PVE test - points are decreasing after each win.

Lukoil Posts: 266 Mover and Shaker
edited April 2016 in MPQ General Discussion
So i just find out that points you get from nodes are decreasing each time you win.

So lets say the nodes give you:
300-300-300-400-400-400-500-500-500 points each (easy/hard/essential)
After win in hard node all points in each node are deacreased to 295-295-295-390-390-390-485-485-485 (numbers are not 100% correct they are just for example).

So the question is. Is that intentional? And who is responsible for this ****?
The real example my last node starts at 501 point mark and then each time i win it was decreasing by 15-17 points. (501-485-467-451-435-419-335(24 hours)).
Then i check essential nodes that were giving 400+ points (before i start hitting the last node) and now they give only 352 points


  • MrTrix
    MrTrix Posts: 46 Just Dropped In
    I assume you're fairly new to the game?

    Yes, that's intentional and is nothing new. It is done to discourage immediately grinding the same node again.
    If you look closely, you will see that each node has a counter. It tells you when the node can be harvested again for full points.
    If you play a node once, that counter will usually be at around 8 hours. So if you wait 8 hours and then play the node again, you will get full points again. But if you decide to grind the same node again right away, you will receive less points for it (yes, even though difficulty increases).
    So if you want to end in the top 10 of the event, it's not enough to simply harvest all nodes right away. That would be way too easy. You will have to carefully plan your harvest moments to maximize points.
  • Lukoil
    Lukoil Posts: 266 Mover and Shaker
    MrTrix wrote:
    I assume you're fairly new to the game?

    Yes, that's intentional and is nothing new. It is done to discourage immediately grinding the same node again.
    If you look closely, you will see that each node has a counter. It tells you when the node can be harvested again for full points.
    If you play a node once, that counter will usually be at around 8 hours. So if you wait 8 hours and then play the node again, you will get full points again. But if you decide to grind the same node again right away, you will receive less points for it (yes, even though difficulty increases).
    So if you want to end in the top 10 of the event, it's not enough to simply harvest all nodes right away. That would be way too easy. You will have to carefully plan your harvest moments to maximize points.
    Huh? I guess you don't follow the forum and don't read sticked posts. There is a test PVE going on right now and counting time (24 hour instead of 8 hour) starts after 6th win.
    The problem is why wining in one node affects ALL nodes.
    And i know how non-test PVe works. Top 10-20 for the last 7 months in pve (excluding eots test)
  • MrTrix
    MrTrix Posts: 46 Just Dropped In
    edited April 2016
    You're right, it wasn't clear to me from your post that you were talking about the new PvE event test (Unstable ISO-8). Now I also see that you already posted your reply in that feedback thread... why cross-posting?

    As for the rest... my quess is, that the fact that it's affecting ALL nodes, is a mistake. The rest, I assume, is intentional, as I described (but in case of this particular PvE event, you're right, it's 24 hours, not 8 hours)
  • Lukoil
    Lukoil Posts: 266 Mover and Shaker
    edited April 2016
    MrTrix wrote:
    You're right, it wasn't clear to me from your post that you were talking about the new PvE event test. Now I also see that you already posted your reply in that feedback thread... why cross-posting?

    As for the rest... my quess is, that the fact that it's affecting ALL nodes, is a mistake. The rest, is intentional, as I described (but in case of this particular PvE event, you're right, it's 24 hours, not 8 hours)
    But nodes start to decrease in points after first win. not after 6th. And they don't go up after a time.
    352 - now every node is 331.....
  • MrTrix
    MrTrix Posts: 46 Just Dropped In
    Well, there are some inconsistencies in David Moore's post, maybe he can clarify exactly how the system is supposed to work? Then we can judge what doesn't work as intended, and what was just a mistake in the explanation?
    "In the test event, missions will be worth the same amount of points the first six times you play it. Missions get harder each of these times. Once a mission is beaten six times, the difficulty stops increasing.

    After that, each time you beat a mission, it will be worth less points, similar to the old system. The amount of times it takes for a mission to be restored to full points after one play is 24 hours (up from 8). A mission can be beat 5 times (down from 6) until you reach the minimum amount of points a mission is worth, 20 points (up from 1)."

    If I understand this correctly, you'd have to play a mission 6 times before the difficulty stops increasing and before it goes down in points, but you can only beat a mission 5 times. Kind of conflicting, as that would mean the points never go down.
    So I assume this info is incorrect, and that the system works in a slightly different way...
  • Lukoil
    Lukoil Posts: 266 Mover and Shaker
    MrTrix wrote:
    Well, there are some inconsistencies in David Moore's post, maybe he can clarify exactly how the system is supposed to work? Then we can judge what doesn't work as intended, and what was just a mistake in the explanation?
    "In the test event, missions will be worth the same amount of points the first six times you play it. Missions get harder each of these times. Once a mission is beaten six times, the difficulty stops increasing.

