Better rewards please!

action711 Posts: 129 Tile Toppler
In my opinion this game is starting to drag.

The reward structure as it is was designed for 2/3 and some 4 star characters.

The game we have is 3/4 and some 5 star characters, but apart from the addition of DDQ the rewards haven't increased.

Yet we now need to level 4 & 5 star characters to be competitive.

I call for the whole rewards structure to be revised, everything. The season Allance rewards are pathetic, absolutely pathetic. 1000 ISO for your alliance to be top 100? 500 ISO for 100-250? Pathetic is the only word. Make it 10,000. Make finishing the season with your alliance in a good position properly rewarding!! Make finishing it on your own in a good position properly rewarding...

70 for finishing a really hard PvE battle? Pathetic. Why should we bother? Yes we can win a command point, which will eventually give us a 4 or 5 star character, but what good is 70 ISO when you need to level these guys!

Treble it at least, in every aspect of the game.

Or do a lot more frequent increased reward events.

They've sorted out the cover farming, that's pretty sweet at the moment, but I have over 20 characters I'll never use because they're just not worth putting the ISO into them....

Who's with me?


  • action711
    action711 Posts: 129 Tile Toppler
    Anyone else feeling this?
  • Spider2013
    Spider2013 Posts: 6 Just Dropped In
    9 upvotes in your op shows whoelse is with you...
  • FaustianDeal
    FaustianDeal Posts: 760 Critical Contributor
    action711 wrote:
    They've sorted out the cover farming, that's pretty sweet at the moment, but I have over 20 characters I'll never use because they're just not worth putting the ISO into them....

    Its not so much a question of their iso-worthiness. Its just availability. If ISO grew on trees Chulk wouldn't be starving.
  • JVReal
    JVReal Posts: 1,884 Chairperson of the Boards
    I would love to put Iso into Doc Oc, but I have been forced to have to use my mediocre covered 4* and leveling them so having Iso invested in a lvl 120 3* seems less and less plausible with the rarity of the substance.
  • bpcontra
    bpcontra Posts: 176
    Yeah the pace of leveling this game is starting to wear on me....especially since I only have 2 usable 4* with 11 covers and one of them is invisible woman...woof.

    With PvE getting harder and harder as a 3* transitioning to 4*, I really don't see how I'm ever going to catch up. I need to use my iso for my 3* to get legendary tokens to get enough 4* covers to be useful, but without useful 4* covers it's very hard to rank high and earn iso.

    I'm just very discouraged right now and it's a shame because I really like this game, it's just becoming borderline unplayable due to its difficulty and pace
  • Suddenreal
    Suddenreal Posts: 92 Match Maker
    They should add a second PvE event like DDQ that doesn't give covers but ISO. 500 for 1*, 1000 for 2*, 2000 for 3* and 5000 for 4*.
  • mpqr7
    mpqr7 Posts: 2,642 Chairperson of the Boards
    It's turned green! This is the post that will finally make it happen!!!
  • slidecage
    slidecage Posts: 3,401 Chairperson of the Boards
    bpcontra wrote:
    Yeah the pace of leveling this game is starting to wear on me....especially since I only have 2 usable 4* with 11 covers and one of them is invisible woman...woof.

    With PvE getting harder and harder as a 3* transitioning to 4*, I really don't see how I'm ever going to catch up. I need to use my iso for my 3* to get legendary tokens to get enough 4* covers to be useful, but without useful 4* covers it's very hard to rank high and earn iso.

    I'm just very discouraged right now and it's a shame because I really like this game, it's just becoming borderline unplayable due to its difficulty and pace

    i use no 4 star in PVE and can take top 50 or better dont need 4 stars to rank high in PVE

    really i dont see a problem at all with the rewards cover wise.. Maybe bump up the ISO by 3 times and that be something
  • Cannot agree more about the Season rewards. To play 9-10 PVP's, and then to be rewarded with 500 ISO for a top 50 finish is embarrassingly awful. It should be 10-20x that.
  • SnowcaTT
    SnowcaTT Posts: 3,486 Chairperson of the Boards
    simonsez mentioned somewhere (probably in the PVE test thread) that the goal is to get the vets to transition out of the game. I've debated about starting a thread asking folks what they think about this - it is a very similar thread to this.

