
hi, i'm a long time ( as well as an hardcore) gamer, love mind games and puzzles, as much as collectible... plus a marvel addict.

this game is more then great, simple yet competitive. but to bring this game to an other level, we ( those that are fanatics and spend money) need a little extra: theoricrafting !

in order to make this append, we need more info!

a list of the possible characters... this will enable us to know what cover we wish to hunt !
with it, a list ( and descriptions) of the 3 possible abilities... so we can try to build a team with synergie
and where can they be found/buy... missions/ recruiting pile/ reward... in order for us to know where to look, spend money and try to accomplish

--small suggestion before i forget and continue... there is like a zillion of characters in the marvel univers... please please please... don't do like: " marvel war of heroes" you don't have to make 10 different wolverines.... there is only 1, sure some can be remake with special editions or in touch with a story line, but too much is redundant and worst then not enough----

up to now, this is what i found... please feel free to correct me and/or add what i'm missing.

COMMUN (3/7):

IRONMAN, model 35.......................R/Y/B
BLACK WIDOW, modern...................B/P/?
YELENA BELOVA............................P/?/?
STORM, modern............................R/N/G
HAWKEYE, classic...........................R/P/?


SPIDER-MAN, bagman................P/B/R
STORM, classic........................G/B/Y

RARE (4/7):

SPIDER-MAN, classic..................Y/B/?
MAGNETO, classic.....................B/R/?
THE HOOD..............................Y/?/?
DOCTOR DOOM, classic...............N/?/?
BLACK WIDOW, grey suit.............G/?/?


WOLVERINE, x-force......................G/R/Y

((( LEGEND: b= blue, r= red, y= yellow, g= green, p= pulple, n= black)))
