When does a 4* overtake a champion 3*?

Tryke Posts: 320 Mover and Shaker
edited April 2016 in MPQ General Discussion
Recent 4* changes, buffed 3* nerf. When does a 4* overtake 3*s that are championed with a few levels in them?


  • Phumade
    Phumade Posts: 2,493 Chairperson of the Boards
    Tryke wrote:
    Recent 4* changes, buffed 3* nerf. When does a 4* overtake 3*s that are championed with a few levels in them?

    The nerf to 3* really means that the 3* match damage curve is similar to a 4* character. I.e. If both tiers are at the same level, most players won't really notice a difference in performance with respect to match damage. It takes a 20-30 level difference before someone would really notice a difference. So for example, a 166 HB feels really similar to a 166 3clops (not including their powers). However, a 200 3clops feels more powerful than a 166 HB and vice versa. At around 290, the 4* really accelerate match damage, but of course 3* top out at 266.

    4* powers are always better at the equivalent level for the simple fact that 4* powers are usually compound powers with extra features.

    3* powers really depend on when the character debuted. The last couple of 3* are effectively 4* caliber characters.

    edit: I should probably mention that number of covers is what really makes or breaks the perceived effectiveness of character's powerset.

    Thats just my opinion, I'm sure you can go lookup the raw stats on the marvel puzzlequest wikipedia
  • CaptainFreaky
    CaptainFreaky Posts: 451 Mover and Shaker
    Phumade wrote:
    Tryke wrote:
    Recent 4* changes, buffed 3* nerf. When does a 4* overtake 3*s that are championed with a few levels in them?

    The nerf to 3* really means that the 3* match damage curve is similar to a 4* character. I.e. If both tiers are at the same level, most players won't really notice a difference in performance with respect to match damage. It takes a 20-30 level difference before someone would really notice a difference. So for example, a 166 HB feels really similar to a 166 3clops (not including their powers). However, a 200 3clops feels more powerful than a 166 HB and vice versa. At around 290, the 4* really accelerate match damage, but of course 3* top out at 266.

    4* powers are always better at the equivalent level for the simple fact that 4* powers are usually compound powers with extra features.

    3* powers really depend on when the character debuted. The last couple of 3* are effectively 4* caliber characters.

    edit: I should probably mention that number of covers is what really makes or breaks the perceived effectiveness of character's powerset.

    Thats just my opinion, I'm sure you can go lookup the raw stats on the marvel puzzlequest wikipedia

    umm,,,no. The more drastic nerf to 3* was to ability damage, not match damage. Abilities were dramatically reduced on 3* from level 166 to level 290 or so compared to pre-champion era. This has the impact of making 3* extremely inferior when champed/boosted until you get significantly more than 50 extra covers. Basically, what championing really did was set back the clock on 3* players and/or force them to buy into a faster 4* transition. Because the 4* characters are now so much more powerful than 3* characters that it's not even funny.
  • Phumade
    Phumade Posts: 2,493 Chairperson of the Boards
    Tryke wrote:
    Recent 4* changes, buffed 3* nerf. When does a 4* overtake 3*s that are championed with a few levels in them?

    In what terms?

    As far as match damage, 4s have slightly higher match damage from the get go, but that advantage almost disappears by 166 and does disappear by 270. from that point on, 3* nd 4* match dmg is exactly the same.

    So my question is, if I had a maxed champed 3clops at 266, and he got buffed to to 350 for the week. Would he do equivalent match damage as a 270 hb who is buffed to 350 for the week? Of does the 4* decisively out class him with match damge?
  • Phumade
    Phumade Posts: 2,493 Chairperson of the Boards
    Phumade wrote:
    Tryke wrote:
    Recent 4* changes, buffed 3* nerf. When does a 4* overtake 3*s that are championed with a few levels in them?
    Because the 4* characters are now so much more powerful than 3* characters that it's not even funny.

    People always want to make a comparison based on what a 3* historically did. But ultimately, I think that is a false comparison. The cat's out of the bag and players need to make decisions on what the game will look like going forward vs. how they would have functioned in the past.

    I know you've looked at the curves, so I'll trust your opinion on this question.

    If chars from both tiers are at level 100. Does the 4* do significantly more match damage than a 3*?
    At 166, 220, 270, and 350?

    In all seriousness, people should remove the word "championing" from their dictionary and just say.
    Is character X at Y level better than character Z and Y level?

    My honest impression is that the only meaningful difference between 3* and 4* are their powersets and where they are level capped.