Professor X Bug?

xidragonxi Posts: 253 Mover and Shaker
I was playing the "Less and Less Human" node in Venom Bomb using this team: Professor X, Captain Falcon, Ghost Rider. Professor X was invisible, and the team had placed four attack tiles. The enemy team managed to down Falcon and Ghost Rider, leaving only my invisible Prof X and the attack tiles. I figure I'm in good shape as the venom goons can't target Prof X, and my attack tiles will keep buffing and chipping away at the goons.

Unfortunately, the attack tiles did NO damage to the goons. They showed as doing 900+ damage each in the descriptions, and the animation would fire, but no health was taken from the venom goons. After 4 turns of this, I used a deadpool whales teamup to end the match.

So to recap:
- Invisible Prof X
- both allies downed
- no damage processing from my attack tiles on the board.