Venom Symbiotes beat down order?

Redrobot30 Posts: 348 Mover and Shaker
edited March 2016 in MPQ General Discussion
So the Symbiote goons are pretty confusing as to which order to try and take them out. I never really feel comfortable deciding which one of these things to crush first... So let's just say hypothetically you had a match where you fought every single type of Symbiote at once, what order would you take them down in? There's the Carrier, Mutation, Horror and Demolisher...


  • sinnerjfl
    sinnerjfl Posts: 1,274 Chairperson of the Boards
    1) Mutation (pink ones) because of the "Guard dog" ability, doesnt allow you to match enemystrike.pngenemyprotect.pngeattack.png without taking a lot of damage

    2) Horror (orange), "Precision Slices" hurts and it removes your special tiles too, annoying.

    3) Carrier tends to spam specials and boosting them. They can get out of control eventually.

    4) Demolisher, they're the least annoying of the bunch. Red packs a punch though.
  • sinnerjfl wrote:
    1) Mutation (pink ones) because of the "Guard dog" ability, doesnt allow you to match enemystrike.pngenemyprotect.pngeattack.png without taking a lot of damage

    2) Horror (orange), "Precision Slices" hurts and it removes your special tiles too, annoying.

    3) Carrier tends to spam specials and boosting them. They can get out of control eventually.

    4) Demolisher, they're the least annoying of the bunch. Red packs a punch though.

    Agree with you assuming one of each. However, if you have two Carriers, you've got to take one of them out first, or as you said, it gets out of control. Use characters that hit fast, create AP, and/or take out special tiles.
  • Uthgarprime
    Uthgarprime Posts: 202 Tile Toppler
    And if your board is bad, you will lose, they are the worst "goons". Yet another obvious reason this development teams activily works agains the players.
  • kaelad
    kaelad Posts: 48 Just Dropped In
    sinnerjfl wrote:
    1) Mutation (pink ones) because of the "Guard dog" ability, doesnt allow you to match enemystrike.pngenemyprotect.pngeattack.png without taking a lot of damage

    Completely agree. I honestly don't know who's after that, but these ones I always take out first.
  • zodiac339
    zodiac339 Posts: 1,948 Chairperson of the Boards
    I prioritize Carriers because they can create all three tile types and ramp the power of them up way too fast. With strengthened protect tiles out, you do no damage, while the attack tiles are beating the life out of you. Mutations second because of guard dog, then horrors and demolishers.
  • RoboDuck
    RoboDuck Posts: 142 Tile Toppler
    sinnerjfl wrote:
    1) Mutation (pink ones) because of the "Guard dog" ability, doesnt allow you to match enemystrike.pngenemyprotect.pngeattack.png without taking a lot of damage

    2) Horror (orange), "Precision Slices" hurts and it removes your special tiles too, annoying.

    3) Carrier tends to spam specials and boosting them. They can get out of control eventually.

    4) Demolisher, they're the least annoying of the bunch. Red packs a punch though.

    Exact order I do them in. Same reasons too. Guard Dog is the Caltrops for Symbiote goons.
  • Orion
    Orion Posts: 1,295 Chairperson of the Boards
    My problem is they all look the same to me so I have to spend a moment each time figuring out which one is which and who to kill first. So then I end up saying forget it and killing them in the order they appear.

    I know, saying that they all look the same to me means I'm probably racist against symbiotes.
  • scottee
    scottee Posts: 1,609 Chairperson of the Boards
    And this is when a champed 4* roster finally has the advantage over soft capped rosters. Red Hulk makes the entire clear, "gather green/purple, crush puny heads."

    But I agree on pink, then orange.
  • TaoSpoons
    TaoSpoons Posts: 50
    Personal order preference (reasons for placement):

    1) Mutation (guard dog)
    2) Carrier (special tile creation and boosting)
    3) Horror (damage chunk)
    4) Demolisher (this guy is like the uncool jerk hanging out with the rest of his cooler friends)
  • IamTheDanger
    IamTheDanger Posts: 1,093 Chairperson of the Boards
    For me, I try to take out the Horror ones first. (the orange ones that are definitely female icon_e_wink.gif ). I use Steve Rogers, IM40 and a 3rd character against them mostly. If I don't take them out first, they will destroy IM40 yellow recharge tiles. I had to learn this the hard way. First time I ever played against them, I cast IM yellow and then next thing I know, his 3 cd tiles suddenly dissappeared. So I went back and looked over the symbiotes abilities. Apparently I missed that part the first time through. So using a character that makes special tiles, I hit the Horrors first.
  • simonsez
    simonsez Posts: 4,663 Chairperson of the Boards
    Just AoE the **** out of them so they all die at the same time.
    I forget which AoE it is that does 25k damage each...
  • Polares
    Polares Posts: 2,643 Chairperson of the Boards
    simonsez wrote:
    Just AoE the **** out of them so they all die at the same time.
    I forget which AoE it is that does 25k damage each...

    Yeah I thought the same, I guess not everyone has the same scaling...

    PS: If you don't have a 270+ level Rhulk, so buffed he is 350+, you are screwed in this event (and mine is just 235, still leveling him)
  • Oldboy
    Oldboy Posts: 452 Mover and Shaker
    simonsez wrote:
    Just AoE the **** out of them so they all die at the same time.
    I forget which AoE it is that does 25k damage each...

