April Dev Video

Leadggb Posts: 23
edited April 2016 in MPQ General Discussion
When will we see the April Dev video posted? They skipped the one in March, so I would think they would be prepared to do one on time for April.


  • Dragon_Nexus
    Dragon_Nexus Posts: 3,701 Chairperson of the Boards
    They've been busy with the tests and such, so I'd understand if they were too swamped to do one.

    Would be nice to have some kind of update though. But then, if nothing new is being added or changed or whatever and they simply have new characters coming, what's there to really talk about?
  • SnowcaTT
    SnowcaTT Posts: 3,487 Chairperson of the Boards
    Would be nice to have some kind of update though. But then, if nothing new is being added or changed or whatever and they simply have new characters coming, what's there to really talk about?

    The upcoming ISO flood to catch folks up, of course! icon_lol.gif
  • David [Hi-Fi] Moore
    David [Hi-Fi] Moore Posts: 2,872 Site Admin
    Leadggb wrote:
    When will we see the April Dev video posted?


    Unfortunately, there may not be a video this month either. I don't have 100% confirmation on that yet, but I'm sad to say it's not looking promising with all of the busy workloads involved. The devs were hoping to pull together some artist/writer interview-type things for Howard the Duck, but scheduling didn't work out for all parties. I'm personally bummed as it would have been fun and informative for everyone. Apologies.
  • Colognoisseur
    Colognoisseur Posts: 807 Critical Contributor

    I get that a video takes time but a little bit of information typed out in an announcement takes less time and be put together over a few days.
    Some things I'd like to hear them address:

    1. The point of the testing in PvP and PvE. Clearly the PvP did what they wanted and has been implemented while they needed another run of the PvE. An explanation of the goals would be great.
    2. Besides Howard the Duck should we be looking for Civil War content as that movie is close to being released.
    3. Anything on addressing the iso shortage which gets worse with every new release. Most players are millions behind.
    4. Any plans to change the node/pin awards in PvE? Far past time for the critical boost one to say bye-bye.

    Videos are nice but communication in any form is appreciated.
  • SolidQ
    SolidQ Posts: 247 Tile Toppler
    3. Anything on addressing the iso shortage which gets worse with every new release. Most players are millions behind.
    4. Any plans to change the node/pin awards in PvE? Far past time for the critical boost one to say bye-bye.
    Videos are nice but communication in any form is appreciated.
    3. Iso is main in game, they need add another source to get it.
    4. Crit boost need change to 1k iso, and 2 day subs need rework. 7 rewards too low for 2d icon_e_smile.gif
  • Linkster79
    Linkster79 Posts: 1,037 Chairperson of the Boards

    I get that a video takes time but a little bit of information typed out in an announcement takes less time and be put together over a few days.
    Some things I'd like to hear them address:

    1. The point of the testing in PvP and PvE. Clearly the PvP did what they wanted and has been implemented while they needed another run of the PvE. An explanation of the goals would be great.
    2. Besides Howard the Duck should we be looking for Civil War content as that movie is close to being released.
    3. Anything on addressing the iso shortage which gets worse with every new release. Most players are millions behind.
    4. Any plans to change the node/pin awards in PvE? Far past time for the critical boost one to say bye-bye.

    Videos are nice but communication in any form is appreciated.

    1. We are unable to divulge that information at this time.
    2. We are unable to either confirm or deny any future events, rest assured you the forum users will be made aware of any events first after Marvel com and any other media partners we have commitments too, but after those the forum members will be first to know so please keep checking in regularly for information.
    3. We are aware it is an issue but are unable to comment further at this time.
    4. There are no plans at this current moment but as always we value player feedback.
  • TLCstormz
    TLCstormz Posts: 1,668
    Wow. Have you applied, yet?????
  • stochasticism
    stochasticism Posts: 1,181 Chairperson of the Boards
    "David wrote:
    Leadggb wrote:
    When will we see the April Dev video posted?


    Unfortunately, there may not be a video this month either. I don't have 100% confirmation on that yet, but I'm sad to say it's not looking promising with all of the busy workloads involved. The devs were hoping to pull together some artist/writer interview-type things for Howard the Duck, but scheduling didn't work out for all parties. I'm personally bummed as it would have been fun and informative for everyone. Apologies.


