New power types


I was wondering - what kind of powers would you like to see in the future?

Nevermind on which heroes, but just different powers than the existing ones or at the very least different versions of what we see now, which is mostly stun, steal, heal, protect, strike and attack tile and of course just plain damage.

Don't think to much about balance - this is just a brainstorm over things you think could be fun to include in the game.

I'm thinking stuff like:

Counter strike
While this tile is in effect a % or fixed amount of the opponents damage is also recieved by himself.
power 1-5 five could be to create more tiles and/or increase damage return

Tactical Mastermind
You gain an ekstra turn after this one.
Power 1-5 could be to make the power cheaper - maybe even gain to ekstra turns at power 5

Use one of your opponents active powers by using your own AP
get a discount on the ap spendage

Supreme strategist
Move one or more of your and / your opponents special tiles
move more tiles and/or more types of tiles

A chosen opponent recieves a % increase of damage recieved in X turns
increase amounts of turns this works

Heal an amount based on damage dealt to an opponent. This could be a small %-amount by a tile or a larger one-time amount by using a one-time power.
Increase damage dealt/heal recieved

Electric forcefield
Deploy a special Electric tile. As long as this is in play - whenever this character is struck by an opponent, stun opponent for 1 turn.
Stun for more turns and maybe also stun if the special tile is matched

Drain all ap of the teams - both teams recieve an amount of damage based on the amounts of Ap drained from them.
more damage and/or cheaper powercost

Reality Disfunction
Chose a colour - The next 3 times your team match that colour you recieve a random other colour instead.
more matches before the power expires

Anyone got more suggestions?


  • Mavericat
    Mavericat Posts: 17 Just Dropped In
    Team heals based on gems destroyed for the next x turns

    tactical retreat
    Adds x defense tiles, but stuns hero for y turns

    Hero is untargetable and his mark is removed from all tiles on the board. Using a skill will break stealth, but be x% more effective.

    chain lightening (passive)
    Chained destroys generate strike tiles.

    lucky strike
    Destroy all gems of a random color.
  • Resurrect Teammate? It'd have to be expensive, and probably would be hard to balance, though....
  • over_clocked
    over_clocked Posts: 3,961
    edited March 2014
    Swap your highest AP pool with enemy's highest.
    Level upgrades: also drain 1 AP from enemy's random AP pool, plus another with each level.

    Gain the Momentum
    Make 2 turns instead of one with Quicksilver only, duration: one normal turn. Does no damage on both turns.
    Level upgrades: damage on the last turn. Damage on both turns. 3 turns instead of one, damage on the last turn only. Damage on all 3 turns.

    Kinetic Charge
    Turn all env. tiles into purple tiles.
    Level upgrades: choose more types of tiles to be changed (only one at a time).

    Belle's Touch
    Borrow chosen enemy's health and abilities instead of Rogue's for 1 turn.
    Level upgrades: +1 turn added.

    Tentacle Crush
    A tile in each row/column gets destroyed while doing damage, total 8. Gain no AP from tiles destroyed.
    Level upgrades: does additional damage.

    ya ya very original.
  • Either a passive one or an for x turns. Collect certain match worth double
  • Fog of War
    Converts a random colour tile to a 6 countdown timer that hides (greys them out) the colours of the surrounding 8 tiles. Attempting to match any hidden tile(s) will briefly reveal the colours of the tiles.

    Level 2: Increases tiles hidden to 13, countdown timer reduced to 5
    Level 3: Increases tiles hidden to 21, countdown timer reduced to 4
    Level 4: Increases tiles hidden to 29, countdown timer reduced to 3
    Level 5: Increase area of effect to entire board, countdown timer reduced to 2

    vs AI: negligable effect as an AI has perfect memory
    vs PvP: annoyance factor 11/10
  • Unknown
    edited March 2014
    Cool suggestions - let's keep going. Give the developers something to work with. Maybe even us something to play with in the future.

