5* Transition ISO Advice

Hendross Posts: 762 Critical Contributor
edited March 2016 in MPQ General Discussion
Sorry for seemingly duplicate threads; but I'd like some veteran ISO advice.

I have 10 champed 4*s; Thing, Pro-X, Kingpin, Hulkbuster, Thor, XFW, Cyke, Xpool, Jean, Nick

I currently have ~300k ISO, Should I;

a) Champ 3 middle tier 3*s (including DD with 6 surplus covers)
b) Max X-23, Carnage, or another middle tier 4 (I'm short on Ice(11) and Rulk(12) covers))
c) Raise 2/3/2 Surfer to 360
d) Sell all, hoard, and wait for Ice, Rulk, or 5* Covers

*Edit all my remaining 3 stars are soft capped @ 120 and cost 100k ISO to finish

**Edit my 4 stars are soft capped @ 172 (able to complete all Crashes) and cost 300k ISO to finish


  • PeterGibbons316
    I'm not positive, but I think a 360 SS might kick you up into 5* MM in PvP where you really won't be very competitive - some other 5* players with experience in this area can hopefully chime in here.

    If it were me I'd probably save it until I could max Ice/Rulk, they are both fantastic characters that really help in weeks that they are boosted.
  • wymtime
    wymtime Posts: 3,757 Chairperson of the Boards
    With the 4* buffs I would go for X-23 or carnage. The 3* tier is most likely usless to you except for the LT and to spend 300k ISO for 3 LT seems like a waste. SS right now is the worst 5* and to take him to 360 will just make you take on more 5* than you are today. Having more 4* at your disposal will help you out the most.
    If you think about it next week Thing will be buffed and your championed Thing will be great in PVP because of it. When X-23 is buffed she will be great in PVP and do a ton of damage. SS will be mainly good for match damage and saving a couple of health packs. For the 7 red carnage will do more damage than SS and when buffed carnage will have huge health and cause others to use a health pack or 3 after fighting you. You can wait on RHulk or ice if you want but it might be a month for you to pull one via RNG
  • GrumpySmurf1002
    GrumpySmurf1002 Posts: 3,511 Chairperson of the Boards
    a) depends on how much it will cost. If Daredevil is close (~50k iso) then I'd probably finish him since you have 6 covers pending. If he's level 70, he's not worth it given your other needs.

    b) I personally love Carnage especially when he's boosted, others don't like him. I'd say Ice/RHulk are the only truly necessary ones however.

    c) He's generally considered the weakest of the super tier. He'd help by providing match damage but his color coverage means you'd really like to have the Purple/Greens' strong, which again goes back to Ice/RHulk. I'd pass here. (for reference, I have a 2/3/3 Surfer I haven't leveled, so I'm actively following this advice despite having champed RHulk)

    d) Depends what 'sell all' means.
  • halirin
    halirin Posts: 327 Mover and Shaker
    My head agrees with wymtime. My heart scream "max the three stars! Never waste a gold cover!"

    Probably you should ignore my heart.
  • Polares
    Polares Posts: 2,643 Chairperson of the Boards
    I think the choice is between maxing Carnage or just waiting. Don't level SS to 360, it is not going to help you at all with your current roster, wait until you have another 5 to reach the same level or until you get more covers of him (I firmly believe that SS should not be leveled until you have 11 or more covers AND another useful 5 in the 375-390 range already, I also have a 9 covers SS at 255 which I don't think is going to get any iso soon).

    You have a very good roster of 4s already maxed, so probably wait is the best option until you get those rhulk/iceman covers you need or some OML ones. The other option is leveling Carnage because he is buffed one week were none of the top5 are, so it can help you for the PvP events of that week. I think there are two weeks were none of the top5 are buffed, in one you have Carnage on the other one you have Thing, I don't know when x23 is buffed...
  • Magic
    Magic Posts: 1,199 Chairperson of the Boards
    Not really there with yet but close so my idea in general would be to treat Iceman and RHulk as a priority if you don't have OML to level. The second priority would be getting OML so the more CP you can get the better. I would consider using the ISO a bit on bringing up the 3* just to get the LT (Goblin is supposed to be good in PvP as well) while having a bit saved for when RHulk or Ice cover falls (one will be there at the end of the season as 1k award but it might be one you already have 5 of). if you feel X-23 will get you 25 CP for all PvP when she is buffed - go for it. But she is rare enough that even having her at 200+ would be a great benefit.

