New plan so I can use sell-all button

mpqr7 Posts: 2,642 Chairperson of the Boards
edited April 2016 in MPQ General Discussion
I love using the sell-all button. It's great to sell all 1*s and 2*s instantly. The only problem is that I regularly pull a 4*, then I can never use it as I make a mad dash to champion that 4* before the cover expires. (This is not a problem with 3*, as I've championed all of those already).

So from now on, until I've collected enough ISO to champion my next 4*, I'll just sell all the fully-covered 4*s I receive. Sure, I'm potentially wasting a championing opportunity, but I'll get to have the luxury of using the Sell-All button, as well as lacking the stress of seeing a 4* cover sitting at the bottom of my queue, slowly expiring. Which I'll probably need to sell 13 days from now, anyway.

What do you think? Will you do the same, or do you prefer to torture yourself with hope by keeping all 4* covers in your queue until the last possible moment?


  • Linkster79
    Linkster79 Posts: 1,037 Chairperson of the Boards
    I focus on a single character at a time so even if I get covers for those already maxed covers characters but unlevelled they just get sold to generate ISO for the character I am working on.
  • OneLastGambit
    OneLastGambit Posts: 1,963 Chairperson of the Boards
    In already do this.

    Like link when I'm champing a character everything not usable gets sold to champ them.

    It also stops me being tempted to champ one after another (very exhausting)
  • Xenoberyll
    Xenoberyll Posts: 647 Critical Contributor
    Why can't the sell-all-button be a sell-everything-2stars-or-lower-button?
    Or why isn't there a lock-button next to the covers that can be activated so they don't get sold when you hit sell all?

    That way i'd have to sort a lot less trash manually.
    Sadly usability doesn't seem to be a priority though.
  • Chief270
    Chief270 Posts: 137
    I just wish they would just implement a "sell all 1&2 star covers" button.
  • GrimSkald
    GrimSkald Posts: 2,579 Chairperson of the Boards
    Linkster79 wrote:
    I focus on a single character at a time so even if I get covers for those already maxed covers characters but unlevelled they just get sold to generate ISO for the character I am working on.

    Yeah, this. Unless you have a bunch of 4*s above 200 but not maxxed, then you should only focus on the one you get the cover. I tracked my Iso gain for a while - a good week of play averages me about 25k Iso per day - that's a conservative estimate but also includes Tuesday through Thursday, which have the lightning rounds where I earn a lot more. That makes it a pretty easy calculation whether or not you can max out a 4* - if they are below 120 or so you shouldn't even bother - it will take the full two weeks to max out the character. It's just one level - it won't make a huge difference in the long run.

    I kind of wanted to get a bunch of 4*s within easy distance of maxxing them, but that takes just so much Iso it really isn't practical. By the time you've got them there you have already drawn the cover, so you may as well max them now...
  • mpqr7
    mpqr7 Posts: 2,642 Chairperson of the Boards
    A sell-all 1&2 star button would be fantastic!! I've been requesting it for most likely over a year, but then that request gets moved to the suggestions section, where no one reads it... Hopefully it happens some day! I have faith!

    I normally only get to use the sell-all button around once per month. I just champed a 4-star, so I'm loving using it now! And it's great to sell all my 4*s! I only have around 10,000 ISO currently, so it's going to be a while before I'm close to championing my next one.
  • MarvelMan
    MarvelMan Posts: 1,350
    GrimSkald wrote:
    I tracked my Iso gain for a while - a good week of play averages me about 25k Iso per day - that's a conservative estimate but also includes Tuesday through Thursday, which have the lightning rounds where I earn a lot more.

    This, combined with the release speed, is what saddens me about the game at the moment. You obviously play a lot, but cant even keep up with the roughly 2x 4* per month schedule they are on, let alone try to level 5*s too. Yes, making choices can be compelling....but it should be the choice of how much to play. Selling covers because the choice is either buy ISO at the ridiculously bad value or sell a cover for is *not* fun.
  • PuceMoose
    PuceMoose Posts: 1,445 Chairperson of the Boards
    A simple "sort by star level" button would be great. Like a lot of folks I use the "revolving door" policy for required ** characters, and thus let the rewards cache build up often to the 100+ level.
  • Ruinate
    Ruinate Posts: 528 Critical Contributor
    If you have 3* and 4* sitting in your bench, you could potentially be missing out on extra iso by pressing the sell all button.
  • CubRob
    CubRob Posts: 74 Match Maker
    They should implement a 'Sell Selected' button that would default to all checked. Then you could un-check whatever you wanted to keep.

    Just like deleting email or text msgs.
  • Sambuca
    Sambuca Posts: 34 Just Dropped In
    I keep a few roster slots free so I can rotate in essential characters that I don't intend to max out. Has anyone noticed that if you have multiple colors and max out the character that the ISO sell price goes up? You have to level them up though. If you simply train the extra cover, it doesn't raise the sell price (I also used the max level button instead of checking every time a raised a single level).

    For example:
    1 3* cover sells for 500 whether you roster them or not
    If you get a 2nd cover in the same color and then max them out (to level 50), they sell for 2000 ISO!
    However, if your 2nd cover is in a different color and max them out to level 43, they still sell for 500.
  • Hendross
    Hendross Posts: 762 Critical Contributor
    Me and many others, unfortunately, try to mitigate pulling a 4* by hoarding legendary and CP until you have the ISO required to champion them before cover #14 expires. The exception is selling 4*s you have no intention to level, e.g Hulk or I.W. I currently have a stash ~30 and 9 fully covered @ level 172. It's a 3 million ISO shortage.

    I would also vote for a multi-select sell and select all (1|2|3|4) options
  • mpqr7
    mpqr7 Posts: 2,642 Chairperson of the Boards
    I'm already hoarding my taco tokens, so I've missed on a lot of ISO from them. Although I'm going to go a bit crazy and try to open them to win a howard the duck, because why not.

    I get that it's better to hoard tokens, but then you miss on so much ISO. Plus with LTs, I'm missing out on the chance to win a new 5* earlier, which is immediately helpful for my pvp game if it's the right one (hint hint).
  • SpecSpecter
    SpecSpecter Posts: 182 Tile Toppler
    CubRob wrote:
    They should implement a 'Sell Selected' button that would default to all checked. Then you could un-check whatever you wanted to keep.

    Just like deleting email or text msgs.
    Rather I think it would be easier to just turn that 'You are about to sell a 3* cover or above" message to something like "You are about to sell a 3* cover or above. Do you want to continue selling all or sell all but 3* or above?"