    If you consider the beginning of the game, the rewards seem fun. You'll get 2*'s quickly, 3*'s pretty fast, and you'll be looking forward to collecting all the 4*'s. You'll also be -paying- if you want the roster slots quickly.

    Non-mega-whale vets don't have much to pay for anymore (can't get specific covers), so they probably don't. And the Devs quite obviously aren't trying to make late-game transition any faster, despite that to -get- to a heavy 4* roster you've likely played for 1.5 years or more.

    I can't think of a single change that has really "helped" vets. Everything feels like it's set to make the (freemium) vets leave.

    Introduction of 5*'s - RNG has let 2*/3* rosters bypass my long time one. Immediately made the rest of the characters irrelevant.
    Quick release of 5* characters - makes it even less likely that any 5* you do have gets better, those who got early SS/OML win.
    Championing - weakened all your 3*'s. Impossible to ever max your 4*'s. Not that you have the ISO to champ everyone anyway.
    ISO gap - never been addressed, larger at end game and with larger star characters (the only ones being made)
    Tons of 4* characters - great, but you can't buy their covers and each one makes specific covers hard to get.
    Introduction of CP - such a slow drip, I've stopped expecting/counting on this for any sort of transition help.
    Introduction of LT - RNG nature, ISO gap, and tons of characters make these less than exciting.
    Indroduction of 4* DDQ - see above, and add "once every five days...if you had the ISO/covers to make that 4* good enough"
    Introduction of (some new PVE) - ug, more of this? At least Galactus/Ultron were -sort- of different.
    PVE scaling - this is bad for everyone, is the only way they can get folks to pay is drain their health packs?
    PVP bracketing - with the introduction of 5*'s, this is worse than ever.
    Introduction of new play style - oh right, these are always only rumored about.

    I have obtained nearly ten 4*'s in the last two days. But they aren't 5*' they don't matter. And I don't have the ISO to make them matter. The rewards are boring, and the transition isn't there anymore, everything introduced in the last year has only put me farther behind the mega-whales (which I never expect to keep up with, but shouldn't you be able to stay 6-9 months behind them?) and farther from any end-game play.
  • Polares
    Polares Posts: 2,643 Chairperson of the Boards
    SnowcaTT wrote:

    I have obtained nearly ten 4*'s in the last two days. But they aren't 5*' they don't matter. And I don't have the ISO to make them matter. The rewards are boring, and the transition isn't there anymore, everything introduced in the last year has only put me farther behind the mega-whales (which I never expect to keep up with, but shouldn't you be able to stay 6-9 months behind them?) and farther from any end-game play.

    This is really sad and I am in the same situation. Yeah Quake and Punisher look cool but when I have all the covers for them I won't have enough iso and when I get to collect the iso to level them there is going to be 8 or 9 (or more) 5s in the game that are going to render those 4s completely useless.

    My only interest right now is getting 5s, OML, Phoenix and GG, and then level them, I already have IMHB, Cyclops, iceman, jean and rhulk maxed, I will probably also level xpool and thor, maybe even Carnage, but I won't probably need any other 4 after that. On the other hand OML is defining the meta for PvP right now, and I guess soon we will start to see GG which is even better for PvP (in my humble opinion), and If I don't have two 5s ready to fight those teams I will be screwed.

    But yeah, getting much more iso would at least help to test all those chars (like Miles for example) that I have almost cover maxed but where I can't put any iso because there are others with much higher priority.
  • Dragon_Nexus
    Dragon_Nexus Posts: 3,701 Chairperson of the Boards
    Gonna keep saying it every time a topic like this shows up.
    Put the featured 4* cover as part of the damn progression rewards!

    When the game was 3* orientated it made sense to have a 2* and 3* character as part of the progression rewards. It's been that way for a long time. Now we've moved into a 5* game and the rewards haven't improved.

    If you're putting a required 4* character for every PvE, put one of their covers as a reward in that PvE. It's not going to break the economy to do so. 29 characters and one cover per PvE. That means completing 377 PvEs to max out the current roster of 4*s. Is that somehow too fast in terms of progress?
  • Bowgentle
    Bowgentle Posts: 7,926 Chairperson of the Boards
    Gonna keep saying it every time a topic like this shows up.
    Put the featured 4* cover as part of the damn progression rewards!
    That's not really going to help - it'll only make you go from being cover starved to being ISO-starved.

