Deck types?

fox1342 Posts: 174 Tile Toppler
What different deck themes can you make work for each PW? I've not got that many, but there should be more I think.

Gideon: Lifelink; Firststrike; Support/token

Niassa: QuickFattie;

Chandra: Burn; Rampage

Jace: Control; Spellbuff

Lilliana: ??? I can't make anything work for her.


  • Liliana's deck is about destruction and discards. Really there is only one real deck for her and that deck is "put in as many rares and mythics as you can, with some destruction on the side".

    I don't really get the names for the decks you have because they aren't stereotypical magic deck types.

    Lifelink is not really something you can (or should) build around, as there are basically 3 lifelink creatures in the game and really only one of them is decent (war oracle).
  • Meto5000
    Meto5000 Posts: 583
    edited April 2016
    pandabear wrote:
    I don't really get the names for the decks you have because they aren't stereotypical magic deck types.
    While there might be some overlap, a lot of deck archetype names may not make sense between the two games. However, I think we can translate most of these into archetype names that most paper players will recognize.
    • Gideon: Lifelink/FirstStrike -> Midrange Vigilance Aggro (Efficient creatures that you buff with your first planeswalker ability) ; Support/Tokens -> Phalanx/Goggle Tokens (A deck centered around casting Pyromancer's Goggles with the only spell in your deck being Gideon's Phalanx so that every time you activate your goggles you get an 4 2/2 knight tokens with vigilance)
    • Nissa: QuickFattie -> Fatty/Timmy Ramp (Nissa's Pilgrimage and Animist's Awakening are used to cast spells like Outland Colossus and Zendikar Incarnate as quick as possible); Elf Overrun (Essentially the green starter deck - Lots of small creatures that provide mana accelereation that you can use Nissa's 2nd and cards like Joraga Invocation to turn all your little creatures into big beaters)
    • Chandra: Burn -> Burn (lots and lots of burn spells); Rampage -> Midrange Control (Burn spells + creatures like Iroas's Champion that keep the board clear and do tons of damage)
    • Jace: Control -> Control (A deck that is 75%+ of spells that keep the board clear and usually 1-2 finishers, typically Disciple of the Ring; Spellbuff -> Voltron Control (Controlling the board with supports and lots of spells while using cards like Soulblade Djinn and Ringwarden Owl that get passive buffs from all your spellcasting)
    • Lilliana: Reanimator (Discarding to graveyard and using other abilities/cards to replay them for lower cost), Midrange Control (lots of kill spells and mid-large sized creatures
    pandabear wrote:
    Lifelink is not really something you can (or should) build around, as there are basically 3 lifelink creatures in the game and really only one of them is decent (war oracle).
    There's 2 lifelinkers and then this guy. Fun fact: if you manage to cast Blood Cursed Knight with a support on the battlefield he will gain lifelink (as expected). If you then reinforce him with another copy after your supports all get destroyed, the reinforced copy causes the creature to lose lifelink. Pretty awesome, right? A similar thing happens with Mage Ring Responder. If you manage to match 5 in order to enable him to attack and then reinforce him before you actually attack - the reinforced copy will make him unable to attack again. #JustMTGPQThings
    EDUSAN Posts: 197 Tile Toppler
    i think you have it wrong..because you cant make a lifelink gideo deck right now. you can make a gideon deck with 2 lifelink creatures

    As i can see it deck types that i've seen are:

    1) Fattys with vigilance
    2) Support deck

    1) Super fast creatures with haste and every kind of damage
    2) Fatty creatures that slowly but steadily kill you while you use damage to mantain the board clear

    1) Small creatures to give them nissa's 2nd skill
    2) fatty creatures and reach creatures

    1) Deny and bounce while Jace wins with a couple big creatures
    2) Support deck

    1) Fattys and Removal
  • fox1342
    fox1342 Posts: 174 Tile Toppler
    I don't really get the names for the decks you have because they aren't stereotypical magic deck types.
    Not being a paper MTG player for a decade or so, I've no idea what are "stereotypical deck types" in fact I don't think I knew them when I did play. Give MtGPQ is so different from the paper game anyway I don't think it makes much difference.
    Lifelink is not really something you can (or should) build around, as there are basically 3 lifelink creatures in the game and really only one of them is decent (war oracle).

    That's part of the fun! Can you make a deck work?
    Mine goes something like
    Lifelink- War Oracle, Cursed knight, Ascetic, Aven BP, Orbs, Archive, sword, Knightly V, Rogues, Mana

    I've had fun with it. Given half the deck gains life I think it's fair to call it LifeLink. No other PW can do anything close.

    It can be tinkered with - Sword and Knights might be best replaced with some other buffs, It's a bit slow sometimes, but I've had 22pt life gain per turn before.
  • If I made a lifelink deck it would be life link creatures and consul, and I would only play the consul XD

    To be fair lifelink isn't bad, and the life link creatures actually aren't that badly statted. It would just be slow however.

    Black has a better lifelink deck because they can use the regen spell on cursed knight to have a consistent defender who drains mana back.

    Could be very good for ob nixilis build.
  • Abenjes
    Abenjes Posts: 253 Mover and Shaker
    My Gideon deck is a life link deck with orb of warding, Al's Archive and Starfield of Nyx and it is slow, very slow compared to most but it wins and wins well, I can regularly take 90 damage then come back and win with full life intact often gaining 30-40 life a turn once it's up and running
    I only play it for fun as in the QB its too slow to rank high even though I rarely have to heal it.
    I may look at the black life link options as I've not played black yet
    the new changes to Gideon and especially Jace are going to make things interesting as currently blue is almost unbeatable in the QB, the ability to bring back a spell for full mana " turn to frog" combined with bounce is crazy and just destroys most decks
  • fox1342
    fox1342 Posts: 174 Tile Toppler
    Chandra(or any Red I guess) can now make a goblin deck work too. A little bit slow without abbot/rambler, but quite fun.

    Or not. It's now lost a few times. Back to the drawing board.