Young Avengers

JeffCascadian Posts: 665 Critical Contributor
edited April 2016 in Speculation and Concepts
I'm in favor of more characters like Rocket & Groot where one slot with three powers covers two or more of Marvel's characters. In this case, I've designed a concept for a whole team of six characters being represented in a single character slot. I hope you like it.

Young Avengers

Hawkeye's Devastating Shot 6 purpleflag.png

1 - Does 40 damage. She calls in Wiccan who turns a random basic tile into a strength 20 green attack tile. Strengthens a friendly black defense tile by +10.
2 - Does 50 damage. She calls in Wiccan who turns two random basic tiles into strength 20 green attack tiles. Strengthens a friendly black defense tile by +20.
3 - Does 60 damage. She calls in Wiccan who turns three random basic tiles into strength 20 green attack tiles. Strengthens a friendly black defense tile by +30.
4 - Does 70 damage. She calls in Wiccan who turns four random basic tiles into strength 20 green attack tiles. Strengthens a friendly black defense tile by +40.
5 - Does 75 damage. She calls in Wiccan who turns 4 random tiles including enemy special tiles into strength 20 green attack tiles. Strengthens all friendly black defense tiles by +40.

Patriot's Impenetrable Shield 7 blueflag.png

1 - Does 40 damage. He calls in Speed who turns a random basic tile into a strength 20 black defense tile. Strengthens a friendly yellow strike tile by +10.
2 - Does 50 damage. He calls in Speed who turns two random basic tiles into strength 20 black defense tiles. Strengthens a friendly yellow strike tile by +20.
3 - Does 60 damage. He calls in Speed who turns three random basic tiles into strength 20 black defense tiles. Strengthens a friendly yellow strike tile by +30.
4 - Does 70 damage. He calls in Speed who turns four random basic tiles into strength 20 black defense tiles. Strengthens a friendly yellow strike tile by +40.
5 - Does 75 damage. He calls in Speed who turns four random tiles including enemy special tiles into strength 20 black defense tiles. Strengthens all friendly yellow strike tiles by +40.

Iron Lad's Future Tech 10 yellowflag.png

1 - Does 40 damage. He calls in Hulkling who turns a random basic tile into a strength 20 yellow strike tile. Strengthens a friendly green attack tile by +10.
2 - Does 50 damage. He calls in Hulkling who turns two random basic tiles into strength 20 yellow strike tiles. Strengthens a friendly green attack tile by +20.
3 - Does 60 damage. He calls in Hulkling who turns three random basic tiles into strength 20 yellow strike tiles. Strengthens a friendly green attack tile by +30.
4 - Does 70 damage. He calls in Hulkling who turns four random basic tiles into strength 20 yellow strike tiles. Strengthens a friendly green attack tile by +40.
5 - Does 75 damage. He calls in Hulkling who turns four random tiles including enemy special tiles into strength 20 yellow strike tiles. Strengthens all friendly green attack tiles by +40.


  • SpecSpecter
    SpecSpecter Posts: 182 Tile Toppler
    Thing is, Rocket and Groot work as a composite character because they were a nigh inseparable pair that also conveniently fit in the same frame. I mean, mechanically it doesn't make much of a difference, but aesthetically I don't know how you expect to fit six full-sized characters into one profile space...
    I mean, as far as composite characters go the only pair off-hand that I think could really pull it off would be Moon Girl and Devil Dino (a rework of Devil Dino I still desperately wish they would do...).

    That aside, seems what you want here is more of a Nick Fury Avenger's Assemble thing, only done three different ways on the same character.
  • JeffCascadian
    JeffCascadian Posts: 665 Critical Contributor
    There are a lot of Young Avengers fans but with the exception of Hawkeye (Kate Bishop, that is) none of them have been that popular outside of the team.

    What I picture as far as the art & animation is that the three the powers are named after--Hawkeye, Patriot, and Iron Lad--are the ones you see at the top of the screen. When one of their powers is activated, I'll use purple as my example, Hawkeye comes on screen & does her damage and then Wiccan comes in to make his attack tile.
  • SpecSpecter
    SpecSpecter Posts: 182 Tile Toppler
    I'm all for a Kate Bishop in the game, I even personally suggested such in the last character survey, Miss America too (who you seem to have left out, but you are probably going for a different iteration of the team). But really, considering this is a speculation forum as well as a design forum so my first thought when looking at builds is how they would fit in the game and that doesn't mean just on a mechanical level but also looks and design. Expecting them to specially code three different profile shots to shift in and out during combat just doesn't sound very realistic. And what about jut viewing the character itself? Crowding six people in a group shot in a space meant for one? Granted between the two that is probably more doable, but it still seems like an unnecessary hassle.
    I mean, two characters as one playable character seems plenty implausible alone, but having a whole team as a single playable character...?