    A lot of people are taking the lack of communication from the devs as a sign of a serious problem with the overall health of the game. All we have seen recently from the devs are 1) new characters and 2) tweaks to Versus and Story modes rather than complete overhauls that would seem to be better for the health of the game (at least for Story mode). The devs not being able to take time out to address any of the concerns point out by Colognoisseur and others furthers the viewpoint held by many. Surely the many months before where we have had Q&A sessions or dev videos there were other pressing things going on in the games development but time was still made to communicate to us. Why is it different now? Surely some sort of communication is better than the deafening silence we are currently getting about the future of the game.
  • Clintman
    Clintman Posts: 757 Critical Contributor
    So strange, first time I have heard of complaints about lack of Dev communication.
  • wymtime
    wymtime Posts: 3,764 Chairperson of the Boards
    It is sad we cannot get a video or Q&A from the devs for the 2nd month in a row. Since the Feb video the devs have been ramping up the difficulty of the game first with DPDQ random teams then with the PVE testing. they say they want to make the game more fun, but that just means more challenging.

    I wish the devs would realize fun for players would be taking on different enemies instead of it always being Venom, Juggs, moonstone, Yelena and Daken. Look at all the 3* and 4* in the game you could just add to existing PVE events to shake things up compared to scaling players to rage quite.
    ISO is becoming a bigger and bigger issue with each new character and all we have is 7 rewards in PVE and w get stuck with critical boosts.
    When Dave says you are too busy the only thing I can see comming is a bunch of new characters So that means 3 in 3 weeks again instead of just 1 every other week.
  • David,

    I get that a video takes time but a little bit of information typed out in an announcement takes less time and be put together over a few days.
    Some things I'd like to hear them address:

    1. The point of the testing in PvP and PvE. Clearly the PvP did what they wanted and has been implemented while they needed another run of the PvE. An explanation of the goals would be great.
    2. Besides Howard the Duck should we be looking for Civil War content as that movie is close to being released.
    3. Anything on addressing the iso shortage which gets worse with every new release. Most players are millions behind.
    4. Any plans to change the node/pin awards in PvE? Far past time for the critical boost one to say bye-bye.

    Videos are nice but communication in any form is appreciated.

    Hi David,

    Honestly, the lack of communication from the devs is really not acceptable anymore. The questions that Colog asks here are ones that as players, we would like answers for. There is no good reason that we cannot get some Q&A with the developers. We are being treated like **** as players. Lack of time is not a good reason. Make time. Show that you care about your customers.
  • To turn the old phrase:

    If you WANTED to make time, you WOULD.
  • CaptainFreaky
    CaptainFreaky Posts: 451 Mover and Shaker
    I have to agree - I like the video format because frankly it adds a more human veneer to an otherwise transnational relationship between developer and customer.

    That said, if they can't crawl into their little cave or whatever that is to shoot the video, then take 30 minutes to write up a brief summary of updates, acknowledgement of/plans to resolve (or not) customer concerns, and directionally where you want to take the game in the future. Send to for proofing, review it in a quick huddle with the team, then post.

    I'm sure they are busy putting the finishing touches on Duck Season and getting ready for Civil War. But giving a few updates doesn't have to be a big distraction - just do it.
  • GrumpySmurf1002
    GrumpySmurf1002 Posts: 3,511 Chairperson of the Boards
    "David wrote:
    I'm sad to say it's not looking promising with all of the busy workloads involved.

    Busy working on what?

    That's all we really want to know. Don't need every I dotted and T crossed, a simple "here's what we're working on" would be plenty. Can even be part of the sneak preview post for each month.

    Yes, the hilariously irrational might get annoyed if workloads shift or things get scrapped, but sitting in the dark does little for player engagement, and kills morale.
  • Dayv
    Dayv Posts: 4,449 Chairperson of the Boards
    Busy working on what?

    That's all we really want to know. Don't need every I dotted and T crossed, a simple "here's what we're working on" would be plenty. Can even be part of the sneak preview post for each month.

    Yes, the hilariously irrational might get annoyed if workloads shift or things get scrapped, but sitting in the dark does little for player engagement, and kills morale.
    It cuts both ways, though. At one point they announced several characters who would be getting buffed or nerfed to help with game balance, but didn't have specifics or dates ready at the time, and the forum was then filled with complaints that these changes that had been announced weren't here yet, or that we hadn't been given enough details.

    Add on to that the need to coordinate with Marvel on events and character introductions as well as the PR demands to keep some of these things under wraps until the date of scheduled reveal through marvel.com or another press source, and it gets even more complicated.

