General feedback and thoughts for improvement.

NNCSavage Posts: 34 Just Dropped In
early 3* roster (7 champed 3*) / 270 days thoughts:

48hr sub - placement iso/HP is increased correctly but node rewards are same as 24hr so loss of 7-8kiso.
like new incremental scaling better than previous method
love that I can play whenever and not tied to 8hr timers
feels like i have to spend more time playing to match my placement than before test.
some sub use way more health packs than others.
maybe separate PVP and PVE health packs?
even levelled rosters have a huge advantage over someone who might have 2 or 3 chars way above the rest.
Why is more grind the answer over more content?
old optimal was 3 clears then 6-7 grind to 1
new is 6 clears as fast as possible and grinf 6-7 more times to 20.
Why not just make more events like galactus and remove placement awards?
Cap at 7 clears/ full points 1-5, 50% points on 6th and 0 on 7th (only do if you need that last reward)
Remove placement altogether and give all covers from progression.
plan to give covers based on roster:
2* generally need more 2's and 3's to progress so make sure 2* can get a couple 2's and maybe one 3*.
this might be difficult to balance because some team combo's can play higher than actual tier, esp with cascades or a good board.
would also fix the late joining and reinforce joining when you want.
My first Galactus I didn't have the roster and felt useless and didn't like it.
2nd go round I had a solid alliance, ideas and a mad rush at the end to grind out that 2nd 4* cover. best time I've ever had in MPQ.
Also think we need more content like Growth Industry.
One-shot monthly - just like RL comics!
Build out 6 in total and cycle them. small refresh or changes each time to keep it fresh.
Perfect for new char intros.

new matchmaking seems ok to me - no real changes in the teams that I seem to face.
I see to be able to hit the same score as before and floating is about the same.
- maybe a slight decrease in number of 4* teams but I still see them as well as double 5* teams.
I still see 250+ unboosted 4*s and 340+ boosted 4*s which seems a bit high even at the 700-800 range.
- sometimes being outleveled by 200+ total levels
shield sim was almost all 3* champ rosters which is my equal.

General suggestions:
Should be an option for using a health pack as +30% to team of 3 chars.
less total percentage but group heal - more options = better
Covers should be non-color specific and player choice on which cover.
Enforce no one power more than 2 greater another.
Does nerf rostering as single color for TU. (OBW, etc)
allow specific TU choice when sharing but double CD timer as balance?
Alternative cover option: allow extra covers to be converted to levels for same tier char
(3* cover = 3 levels for a 3*, bonus levels [50% rounded up?] for using on same char)
also helps with massive iso debt that exists
Alternative cover option: allow fusing conversion of covers into a wildcard for that tier
three 3* covers fuse into one 3* wildcard that can be used on any 3* char to increase one power.
Huge iso debt exists (and as bad as I think it is at.
Not saying new players should be instantly equal to top end or long term players.
The point is that if it takes someone 500+ days to catch up - that's a long time to hold interest
They do learn about the game and at 270+ in im still learning amost every day.
I know some people will have done it faster but I would bet they are the exception and not the norm.
I'm looking at 3 million ISO to max all 3* to generate enough tokens to maybe cover some 4*
but then im back to needing more iso to get that one 4* to matching level, much less getting 2-3 to pvp competitive which breaks scaling in pve.
at 15k a day (my estimate) - i would need 200 more days to just start
Maybe add a daily iso bonus pool. Double first 5k or even 10k iso earned per day.
winning a match with a hero should give them personal ISO only they can use plus the general ISO that exists now to be used as we choose
this could change some team dynamics so maybe a toggle to turn on or off at HP cost?
give bonus iso in PvE for using the essential/featured chars
Might be controversial but add iso earning boosts to store or use hero points.
should probably be combined with a general ISO increase to limit the "blatant money grab" complaints.
Daily achievements for bonus iso/etc - once per day for meeting the requirements:
overkill: dmg done in excess of remaining health. reward based on tier. 250 ISO for a 2* doing 2K damage over the HP
rested: use 15 different chars in one PVE sub, not counting essentials. perhaps smaller incremental awards at 9 and 12.
im sure lots of other ideas are out there for these.
Some of the best times are pulling a great cover from a random token.
We need to reinforce that but give an outlet for poor RNG.
Maybe a increasing percentage for each failed pull that is displayed?
Also, probably need a token for 3*/4* pulls (maybe being a bit selfish here though)
I've heard that some of the changes to pvp and pve are to promote more varied roster use.
Best way to do that is to balance out the power levels (preferably without nerfing)
Also, late-joining probably needs a rework.
placement rewards should probably be scaled to match the number of people.
make the bracket itself have to earn those placement rewards?

think im running out of steam and good ideas.