    Once you're past the "I need covers!" phase you'll realize that you need ISO way more badly than you ever needed covers.
  • Dragon_Nexus
    Dragon_Nexus Posts: 3,701 Chairperson of the Boards
    Bowgentle wrote:
    Gonna keep saying it every time a topic like this shows up.
    Put the featured 4* cover as part of the damn progression rewards!
    That's not really going to help - it'll only make you go from being cover starved to being ISO-starved.

    Once you're past the "I need covers!" phase you'll realize that you need ISO way more badly than you ever needed covers.

    If nothing else it's a free 1000 ISO =/

    I have a handful of maxed covered 4*s but they're almost all the really old ones. Anything more recent than 6 months ago is still stuck for covers for me.

    I agree with you though that ISO rewards need to go up. Most F2P games have a general currency in game that's really easy to get but only utilised in a few ways and a real-money currency that's useful for many things. It's weird how D3 has slowly swapped which one is which in this game.
  • OneLastGambit
    OneLastGambit Posts: 1,963 Chairperson of the Boards
    Lack of iso is a much bigger problem than lack of covers. Even more so now with championing, in fact you can even argue that championing was introduced to address an abundance of covers.

    I'm by no means a high level player, I have a couple of usable 4* (unlevelled and not cover maxed) and ss, oml and phoenix.....but even the useable 4* are no good to me because I need to champ all these 3* characters that I'm still optimally covering.

    It seems every 10 days I need to spend another 70k iso to max another 3* character to make that 14th cover more than 500 iso. Its exhausting grinding every game mode for the tiniest scraps of iso to do this. The flow of iso needs to increase, it needs to be 3 or 4 times it's current rate.

    Why not have covers as progression rewards and placement as iso rewards? You'll sell way more health packs when people are trying hard to place for that mythical iso
  • udonomefoo
    udonomefoo Posts: 1,630 Chairperson of the Boards
    I won't argue that iso isn't sorely in need of a significant increase, but to the argument that it's worse than a cover shortage consider this - a fully covered decent character can be minimally leveled and boosted into relevancy. A 4/3/3 character leveled to 180, boosted to 250 will still be totally worthless.
  • TxMoose
    TxMoose Posts: 4,319 Chairperson of the Boards
    udonomefoo wrote:
    I won't argue that iso isn't sorely in need of a significant increase, but to the argument that it's worse than a cover shortage consider this - a fully covered decent character can be minimally leveled and boosted into relevancy. A 4/3/3 character leveled to 180, boosted to 250 will still be totally worthless.
    at certain points in the progression of things, it seems covers are lacking. I was there. I remember thinking that. because rewards are scaled to 2* and 3* play, keeping up on iso is not difficult. in fact, the game lulls you into thinking boosting and stuff is ok because iso is never really, really short until you start trying to level your 4s. then all of the sudden you're millions and millions short. that whammo that happens over the 4-6 months of covering your 4s is a real eye opener. what was never an issue is THE issue. well...along with 5* covers at that point. if you play at a decently solid level, they keep adding characters and you keep adding covers and you never catch up. the "iso needed for your roster" thread shows most of the late 4* transitioners need 6-8 million for their rosters. most of the late 3* transitioners need ~2 million, which can be completed in about 4 months - a significant amount of time, but somewhat reasonable to finish a rarity class. 6-8 mil is well over a year. and in that year, so many more characters will be added and covers will be added to our rosters, it will be even more short then.
  • cooperbigdaddy
    cooperbigdaddy Posts: 392 Mover and Shaker
    Super agree with the OP.

    I am slowing building my 3* roster (thank you DDQ!), not even thinking about 4*s, and pretending I had never heard of 5*s. I have enough ISO to level one 3* and I am not doing so until I know beyond a shadow of a doubt which one to do that with. Because once I do, I will not have ISO to do anything for a long time.

    And to add on to the OP, I have killing my self (well, my characters) to finally get to the 1700 mark on my Simulator and get the 10-pack in the Season, but now that I've gotten those, I'm not going to push even ONE more battle in any PVP. Because what's the next reward? 500 ISO. 500?!?!?! I would have to fight insane battles and use up all my boosts and health packs to climb to that. Or I could just play Juggernaut's DDQ once, hardly paying attention.

    PVP's ISO rewards need to jump up and jump up A LOT. I don't know why anyone without a team of 5*s would even try to get higher than where I am.