2 x issues. im40 & game kick

Yoik Posts: 251 Mover and Shaker

firstly has I'm 40 yellow changed? if not I regularly see now that he gets stunned on the 1st count down tile. then the next one won't go off until he isnt stunned. rinse and repeat. very annoying.

secondly I am frequently being kicked out of event nodes. game loads up fine then I choose my characters then get through to start the match. make one move then the game will kick me out totally. then when I go back in my players have lost health as per the usual retreat hit. it was only happening in events such as the one running now. but today the same thing had happened on deadpool daily.

hopefully both known and being looked Into. if not let me know if you want more info. ta


  • Smudge
    Smudge Posts: 562 Critical Contributor
    IM40 still works properly for me. If you are running him with someone who reduces single countdown tiles, you might end up with one recharge tile that has a different CD value than the rest, causing it to go off and stun him before the others activate. If you use fire Recharge and then make a blue match with Captain Falcon, you will see this happen because Falcon's blue reduces a CD tile by one.

    The drop issue happens to me as well. I had the game quit randomly on me three times within an hour a few days ago. It is frustrating, but I don't know that there is anything that can be done about it.