    After that, each time you beat a mission, it will be worth less points, similar to the old system. The amount of times it takes for a mission to be restored to full points after one play is 24 hours (up from 8). A mission can be beat 5 times (down from 6) until you reach the minimum amount of points a mission is worth, 20 points (up from 1)."

    If I understand this correctly, you'd have to play a mission 6 times before the difficulty stops increasing and before it goes down in points, but you can only beat a mission 5 times. Kind of conflicting, as that would mean the points never go down.
    So I assume this info is incorrect, and that the system works in a slightly different way...

    The points are decreasing IN EVERY node after each(sometimes two) win. now my essential nodes give only 331 points (and i don't even touched them)
  • MrTrix
    MrTrix Posts: 46 Just Dropped In
    [Edit] hmm... just re-read this part of his post... that actually explains it better. And if this is how it's supposed to work, then it sounds like there's a bug in the system...
    - The first six times you beat a Mission will be worth the same amount of points.
    - After the seventh time you beat a mission, it will be worth less points.
    · Each time you beat the mission after the seventh completion will increase the time it takes to receive full points by 24 hours
    · The amount of times it takes for a mission to reach the minimum amount of points it is worth is five times (down from six times)
  • Lilith
    Lilith Posts: 65 Match Maker
    Hey guys,

    This was posted in the PvE Feedback Thread at the top of the forum:
    "David wrote:
    Moore"]Hi everyone,

    The dev team wanted to let players know that rubber banding was accidentally turned on for the event. This would account for unexpected behavior some players may be seeing with points going up and down when beating missions. Apologies for any frustration this may have caused.
    (A small benefit from this error is that missions are currently worth more than what was intended.)


    Might explain why you're seeing the numbers changing when you don't expect them to be.

    Hope it helps!
  • Lukoil
    Lukoil Posts: 266 Mover and Shaker
    Lilith wrote:
    Hey guys,

    This was posted in the PvE Feedback Thread at the top of the forum:
    "David wrote:
    Moore"]Hi everyone,

    The dev team wanted to let players know that rubber banding was accidentally turned on for the event. This would account for unexpected behavior some players may be seeing with points going up and down when beating missions. Apologies for any frustration this may have caused.
    (A small benefit from this error is that missions are currently worth more than what was intended.)


    Might explain why you're seeing the numbers changing when you don't expect them to be.

    Hope it helps!
    Yes, thats probably it.... but i thought rubber abdning only increase points rewards and not decrease them... Or beacause of rubber banding my nodes started at much higher point value then they should?

    So the best strataegy is to play all nodes at last 3 hours now?
  • mohio
    mohio Posts: 1,690 Chairperson of the Boards
    First tipoff should be that you saw a node with a weird value like 347 or whatever...they always have round numbers, 180, 200, 250, etc. And as for why it goes down - winning a node increases your score which shortens the rubber band enough to lower the node value for the next time. It's all based on how far away from the leader you are, further you are, the more points the node is worth.

    And as for your final comment...yes, "best" strategy is likely to wait for people to super grind all the nodes before starting yourself. You will likely earn more from the rubberband than you lose by 3-4 hours of a 24 hour refresh.
  • mpqr7
    mpqr7 Posts: 2,642 Chairperson of the Boards
    Rubber banding strikes again!! I saw that and was completely confused. So you actually gain points by waiting to play, and then you lose points the more you play, presumably to a certain limit.
  • mohio
    mohio Posts: 1,690 Chairperson of the Boards
    mpqr7 wrote:
    Rubber banding strikes again!! I saw that and was completely confused. So you actually gain points by waiting to play, and then you lose points the more you play, presumably to a certain limit.
    It used to be around 10k behind the leaders rubber banding would kick in...no idea what it is now.
  • Pollozz
    Pollozz Posts: 82 Match Maker
    I am with you guys, the points are really decreasing after each win without hitting the max. I guess is a mistake on their part.
  • slidecage
    slidecage Posts: 3,545 Chairperson of the Boards
    i think my ess started around 420 up to almost 600 now on stage 2
  • Daiches
    Daiches Posts: 1,252 Chairperson of the Boards
    It's all just rubberbanding. Which is great as I have to play this event even less to hit progression and quit.