto5000
    Meto5000 Posts: 583
    Coconut99 wrote:
    Hmm, mainly I just need to pop my Chandra over 38 and then spam her first skill. Okay. Thanks!

    Ideally, you want a max level Chandra. You get more Ribbons per win, more HP, better abilities, better mana gain and more. Gone are the days of low level walkers being useful.
  • Coconut99
    Coconut99 Posts: 212
    Meto5000 wrote:
    Coconut99 wrote:
    Hmm, mainly I just need to pop my Chandra over 38 and then spam her first skill. Okay. Thanks!

    Ideally, you want a max level Chandra. You get more Ribbons per win, more HP, better abilities, better mana gain and more. Gone are the days of low level walkers being useful.

    Wait, QB Ribbons are tied to PW level? Seriously?
  • Meto5000
    Meto5000 Posts: 583
    Coconut99 wrote:
    Wait, QB Ribbons are tied to PW level? Seriously?

    Yes, it's been this way since 1.3.1 I believe. Level 1-19 = 1 ribbon, 20-29 = 2, 30-39 = 3 and so on. Level 60 wins are worth 6 ribbons.
  • Coconut99
    Coconut99 Posts: 212
    ...well, sonofa...
  • Morphis
    Morphis Posts: 975 Critical Contributor
    Coconut99 wrote:
    Wait, QB Ribbons are tied to PW level? Seriously?
    Yes it was meant as a solution for people abusing low level pwalker for better loyalty skills and faster matches leading to a much higher ribbon gain over time.
    Not sure if now it is still needed cause now higher level planeswalker have always better loyalty skills...
  • Theros
    Theros Posts: 490 Mover and Shaker
    I had to create an account just to rant about Chandra. As of right now, she broken and brain dead. She is not the new nissa, she is even better than the old nissa. Playing quick battle is no longer fun for me because of her and I've nothing left to keep me entertained in story mode. What happened is that they buffed her while nerfing others. Jacer and Nisasa got a severe nerf. The cost of 9 for Nature's bounty is too much and not even worth the cost. The gain in 3 mana and 3 life is a joke. its use is more situational depending on what support/spells and greens on board. Jace's confusion is not as useful as before. It's much better to save for Ingenuity. Jace's Mind Sculpt has never been that useful anyway. Chandra has no drawbacks post update as far as I can tell.
    Before update, I could rank among top 20 and now I'm having hard times progressing due to chandra. From now on, I'll just conceded my games when matched with chandra. Not worth the time.
    spectating loops and infinite from chandra is no fun and i'm sure the brokenness was not intented.
  • ChrisTot
    ChrisTot Posts: 167
    MADAFAKA wrote:
    I had to create an account just to rant about Chandra. As of right now, she broken and brain dead. She is not the new nissa, she is even better than the old nissa. Playing quick battle is no longer fun for me because of her and I've nothing left to keep me entertained in story mode. What happened is that they buffed her while nerfing others. Jacer and Nisasa got a severe nerf. The cost of 9 for Nature's bounty is too much and not even worth the cost. The gain in 3 mana and 3 life is a joke. its use is more situational depending on what support/spells and greens on board. Jace's confusion is not as useful as before. It's much better to save for Ingenuity. Jace's Mind Sculpt has never been that useful anyway. Chandra has no drawbacks post update as far as I can tell.
    Before update, I could rank among top 20 and now I'm having hard times progressing due to chandra. From now on, I'll just conceded my games when matched with chandra. Not worth the time.
    spectating loops and infinite from chandra is no fun and i'm sure the brokenness was not intented.

    My Nissa decks CRUSH Chandra. Use the second ability and Chandra will waste burn spells on your creatures. Other Nissa decks with fast starts, I lost to. Chandra uses its creature burn spells directly at your face, and Herald of the Pantheon + Supports gains the life right back, imo. Nissa's first ability also gains you life back now. White also has lots of life gain now that negates the same thing. Also, if Chandra gets lucky enough to gain enough Planeswalker points to cast the second ability, she will use it on just one creature too.

