PVE Format Suggestions

Kestel Posts: 2
After being out of country and game for a couple of weeks after the initial test of the new pve format a couple of ideas rattled around in my head for what could be done to it to:

1) Make PVE more less stressful
2) Ease the 3* to 4* transition
3) Ease the 4* to 5 transition
4) Allievate some of the ISO woes
5) Allow for some more flexibility with playtimes

So here we go...

Part 1 - PVE's Nodes

First off, I enjoyed the static node values and increasing difficulty, but I think the setup was a bit off, we obviously don't mind grinding nodes as long as there is some value to it, so here would be a revamped node configuration.

Step 1 - Reduce node rewards to 5 from 7
Step 2 - First 5 node clears have static difficulty/points
Step 3 - Node clear 5 adds +50 levels to difficulty maintains same points
Step 4 - Node clear 6 adds +50 levels to difficulty maintains same points and always rewards 150 ISO
Step 5 - Node clear 7 always rewards 250 ISO, reduces points to zero and starts a timer (2h/4h/8h depending on ISO flow desires)
Step 6 - At the end of the timer, the node still is worth zero points but is now worth 250 ISO again

* Loaner node becomes a 1 and done for 500 ISO

Part 1a - PVE Rewards

Now that we've changed out the nodes/points a bit, lets rework the rewards a bit.

Progression rewards -
Step 1 - 3* progression set to points equal to clearing each node 2x
Step 2 - CP progression set to points equal to clearing each node 3.5x

Event rewards -
Lets finally get rid of "PVP in PVE" and do bands of points for event rewards where those bands are roughly based on the number of high point nodes not fully cleared, example following.

Rank 1 - Missed zero node clears
Rank 2 - Missing points from 2 to 10 nodes
Rank 3 - Missing points from 11 to 20 nodes
Rank 4 - Missing points from .... etc

The numbers on this would have to be juggled a bit, but I'm sure it can be pretty easily configured.

Part 1 - Wrap-up
What do we (players) get with these changes?

1) Reward people for playing and clearing all nodes - best rewards for most effort
2) Remove the concern about logging in and playing every x hours to be successful, clear at your own pace
3) Provide another ISO avenue for those that want to grind
4) Open up more rewards for more players
5) More ways to transition from 3* to 4*

What does Demiurge get?

1) More players with deeper rosters (spending more HP) - needing essentials to hit points for top rewards
2) Grinders will need health packs early if they want to maximize ISO earns
3) Highly controllable flow of ISO based on timers

Part 2 - Overall ISO and Account Progression

A second part to this involves stealing a bit from PVP. Lets add in PVE "Seasons" that run for 28 days and provide progression rewards. With a 28 day format you are looking at 1 7-day event, 3 - 3-day events, 3 - 4 day events, which can all have their overall points balanced out to ensure that each "day" is roughly equal.

Step 1 - Rank/Placement rewards at the end season are based on bands just as the PVE event rewards are (See above).
Step 2 - Progression rewards as below
100% of all points - 75 CP
95% of all points - 5* cover
80% of all points - 4* cover
60% of all points - 3* cover
30% of all points - 2* cover
5% increments not covered above rotation of HP/ISO/CP

Between each season run a double ISO 3 day event.

Part 2 - Wrap-up
What do we (players) get with these changes?

1) More ISO / HP / CP in the pool for playing PVE
2) A clear 4* - 5* progression path (12 covers a year wont break Demiurge's bank)
3) Double ISO event every 28 days
4) Open up more rewards for more players

What does Demiurge get?

1) More players with deeper rosters (spending more HP) - needing essentials to hit points for top rewards
2) More life/activity in PVE events
3) Highly controllable flow of ISO/HP/CP
4) Defined event schedule
5) Happier players!!

If you made it this far, congrats and thanks for reading. Any feedback is more than welcome!
