Peter Porker - The Spectacular Spider-Ham!

ronin_san Posts: 980 Critical Contributor
edited April 2016 in Speculation and Concepts
The ~~Succulent~~ Spectacular Spider-Man from another dimension is making his way into MPQ.

Ham it Up 5 AP.
Spider-Ham yucks it up, slinging bad puns and web alike
Porker spins a web, gunking up enemy ability tiles. Convert a random enemy ability tile to a web tile.
Rank 2. The bigger the pun, the harder the sigh. Convert 2 random.
Rank 3. The jokes keep coming. Convert 1 of your choosing and a random. Costs goes up to 6.
Rank 4. He who would pun would pick a pocket. Convert two enemy ability tiles of your choosing to web tiles.
Rank 5. The crowd sufficiently impacted by an onslaught of Dad Jokes, Spider-Ham converts three enemy ability tiles into web tiles. Cost now 8.

purpleflag.pngSave the Bacon. Passive.
Spider-Ham's sixth sense saves him form certain, crispy death. If Spider-Ham would be dealt damage exceeding 30% of his health, mitigate it by 1% for each Web tile present and remove web tiles.
Rank 1. Mitigation up to 2%
Rank 2. Ability fires if damage exceeds 20% of his max health.
Rank 3. Mitigation to 3%
Rank 4. Riposte damage equal to 150 per web tile.
Rank 5. Riposte damage up to 225 per web tile.

Knuckle Sandwich - NOT that kind 10 AP.

Spider-Ham loses everyone on his senseless tirade, destroying random tiles and dealing damage to a random enemy. Destroy 4 non-blue tiles and deal 650 dmg and gain AP equal to the tiles destroyed.
Rank 2. Destroy 5 non-blue tiles. Damage up to 760.
Rank 3. Generate a web tile.
Rank 4. Generate two web tiles.
Rank 5. Destroy 6 random tiles.