Iso increase for leveling characters?

rickcharlesuk Posts: 14 Just Dropped In
I've been leveling The Hood character for the last couple of days, last night I got him to about 65k iso for full leveling however this morning when applying more Iso I noticed it was back up to 79k but on the same level.

Anyone else noticed this?


  • ProfessorGumby
    ProfessorGumby Posts: 132 Tile Toppler
    "The purple button on the level up screen will either show the amount of ISO needed to max a character, or it will show the maximum level you could bring a character to with your current ISO plus a purchase of a Mother Lode. If you do not have enough ISO and you push the button, the game will try to sell you the additional ISO." - credit to EbolaMonkey in the FAQ thread

    The increase you are seeing is due to the current sale, so there is an additional 23,400 ISO in the Mother Lode.

    - PG
  • rickcharlesuk
    rickcharlesuk Posts: 14 Just Dropped In
    That wasn't the issue and I understand how the iso works, overnight the leveling up with iso increased from about 65k to 80-/+k. I understand the counter on the right is the countdown of how much iso I need to fully level up however I don't understand why the iso intake increased overnight when the card remained the same level.

    Also I've noticed that all my 3* cards that were leveled to a 100 (maxed out with covers) which was generally about 75k to level however now it's about 103 - /+k.

    Kind regards
  • CrookedKnight
    CrookedKnight Posts: 2,579 Chairperson of the Boards
    It's not the ISO to fully level the character, it's the ISO to get that character as high as they can go with what you currently have on hand plus a $99 purchase (if what you have on hand isn't enough to max them out). As you get more ISO on hand that figure will increase. It will also go up when $99 buys more ISO, like it does right now.