    Deadpool mega whales.

    Getting 14 purple can't be that difficult right? icon_rolleyes.gif It'll be "fun" and "challenging"
  • The Bob The
    The Bob The Posts: 743 Critical Contributor
    I agree on the dogs being a threat, but I always drop the Carriers (Flubber Classic) first because they make things so much worse. Dogs are a close second though.
  • dokiy
    dokiy Posts: 238 Tile Toppler
    I'll toss out an oddball combo that works well, SW, Beast, and Squirrel Girl. Get enough purple and let those symbiotes spam the board. SG's purpleflag.png does 6K+ damage. Add in Beast strike tiles and it can get even higher.

    For my Less and Less Human node, my goons are at 190, so this comb works well. Your mileage may very.
  • TxMoose
    TxMoose Posts: 4,319 Chairperson of the Boards
    dokiy wrote:
    I'll toss out an oddball combo that works well, SW, Beast, and Squirrel Girl. Get enough purple and let those symbiotes spam the board. SG's purpleflag.png does 6K+ damage. Add in Beast strike tiles and it can get even higher.

    For my Less and Less Human node, my goons are at 190, so this comb works well. Your mileage may very.
    I used SG a lot on the lower nodes, but at level 120, she doesn't do much other than the trivials. my mid nodes got witch/jean, but the top ones got im40/rulk with a red/blue damage guy - usually cyke, but sometimes 4thor. with rulk, just get everyone in the 12Ks and get to 18 green, then mop up with cyke. if there's 3 symbiotes, I find witch to be somewhat risky. if her tile takes too long to process and you struggle getting to 10 purple with jean, the board could be spammed to where her cd just doesn't do much. if it gets to that point you're screwed. im40 is not great against the horrors too - if you don't time it right and precision slices takes out your cds, that makes it a very hard win.
  • Jaedenkaal
    Jaedenkaal Posts: 3,357 Chairperson of the Boards
    RoboDuck wrote:
    Exact order I do them in. Same reasons too. Guard Dog is the Caltrops for Symbiote goons.

    Only worse, because Guard Dog triggers when the AI matches away its own A/P/S tiles. Guess we're lucky it's not an AOE?
  • Calnexin
    Calnexin Posts: 1,078 Chairperson of the Boards
    Mutations first. They're the silent killer. Before I was really familiar with them I'd routinely take myself down. The guard dog ability has a mean bite to it.

    If you can abrogate the number of specials on the board they're the weakest symbiote, but if not they either shut down your match game or force you to use health packs. The tile generators enable them, but in and of themselves aren't that dangerous because their tiles start out weak. You can ignore them until the dogs are gone, then target high-boost tiles.
  • The Viceroy Returns
    The Viceroy Returns Posts: 492 Mover and Shaker
    For me it depends in the combination of goons

    1) I actually really hate the Carrier ones. Once their Yellow passive starts to kick in, things go bad very quickly. Also, their Green CD tile can randomly make a Protect tile, and when they are high level it nullifies all match damage and acts like the Caltrops Ninja's Purple. It can REALLY stall you out and extend the match, which against these goons can go south fast.
    2) Horror Goons I hate too cause they make Attack tiles. They function very much like the Turns to Smoke Ninjas, which I'm sure were designed to drain health from you even when there isn't a tile matcher with them. Their damage CD tile hits the hardest of the bunch too, or at least up there with the hardest hitting.
    3) Mutations I have third only because if you can take out the Carrier & Horrors first, then there shouldn't be that many Special tiles left for Guard Dog to trigger. Again, another skill designed to damage you when no tile matchers are present separate from CD tiles. Usually there's only ever one of these types in a fight (although there was that node of 2 of them alone with Carnage...).
    4) The Demolisher just hits somewhat hard. Yeah, he has board shake, but I've found it's the least problematic compared to these others.

    When pared with tile matching actual heroes, they are even harder. They all generate Red & Green, which lets Carnage fire off his Red every 3 turns. It's Wolverine with two red feeder ninja goons **** all over again, but worse cause it's AOE and a cheaper skill. There was also the **** move node of pairing Moonstone with red feeders, which let her fire off her high damaging Red every 4/5 turns or so. The Green feeds Eddie Venom's Green or Bullseye's Green. At least none generate Yellow right?

    They should change one or even two of these goons so that their Red power is some other color besides red, like Blue or Black. Then only ever use those goons with Carnage. 2 Red feeder goons with Carnage is complete **** and highlights most of the worst PVE design elements in the game. Just about as bad as the Hood & 2 Maggia Muscle goon nodes that show up in one of those PVE's (can't remember which one)...

    It's not a coincidence that the 3 newest sets of goons over the past year & a half (Hand, Ultron Bots, Symboites) all have ways to damage you in addition to their CD tiles, often generated either passively or reacting to Player actions. Hell, the Ultron Bot "goons" are even allowed to tile match, so arguably they aren't even goons (in the traditional sense anyway).
    The passive aggressive fight against Health Packs continues...
  • Eichen
    Eichen Posts: 176 Tile Toppler
    I always hit the one with the least health first.