    I would not invest ISO in mid to low 4* before you have all 3* champed - they are more expensive iso waste icon_e_wink.gif
  • Bulls
    Bulls Posts: 141 Tile Toppler
    edited March 2016
    I would also advice sticking to 4* for niw. Just choice between keeping iso for rulk/iceman or spending it on semi tier 4* depends on how fast you're able to aquire enough iso to take them to 270 after reciving final covers. For example Im pulling enough iso to get any 4* from 151 (my soft cap for basicly all nonmaxed 4* that has enough covers) to 270 in around 10-14 days so while waiting for last iceman cover Ive got gr to max as I had 2 spare covers. If you're playing a lot then definitly go for carnage/x23 but if getting 300k iso takes month or so to you then consider hoarding it.
  • simonsez
    simonsez Posts: 4,663 Chairperson of the Boards
    I would hang onto it until you have Ice or RHulk ready to go. The only exception would be if you find yourself in a situation where you don't have any of that week's buffed 4s, and X23 or Carnage would give you one.
  • Phumade
    Phumade Posts: 2,493 Chairperson of the Boards
    Hendross wrote:
    Sorry for seemingly duplicate threads; but I'd like some veteran ISO advice.

    I have 10 champed 4*s; Thing, Pro-X, Kingpin, Hulkbuster, Thor, XFW, Cyke, Xpool, Jean, Nick

    I currently have ~300k ISO, Should I;

    a) Champ 3 middle tier 3*s (including DD with 6 surplus covers)
    b) Max X-23, Carnage, or another middle tier 4 (I'm short on Ice(11) and Rulk(12) covers))
    c) Raise 2/3/2 Surfer to 360
    d) Sell all, hoard, and wait for Ice, Rulk, or 5* Covers

    **Edit all my remaining 3 stars are soft capped @ 120 and cost 100k ISO

    I'm in your exact same situation. Here is what I did.

    1. With weekly buffs, a maxed 4* get s buffed to around 350ish. That should be your target goal for your 5*. I.E. Don't level any 5* past where your champed 4* will get buffed.

    2. Look at color composition of your 4*. One big problem with Rhulk, JG, Ice is that they are focus on green/pink/ for attack powers. You need to diversify your attack color coverage.

    My overall goal was to consistently be able to have 2 characters buffed to 350ish and the featured buffed to around 300. With a wide roster of 280 support 4* to fill in holes and handle niche situations.

    In your specific situation, I would raise SS to 350. You can then be fairly confident of always have 2 350ish characters for ever pvp event. Then I'd level any 10 cover+ 4* that compliments my attacking color coverage. Finally, I'd level X23 to provide a self healing running mate for SS in LRs and for early climbing scenarios.

    I personally wouldn't bother with leveling any 3* past 140 unless its someone that your really enjoy playing. Of course, you should champion any 3* that requires less than 3 or 4 days worth of your ISO revenue. But if it takes more than a week to generate the iso, then that iso is better spent on 4* who will provide more flexibility and utility at high level play. This includes low mid tier 4* likes Antman or Electra (in the right situation, these characters can be execeptional). Finally, I would look to buff all 4* to around 170-190ish. This is the rough baseline level where any 4* is competitive in their respective "titans" matchup.
  • mpqr7
    mpqr7 Posts: 2,642 Chairperson of the Boards
    Since you already have a good amount of 4*s champed, I would finish champing all your 3*s. I did that, and I love never wasting a single gold cover, especially since I win one per day with ddq and a few during and after each pvp as well.

    I actually wouldn't recommend champing 2*s at this point. Originally I wanted to, but since I never use them, I ended up selling most of my max champed 2*s and starting over again. The prizes aren't that great, and I realized it's a better investment for the endgame to champ all my fully-covered 4*s instead.

    So now I'm working on the good 4*s (rhulk, im, xfdp), and then once I've finished doing those, I'll champ my lower-tier 4*s (am, xfw, elektra, prof x, flaptain).

    And that'll keep me busy for the next few months. If after then, I have tons of spare ISO, I'll use it to champ a few more 2*s again, just for chits and giggles.
  • Tryke
    Tryke Posts: 320 Mover and Shaker
    I would just max DD to make use of your surplus covers. You would have 200k iso left over along with that LT from champing DD. LT could give you something useful.

    Or a Cho icon_lol.gif
  • jtmagee
    jtmagee Posts: 158 Tile Toppler
    Champ DD. Then Champ your next 4* and build up your 3*'s to the Champed levels.
  • GritsNGravy
    GritsNGravy Posts: 114 Tile Toppler
    I'm in a pretty similar situation (Jean instead of SS though). I've been going with the push to champ all my 3*s, I've also been trying to push the 4*s that are really playable to 223, this makes them level 300 when boosted and that seems to work well.

    Still a hard choice when you have 4* covers sitting unclaimed...