Superior Spider-Man (4* Doctor Octopus) [REMADE]

slantedandenchanted Posts: 127 Tile Toppler

The Superior Spider-Man! (Otto Octavius)

blueflag.png Superior Intellect (Passive) : Otto's intellect shines in the field of battle proving just how superior he is! Whenever you destroy an enemy special tile decrease any allied countdown tiles by 1. Also turns a random basic blue tile into a strength X blue strike tile. Strength number depends on number of webbed tiles on the board, max two tiles.
Level 2: Strike tile strength increased by 25% Max tiles increased to three.
Level 3: decreases two allied countdown tiles by 1. Max strike tiles increased to four
Level 4: Strike tile strength increased by 25% and decreases three countdown tiles when matching an enemy special tile. Max strike tiles increased to five
Level 5: decreases all allied countdown tiles by 1, max tiles increased to six.

purpleflag.png 7 AP Spider-Bots!: Otto unleashes his spider-bots against his opponents! Turns two random basic blue or purple tiles into a 4-turn countdown tile. When countdown tile activates, it stuns a random enemy for one turn and turns a random basic tile into a webbed tile. If matched, they explode dealing 350 damage to the enemy team and steals 1 purple AP from the enemy team but leaves an opening creating a strength 20 purple Strike tile for the enemy team.

Level 2: Turns three random basic blue or purple tiles into countdown tiles. When countdown tiles activates, it turns into a strength 88 attack tile.
Level 3: Turn four basic blue or purple tiles into countdown tiles. Countdown tile now also turns a random enemy tile into an attack tile. Attack tiles strength increased to 125. Increase damage done to enemy team when matched to 500 damage.
Level 4: Turn five basic blue or purple tiles into countdown tiles. Each countdown tile now creates two webbed tiles each. Attack tile strength increased to 185
Level 5: Turn any six blue or purple tiles into 3-turn countdown tiles. Attack tile strength increased to 250. When matched by the enemy, the spider bots deal 700 damage.

redflag.png 10 AP Webbed Assault: Otto shoots, and yanks his webbing all over the place furiously with blind rage! Deals 500 damage to the target enemy, Swaps two chosen tiles and also swaps up to two other random enemy special tiles with random basic tiles dealing 165 damage for each tile swapped. Destroys all webbed tiles in the process, dealing damage but not gaining AP. AP reduced for each webbed tile on the board, with a maximum of 5 AP cost.
Level 2: Swaps up to three random enemy special tiles
Level 3: Swaps up to four random enemy special tiles. Deals 350 damage for each tile swapped.
Level 4: Deals 500 damage for each tile swapped.
Level 5: Swaps up to five random enemy special tiles. Deals 725 damage for each tile swapped.

Thoughts??? icon_question.gificon_question.gificon_question.gificon_question.gificon_question.gif
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  • GundamY
    GundamY Posts: 182
    You know, I was wondering if there are abilities that reflect SpOck's aggressive style. Yes, it's true that he is first and foremost a strategist (albeit a cocky one), but I feel like his abilities should be able to kick his opponents down while they're on the ground.

    What about if you have SpOck punishing the enemy team for destroying friendly tiles by inflicting damage? For example, destroying Spider-Bots Countdown tiles will inflict hefty damage, so the enemy team will be forced to either take a few heavy hits or safely wait until the timer is up. That way, SpOck can elevate the pressure against the enemy because he's usually the man with a plan, and his abilities should reflect how many steps ahead he is in the game.
  • slantedandenchanted
    slantedandenchanted Posts: 127 Tile Toppler
    GundamY wrote:
    You know, I was wondering if there are abilities that reflect SpOck's aggressive style. Yes, it's true that he is first and foremost a strategist (albeit a cocky one), but I feel like his abilities should be able to kick his opponents down while they're on the ground.

    What about if you have SpOck punishing the enemy team for destroying friendly tiles by inflicting damage? For example, destroying Spider-Bots Countdown tiles will inflict hefty damage, so the enemy team will be forced to either take a few heavy hits or safely wait until the timer is up. That way, SpOck can elevate the pressure against the enemy because he's usually the man with a plan, and his abilities should reflect how many steps ahead he is in the game.

    I incorporated his furious aggressive style with his strike tile creations, so the idea is that he'd be the kind of character who builds a ton of strike and attack tiles then finishes off the enemy with an insanely powerful "web attack" which also compliments his other abilities. I also tried to make him relate somewhat to the rest of the "spider family" in that he uses webbed tiles. I also merely switched out the whole protect tile creations with strike tiles that get stronger for each webbed tile on the board, meaning if he were to be paired with another "web-head" he'd be quite the power house.
  • slantedandenchanted
    slantedandenchanted Posts: 127 Tile Toppler
    Happened a while ago, but I changed Otto's yellow power into a red one. It made more sense to me icon_e_biggrin.gif
  • zodiac339
    zodiac339 Posts: 1,948 Chairperson of the Boards
    Got something.

    redflag.png Remove the increase in enemy tile swaps. Have a baseline addition of "If there are any web tiles, swap them with random enemy special tiles. All swapped tiles are converted to basic tiles (because of the thing with fortified tiles)." This way, you don't lose the low cost from only swapping a single pair of basic tiles when the enemy has no specials and you can absolutely CRUSH a tile spammer like Doc Oct is made for. You just need the web tile build up. Therefore:

    purpleflag.png Rather than making webs when the countdown finishes, it instead goes, "As long as one of these count downs exists, create a random web tile at the start of your turn."
  • slantedandenchanted
    slantedandenchanted Posts: 127 Tile Toppler
    zodiac339 wrote:
    Got something.

    redflag.png Remove the increase in enemy tile swaps. Have a baseline addition of "If there are any web tiles, swap them with random enemy special tiles. All swapped tiles are converted to basic tiles (because of the thing with fortified tiles)." This way, you don't lose the low cost from only swapping a single pair of basic tiles when the enemy has no specials and you can absolutely CRUSH a tile spammer like Doc Oct is made for. You just need the web tile build up. Therefore:

    purpleflag.png Rather than making webs when the countdown finishes, it instead goes, "As long as one of these count downs exists, create a random web tile at the start of your turn."

