Hawkeye & Mockingbird

JeffCascadian Posts: 665 Critical Contributor
edited April 2016 in Speculation and Concepts
I'm in favor of more characters like Rocket & Groot where one slot with three powers covers two or more of Marvel's characters. In this case, it's one of my favorite comicbook couples. I hope you like it.

Hawkeye & Mockingbird

Br'er Hawkeye's Perfect Shot 8 purpleflag.png
1 - Deals 75 damage that ignores enemy defense tiles.
2 - Deals 100 damage that ignores enemy defense tiles.
3 - Deals 125 damage that ignores enemy defense tiles.
4 - Deals 150 damage that ignores enemy defense tiles.
5 - Deals 250 damage that ignores enemy defense tiles.

Mockingbird's Deva-stave-ing Hit 8 blackflag.png
1 - Does 50 damage and creates a random strength 25 strike tile.
2 - Does 75 damage and creates a random strength 30 strike tile.
3 - Does 100 damage and creates a random strength 35 strike tile.
4 - Does 125 damage and creates a random strength 40 strike tile.
5 - Does 200 damage and creates two random strength 40 strike tiles.

Divorced but Still a Couple 12 blueflag.png
1 - Destroys any two chosen tiles. Gain +1 purpletile.png .
2 - Destroys any two chosen tiles. Gain +1 purpletile.png and +1 blacktile.png .
3 - Destroys any three chosen tiles. Gain +2 purpletile.png and +1 blacktile.png .
4 - Destroys any three chosen tiles. Gain +2 purpletile.png and +2 blacktile.png .
5 - Destroys any five chosen tiles. Gain +3 purpletile.png and +3 blacktile.png .


  • SpecSpecter
    SpecSpecter Posts: 182 Tile Toppler
    What I said with the Young Avengers kinda applies here too (multiple people, one profile), but actually I gotta ask why can't Mockingbird just be Mockingbird? She's actually a pretty decent character in her own right and it seems a shame to undermined that by compositing her with Hawkeye who already has two whole characters to himself (not that I wouldn't mind more of him).
  • JeffCascadian
    JeffCascadian Posts: 665 Critical Contributor
    If you'd rather have a solo Mockingbird then design it yourself, SpecSpecter. That's clearly not what I was interested in doing, was it? I put right at the top of my post why I chose to make this duo.
  • SpecSpecter
    SpecSpecter Posts: 182 Tile Toppler
    edited April 2016
    Just because I recognize her as her own character doesn't really mean any strong desire to see her in the game or have any ideas off-hand what she would do if she were (nothing against her, just there are several dozen characters I'ld rather they get to first). But really, why shouldn't Mockingbird be her own character. Heck, she recently (as in just this month) even got her own solo series.
  • ronin_san
    ronin_san Posts: 980 Critical Contributor
    Br'er Hawkeye's Perfect Shot 8 purpleflag.png
    1 - Deals 75 damage that ignores enemy defense tiles.
    2 - Deals 100 damage that ignores enemy defense tiles.
    3 - Deals 125 damage that ignores enemy defense tiles.
    4 - Deals 150 damage that ignores enemy defense tiles.
    5 - Deals 250 damage that ignores enemy defense tiles.

    This needs to be much higher damage. Even if you're spending 8 and they're a 3*, this should still do ~1300 dmg. Heck, Blade's black does closer to 2K and drops that leech tile if fully covered.
  • slantedandenchanted
    slantedandenchanted Posts: 127 Tile Toppler
    It works with rocket and groot because they're kind of a package deal, and it's consistently been that way. In the game Marvel Heroes, rocket's main advantage is summoning Groot to his side. Hawkeye and Mockingbird have consistently been known to venture off into their own adventures ALL THE TIME.

    I can't really think of a lot of marvel heroes that are a package deal like R&G. Think Mortal Kombat with Torra/Ferra. That's why Rocket & Groot are ALWAYS together. They're known to be best buddies, they always have been since the 2008 reboot of guardians of the galaxy by Dan Abnett.