    Each planeswalker is played against in a different way. I won't reinforce a single creature when i play against Jace. Against Chandra I won't overextend. Against Nissa, I'll play enough supports to get through a 6/6 spider, and against every planes walker, I'll check to see which planes walker effect is about to happen on my opponents turn.

    Jace with Mizzium Mezzler was definitely an understandable auto quit in a quick battle, Chandra's pretty rough if you start a quick battle at 54 life, but play all the classes, and your planes walkers will have more life to start off the battles and you'll win more games.
  • EDHdad
    EDHdad Posts: 609 Critical Contributor
    I agree 100% with ChrisTot. "Enchantress" is now a viable strategy in Green, since there are so many good Enchantments (supports) with relatively small casting costs. Plus, Green now has a card which lets you look at the top 4 creature cards in your library and choose one. This means you don't need to put as many creatures in your deck. There's also another Green creature which has Hexproof. Also, a top level Nissa can put more spells and supports into her deck than she used to be able to.

    I'd also point out that every top-level Planeswalker can now produce +3 on a match in their color. This makes 6-mana cards much more playable, since you can conceivably cast any one of them with just one match. Yes, this helps Chandra as well (Exquisite Firecraft casts for one red match), but it also helps Nissa, Liliana and Gideon.

    The really overpowered Planeswalker which flew under most people's radar is the new Gideon. His first ability puts an 8/8 creature on the battlefield, which is actually 4 separate 2/2 Allies. This is a total blowout if you have any Rally cards in play.

    Ob-Nixils could also be a blowout, but the computer misplays it (thankfully). It's constantly using its "draw one card and lose 1 life" ability when it doesn't need cards, so it never saves enough loyalty to use its ultimate.

    I'm hoping that, once Gideon no longer costs $15 cash, that the developers say "gee, we just figured out this is overpowered" and Nerf him.
  • ChrisTot
    ChrisTot Posts: 167
    EDHdad wrote:
    I agree 100% with ChrisTot. "Enchantress" is now a viable strategy in Green, since there are so many good Enchantments (supports) with relatively small casting costs. Plus, Green now has a card which lets you look at the top 4 creature cards in your library and choose one. This means you don't need to put as many creatures in your deck. There's also another Green creature which has Hexproof. Also, a top level Nissa can put more spells and supports into her deck than she used to be able to.

    I'd also point out that every top-level Planeswalker can now produce +3 on a match in their color. This makes 6-mana cards much more playable, since you can conceivably cast any one of them with just one match. Yes, this helps Chandra as well (Exquisite Firecraft casts for one red match), but it also helps Nissa, Liliana and Gideon.

    The really overpowered Planeswalker which flew under most people's radar is the new Gideon. His first ability puts an 8/8 creature on the battlefield, which is actually 4 separate 2/2 Allies. This is a total blowout if you have any Rally cards in play.

    Ob-Nixils could also be a blowout, but the computer misplays it (thankfully). It's constantly using its "draw one card and lose 1 life" ability when it doesn't need cards, so it never saves enough loyalty to use its ultimate.

    I'm hoping that, once Gideon no longer costs $15 cash, that the developers say "gee, we just figured out this is overpowered" and Nerf him.

    That's some interesting data on the new PWs! Sadly, I never got to face against them in my pod.
  • Her second got a nerf if you're under 42 icon_razz.gif
    I main her, and yeah, she's good. That first one is brutal.
  • soultwist
    soultwist Posts: 329 Mover and Shaker
    MADAFAKA wrote:
    and I've nothing left to keep me entertained in story mode.

    You have gone through and collect the 10 gems by beating the stories with all 5 planeswalkers? Its a bit of a grind but it amounts to two gems a battle for matches you can't possibly lose too.