    I'm certainly in favor of more communication, but it's a difficult balance to strike.
  • GrumpySmurf1002
    GrumpySmurf1002 Posts: 3,511 Chairperson of the Boards
    DayvBang wrote:
    It cuts both ways, though. At one point they announced several characters who would be getting buffed or nerfed to help with game balance, but didn't have specifics or dates ready at the time, and the forum was then filled with complaints that these changes that had been announced weren't here yet, or that we hadn't been given enough details.

    Add on to that the need to coordinate with Marvel on events and character introductions as well as the PR demands to keep some of these things under wraps until the date of scheduled reveal through marvel.com or another press source, and it gets even more complicated.

    I'm certainly in favor of more communication, but it's a difficult balance to strike.

    I recall those days very well (or at least as well as my memory allows recalls something trivial like that).

    I get the Marvel PR demands, and that's fine, surprises are nice too.

    Right now though there is no balance between give and take. It's just a black hole. That's not good for your PR between player and game, and that's one that helps define your long-term viability.
  • Mawtful
    Mawtful Posts: 1,646 Chairperson of the Boards
    DayvBang wrote:
    It cuts both ways, though. At one point they announced several characters who would be getting buffed or nerfed to help with game balance, but didn't have specifics or dates ready at the time, and the forum was then filled with complaints that these changes that had been announced weren't here yet, or that we hadn't been given enough details.

    Add on to that the need to coordinate with Marvel on events and character introductions as well as the PR demands to keep some of these things under wraps until the date of scheduled reveal through marvel.com or another press source, and it gets even more complicated.

    I'm certainly in favor of more communication, but it's a difficult balance to strike.

    I recall those days very well (or at least as well as my memory allows recalls something trivial like that).

    I get the Marvel PR demands, and that's fine, surprises are nice too.

    Right now though there is no balance between give and take. It's just a black hole. That's not good for your PR between player and game, and that's one that helps define your long-term viability.

    Yeah - didn't the Magneto nerf get announced more than 6 months in advance?

    Anyway, I'm honestly surprised by the lack of silence this time around and substance most other times - the devs could be totally gaming this avenue of communication in their favour. We love to give feedback (oh, do we ever!) and I think Dev Video is actually a way to talk about the Current State of Play and the Roadmap for the (near) Future of MPQ - and then tell people to "provide feedback" on a very specific discussion point or two. For example, right now would be the perfect time to do a little video like;
    Hackerman wrote:
    Hey, so by now we've rolled out all those tweaks to the 3* range that we discussed at the start of the year: Quicksilver, Iron Man 40, and Vision. We hope you liked them. We've still got our eye on a few, but there's nothing in the pipeline just yet.
    Also, Champions! We really love Championing our favourite heroes and we hope you like the extra rewards for earning extra covers.
    We've more or less made it through the addition of more Spider-characters for now, and we've heard all your feedback on the Venom Bomb event. We've taken that on board and are already hard at work on something new that's due out very soon. We can't say too much, but it rhymes with Swivel Door.

    And then - here's the kicker - you can make the discussion about something completely unrelated, something that may not even ever come to pass. A red herring. It's easy, just watch;
    Hackerman wrote:
    We've also kicked our art up a notch or two - Frank's neck is nothing if not divisive. But let's be fair, he stands out, right? It's not like 3* Punisher who shares the same torso as Human Torch, Captain America, Iron Man, Black Panther, Daredevil, Daken, and Magneto. Anyway, I'm not making any promises, but we've got an opportunity coming up to revise the character artwork for one or two characters, so let us know which two characters you'd like to see updated in the comments!

    There you go. Instant engagement. And everyone's going to argue about whether the 3* Carol Danvers needs the art update more than Gymneto or "Crazy Neck" Invisible Woman.
  • Raffoon
    Raffoon Posts: 884
    Mawtful wrote:
    Yeah - didn't the Magneto nerf get announced more than 6 months in advance?

    Pretty sure it was closer to a year.

    As someone else said, the silence is deafening.

    Over the course of 2 years, we've gone from a highly engaged team that would pop in to answer questions on a regular basis to........ well, as someone else also said, a black hole.

    Hey, you know, if the devs are too busy to communicate with the players, maybe they could hire someone to help do that for them. They could call the position "community manager" or something similar. That would be useful, right?