Question about team

Nabistay Posts: 146 Tile Toppler
edited March 2016 in MPQ General Discussion
(I wish I had more 4* covers..)

Thoughts on the synergy of this team?
3/5/5 x23
5/5/3 nova
5/3/5 punisher

It sounds so synergistic at first glance..


  • Polares
    Polares Posts: 2,643 Chairperson of the Boards
    It looks an interesting team. I already thought Nova+Punisher was a good combination for PvP, so I guess if you add someone who can also benefit from these strike tiles, there is even more synergy. The powers are quite cheap so I guess there is no need to someone like cyclops to produce extra AP.

    But I would go 5/3/5 for x23 and 5/5/3 for Punisher, yeah they overlap but I prefer to have the option to chose, and those abilities in general are better.

    The biggest problem is that both Nova and Punisher are new so it is going to be a while until we can test drive this team.