Best There Is does do damage in specific case

DaveR4470 Posts: 931 Critical Contributor
EDIT: not a bug, problem identified, see below....

Spotted a strange bug with Wolverine (Patch)'s redflag.png Best There Is.

I was using boosted Patch with Jean Grey (Phoenix). The bug: using Best There Is after Jean resurrected herself (via From The Ashes) would trigger the generation of the 4 strike tiles, but would not do any damage to the targeted enemy.

I managed to replicate this twice. Once, it happened on the turn in which Jean came back. The other time I'm not sure whether it was that turn or not.

Assorted details:

iOS version 9.3.1 (13E238)
Current version of MPQ for iOS (r97)
Jean: lvl 255, 3/1/0
Patch: lvl 173, 5/3/5

Not sure if it's worth a formal ticket or not....


  • CrookedKnight
    CrookedKnight Posts: 2,579 Chairperson of the Boards
    Did Wolverine own any tiles? TBTI does damage for each tile that displays his claw icon with no minimum, so if there are no such tiles he'll place strikes but deal 0 damage. Phoenix has stronger green and red attack than Patch at any level, so TBTI with her on the team will only deal damage if Patch is your strongest yellow user and there are yellow tiles on the board.
  • DaveR4470
    DaveR4470 Posts: 931 Critical Contributor
    I think there were Patch-tanked tiles on the board ... but now that you mention it, I'm not sure. There were in Jean's first state -- but as you note, the revived Phoenix has different match damage. That could be it -- Jean's rebirth changed the match damage balance and I didn't notice it.

    Patch was boosted, but he may still have fallen under Jean in green and red nonetheless. I also don't remember whether it was R&G or DD who was the third participant.

    I'll see if I can reproduce it again.
  • MPQ_Daywalker
    MPQ_Daywalker Posts: 384 Mover and Shaker
    I don't think there is ever a time when Patch will have higher match damage than Phoenix. My level 255 Phoenix does 107 match damage for red and 137 damage for green. My level 178 Patch, boosted to 254, does 74 damage for red, 83 damage for green. Patch only controls the red and green tiles when Phoenix is downed (so right before her From the Ashes kicks off) -- if you would do TBTI at that moment in time it would do some nice damage. But whenever Phoenix is in the game, she will tank for those two colors. So like CrookedKnight says, the question is whether Patch owned the yellow tiles (or if there were any yellow tiles) on the board when you fired it.
  • DaveR4470
    DaveR4470 Posts: 931 Critical Contributor
    I recreated the situation -- and no problems arose. The power fired properly, in all situations where it should fire.

    So I think you're right -- it must have been a case where there were no yellows on the board. (And, in hindsight, I think one of the instances was with FalCap as the third -- and he tanks yellow away from Patch.)

    Carry on !