A simple request to the developers

Yrkcan Posts: 9
After opening 20 legendary tokens this week (16 this morning alone), and pulling one 5 star character, I'm very frustrated and feel it's time to add my voice to the masses of upset players of marvel puzzle quest. As a player that chooses to financially support this game, I feel - like many, that the current system is completely unacceptable, as is your forum silence on this matter. I won't even really start on the iso 8 shortage, except to say that much like the horrendous system for 5 * acquisition, it has grown frustrating on a level that I can only remind your company leads to something much more dangerous to your profits. Player apathy is imminent if you refuse to not only fix the problem, but communicate with the community about these concerns. There are countless suggestions on the forums for you, and hundreds of directly asked, well thought and very eloquent questions and comments from your loyal players that are left ignored. We need to know that you're at least recognizing these issues, even if you don't have a solution in line.

As a player who has spent far more on this game than I would like to think about, I need not only a real fix to these issues, but some real correspondence to go with it. A red phoenix cover wouldn't hurt my feelings either. In all seriousness though, I've spent hundreds, if not thousands of dollars like many others and if there is no resolution soon, you can anticipate player apathy and the lack of revenue that comes with it.


  • alphabeta
    alphabeta Posts: 469 Mover and Shaker
    1 from 20 is nothing and only one pull out from advertised odds on a sample size to small to be meaningful.

    1 from 53 was my worst run and I know there are worse - then went 3 from 3 - that RNGs for you
  • Yrkcan
    Yrkcan Posts: 9
    I wasn't clear I suppose. I've pulled plenty of tokens in total, and very few 5*. 20 was my sample for the week but this has been a problem for a lot longer than I've personally tracked. It really doesn't matter on the exact numbers though. The fact is there is plety of evidence that there is something very wrong with the relationship between consumer and service provider in this game. That was the whole point of the post.