Should I skip the four-star tier?

Lemminkäinen Posts: 378 Mover and Shaker
edited April 2016 in Roster and Level Help
My roster:

OK, the title is a bit silly but I'm wondering whether I should start leveling OML. My problem is that I'm afraid that if I do that, I'll be stuck with him on all matches from here to eternity.

My other possibility would be to hope for 4-clops or Iceman get a cover more (Iceman will be getting anoter Blue from the next Mystique cover I get) and then save CP to buy their covers while saving ISO and leveling them.

My short-time plan was to champion IM-40 and Luke Cage since next DDQ featuring them gets me to full covers with them. I'm also tempted to champion Quicksilver since he gives Iceman covers and I like his new version.

Or should I just go full steam ahead with OML and hope that he will open the pearly gates of 1000 PvP progression (which I can't get to currently)? I usually get the final progression from PvE and Simulator 4* but that's my only normal avenues of getting 4-star covers.

Any input is very appreciated - thank you!