Facebook saved game not loading

cliffmancliff Posts: 41
Hi! Has anyone seen this before? I'm loading MPQ on my new LG G5 with android 6.0.1, and it acts like it loads successfully, with no errors. When the game starts back up, its in the same part of the prologue it was a minute ago. I could play on my old phone, but its saved data is a bit old, missing 25 CP from Frank, and the season end legendary token. (I successfully loaded my profile last Thursday night from FB to a different LG G5, which I am returning tomorrow. I am now trying to get it loaded on the new one. So it seems that even though the load worked with the new phone, it stopped updating sometime after beating Red Hulk's DPD. Why it did that, and why it won't load even that on my new phone, I don't know.) I could play the duck season festivities on my old phone, but I'm short two LTs, and don't want to sacrifice those by progressing with the old save.


  • Last night, I updated MPQ on my seldom used iPad and tried to load from Facebook and it did the same thing. So it looks like it's either the current version or an issue in Facebook. Weird thing is, it worked on my previous G5, which was on the same version of MPQ. icon_e_sad.gif I put in a ticket last night.
  • Close 'er out. CS got my account copied over.
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