    I mean the red power kinda makes sense to me that he'd use up the webbed tiles to sacrifice the low AP cost. He's using up all the web in the area to deal extra damage.
  • zodiac339
    zodiac339 Posts: 1,948 Chairperson of the Boards

    I mean the red power kinda makes sense to me that he'd use up the webbed tiles to sacrifice the low AP cost. He's using up all the web in the area to deal extra damage.
    To me, the damage is pretty low for a 10 AP ability (if all you get is one swap when no enemy tiles are there). Being able to keep it at 5 AP after you get the webbing ramp-up sounds totally balanced. Or perhaps like Spider Gwen, remove one web when making one swap?
  • slantedandenchanted
    slantedandenchanted Posts: 127 Tile Toppler
    zodiac339 wrote:

    I mean the red power kinda makes sense to me that he'd use up the webbed tiles to sacrifice the low AP cost. He's using up all the web in the area to deal extra damage.
    To me, the damage is pretty low for a 10 AP ability (if all you get is one swap when no enemy tiles are there). Being able to keep it at 5 AP after you get the webbing ramp-up sounds totally balanced. Or perhaps like Spider Gwen, remove one web when making one swap?

    But I mean most powers at level 1 aren't that great anyways, and he destroys tiles because he's not like Spider-Gwen, or even Spider-Man because his fighting style is aggressive so destroying tiles makes for a more aggressive character. Removing tile is not an option to me when it comes to Otto because that's what would separate him from the other Spider characters in that he doesn't simply remove the tiles, he destroys them!

    Not to mention the amount of set-ups that can be made from making a whole bunch of webbed tiles with his purple power then destroying them. He would make for a control and destroy type of character, which would make him similiar-ish to the other spider-folk but at the same time he would also be completely and utterly different because he's a far more aggressive Spider-Man. If Kaine was in this game, he would also have to be that way(He'd probably be somewhat like Miles Morales except with a far more aggressive fighting style).

    Granted, I did add AP gain for his red power but even then I'm still hesitant to keep it because it just doesn't feel right for Otto.

    Plus, since Otto is already the kind of character that's moreso used against grunts and minions I wanted to build on that while still making him a viable hero for PvP if need be.

    EDIT: Changed it to dealing damage rather than earning AP. So ideally it would deal whatever amount of damage Otto would make should he make that match.
  • zodiac339
    zodiac339 Posts: 1,948 Chairperson of the Boards
    Say, didn't Webbed Assault cleanse special tiles before?

    Actually, I just had a thought about an alternative kind of Spider Bot. Sorry, I know I'm being a pain, aren't I? But I just had this thought and I have to get it out while I'm thinking about it. I'm thinking of a Spider Bot as an anti-Molotov Cocktail: "Otto sends his machines out to ferret out enemy assets. Creates a (3~4) turn countdown tile. When finished, the Spider Bot moves to an enemy special tile, replacing it and leaving a web tile at its old location." and it there are no enemy special tiles, then it deals the damage, still leaving the web tile.

    EDIT: Billy Club syndrome would be an issue with that idea. I sure hope they fix count down resolution some day.
  • slantedandenchanted
    slantedandenchanted Posts: 127 Tile Toppler
    zodiac339 wrote:
    Say, didn't Webbed Assault cleanse special tiles before?

    Actually, I just had a thought about an alternative kind of Spider Bot. Sorry, I know I'm being a pain, aren't I? But I just had this thought and I have to get it out while I'm thinking about it. I'm thinking of a Spider Bot as an anti-Molotov Cocktail: "Otto sends his machines out to ferret out enemy assets. Creates a (3~4) turn countdown tile. When finished, the Spider Bot moves to an enemy special tile, replacing it and leaving a web tile at its old location." and it there are no enemy special tiles, then it deals the damage, still leaving the web tile.

    EDIT: Billy Club syndrome would be an issue with that idea. I sure hope they fix count down resolution some day.

    Nah, I meant for it to utterly destroy the tiles rather than cleansing them. I feel like it'd add a whole new effect to webbed tiles in the game, so rather than using them defensively he uses them offensively. I used to have it at a yellow though. Maybe it was the wording I had for it?

    That's not such a bad idea though! Because the whole thing with Otto is that he always replaces/destroys special tiles. But I still kinda like the idea that it stuns an enemy and makes attack tiles coupled with his blue power(so then when you destroy enemy special tiles he also stuns an enemy while you're at it, and to make matters worse adds insult to injury by creating attack tiles!)
  • zodiac339
    zodiac339 Posts: 1,948 Chairperson of the Boards
    Right, the ability maintains the 3 star theme of punishing an enemy that uses special tiles by keeping the countdown in play. Add the random stun and damage at a later level rather than being baseline, or rather, have damage at rank 1 and stun at rank 3 or 4. My thought's pretty far from yours as the design would have one countdown only, rather than increasing number of tiles with rank. It could be murder with Carnage as a partner, or Venom. And Venom means no color overlap for use.