    Deploy a poisontile that does a small amount of damage each turn and prevent opponent from healing.
    Leveling: more tiles + less cost

    Hit me!
    Passive ability - this character goes in front if the team recieves more than x damage
    leveling: less damage to get in front and ends with the character always being in front

    Activates a random opponent ability on the opponents team that hits the opposite target intended. I.e. heal hits your team and damage hits opponent self.
    leveling: cheaper power cost

    Passive: Opponent recieves 1 less ap each time he matches red
    leveling: 1 less ap for matching blue, green, yellow and all

    This character recieves 5% less damage
    leveling: even less damage recieved
  • Defense turret- this could be a power that is used by a hero where the # of shots or size of explosion increases as you level it. It could also be a new environmental ability. Whenever tile is on board, at the start of your turn the turrets defenses activate deploying x amount of rockets/missiles/whatever exploding an area of 2x3 tiles. Do not gain ap for explosion.
    Deals 100 damage to single target + damage to team for tiles destroyed.
  • Zifna
    Zifna Posts: 170 Tile Toppler
    Dayraven wrote:
    Resurrect Teammate? It'd have to be expensive, and probably would be hard to balance, though....

    Maybe a self-resurrection ability - "When downed, a 5-turn countdown begins. If the battle has not ended when the timer reaches 0, resurrect this character with half health."

    Maybe for Phoenix or someone.
  • Supress
    Hits the opponent hero and deploys a supress tile. While this tile is in play the opponent hero cannot use powers.
    leveling: decrease power cost - deploy more supress tiles that supress same target
  • Zifna wrote:
    Dayraven wrote:
    Resurrect Teammate? It'd have to be expensive, and probably would be hard to balance, though....

    Maybe a self-resurrection ability - "When downed, a 5-turn countdown begins. If the battle has not ended when the timer reaches 0, resurrect this character with half health."

    Maybe for Phoenix or someone.

    You'd just always leave that character to last. Ability 100% negated
  • over_clocked
    over_clocked Posts: 3,961
    You want this thread in Suggestions for devs to actually (more reliably) see any of this.
  • locked wrote:
    You want this thread in Suggestions for devs to actually (more reliably) see any of this.

    Dunno what you mean by more reliably. If you feel it would be more appropriate I guess that would be different but reliability isn't a factor. Every word is gonna be read by dev team no matter which forum it's in. General discussion gets the most traffic so this is the most reliable place for any thread by that standard.
  • over_clocked
    over_clocked Posts: 3,961
    Oh, all the cooler then. I just thought it more appropriate.
  • locked wrote:
    Oh, all the cooler then. I just thought it more appropriate.

    There ya go. Hehe icon_e_smile.gif I know. Annoying habit I have.
  • locked wrote:
    You want this thread in Suggestions for devs to actually (more reliably) see any of this.

    Dunno what you mean by more reliably. If you feel it would be more appropriate I guess that would be different but reliability isn't a factor. Every word is gonna be read by dev team no matter which forum it's in. General discussion gets the most traffic so this is the most reliable place for any thread by that standard.

    That - and I've also made a thread in the "suggestions" forum that links to this one icon_e_wink.gif
  • I've ripped the suggestions below from another thread. Included suggestion for 3 new powers - in this case as a suggestion to a potential Rogue character:
    ErikPeter wrote:
    I've read a few people suggesting new commons or new characters, but it's usually a list of D-listers I've never heard of. However the Lone Star
    tldr; here is one possibility

    Rogue (Classic) *
    Forceful Punch 7 AP
    Rogue has absorbed the strength and training of fallen foes. She punches with incredible force, destroying a target basic tile and generating AP.
    Level 2: Affects any non-countdown tile. Level 3: Costs 6 AP. Level 4: Costs 5 AP. Level 5: Targets 2 tiles. Costs 7 AP.
    Absorb Power 7 AP
    Rogue's touch weakens her enemy, while increasing the power of her attacks. Adds 1 yellow defense tile and 1 purple strike tile to the board. (roughly 6 per tile at level 50)
    Level 2-5: +1 AP, +1/+1 tile each level
    Passive: Rogue is resistant to all forms of damage. Reduce the amount of damage she takes by x for every 6 purple tiles on the board. (x roughly 10 at level 50)
    Level 2: For every 5 purple tiles. Level 3: For every 4 purple tiles. Level 4: For every 3 Purple tiles. Level 5: For every 2 Purple tiles.
  • I am disappointed in the lack of creativity with Scarlet Witch's powers.
    She wields a power born of chaos.
    This is the type of thing I was hoping for:

    Hex Bolt

    It would be nice if Hex Bolt explodes random 1x1 holes in the battlefield like Storm's green power (but no AP return).
    Then there is a secondary reaction if she hits a special tile with a hex bolt.
    An exploded enemy protect tile would heal a random member of the friendly team.
    A strike tile would deal large damage to a random enemy.
    A attack tile would deal damage of the tile, times 10, over time for the length of a countdown tile (3 turns at level 5).
    The hex bolts will target whichever team owns the special tile that gets hit.
    So the player could inadvertently hit their own team, and heal the enemy by exploding a friendly strike tile and a friendly protect tile.
    The higher the level, the higher the instability of the hex field..

    At level 5 if you have two hex bolts randomly explode within a 2x2 cube together, they chain react and activate every special tile within a 4x4 square, but reverses the target team.
    So if within a 2x2 square, the hex bolt destroys one friendly protect and one enemy strike, it would heal the friendly team and also hurt the friendly team for the strike tile damage.
    Then if in a 4x4 square there is one friendly attack tile, it would turn it into a 3 turn countdown that deals damage each turn until it expires to the friendly team.

    Reality Crush :

    The power activates a trap tile that is a 4 tile square.
    This tile moves randomly every turn
    It can "wraparound" the edge of the board.
    So it could be two squares on the left column, and two at the same height on the right column, as if the chaos trap is breaking boundaries of game physics.
    As a result of her uncontrollable chaotic power, the higher the level, the more scattered the tile squares become.
    At level 5 they are just random scattered trap tiles. This makes it potentially more dangerous for both teams.
    The tiles trip silently and all represent one trap. That is, any square destroys all trap squares no matter how scattered.
    Whichever character trips the trap has their next offensive power backfire against a random member of their own team when they use it.
    This means the friendly team could be effected too.
    Higher levels increase the countdown time and percentage of the power output of the trap.
    So, level 1 is 20% of the damage of whichever enemy power is randomly activated against their team.
    Level 5 is 100%. So if the tile were triggered by a level 94 2* Wolverine it would hit any other member of the team for 635 when Scarlet Witch is at level 1 and 3175 at level 5 (not positive if that math is right because I failed to account for Scarlet Witch's level and how that might scale, but it's just an example anyway).

    If the enemy doesn't set off the trap within it's countdown, it implodes and hurts both teams for damage randomly.
    So level 1 it hits one person randomly.
    Level 5 it hits 4 people randomly.
    So it could potentially hurt the whole enemy team at that level, but it will at least hit one person on the friendly team.

    I wouldn't change Arcane Incantation.

  • Punisher5784
    Punisher5784 Posts: 3,845 Chairperson of the Boards
    Dayraven wrote:
    Resurrect Teammate? It'd have to be expensive, and probably would be hard to balance, though....

    I've always wondered with they would have this ability at some point only because when a character is down you can see their AP increase and blink when their ability is ready to be used. Could be interesting, not sure who would have that power. Probably would cost a minimum of 19 AP.
  • wymtime
    wymtime Posts: 3,758 Chairperson of the Boards
    New character the Dev and these are the powers:
    The Nerf Bat: 9 green targets the strongest character on the other team and reduces all damage abilities by 2/3
    The Health bump: 10 Blue targets own team and increases the potential health pool of all characters by 1/3. This does not increase there actual health but their potential health pool. Must pair with Beast or Spidy to heal team to new level.
    The 50/50: 11 purple. You roll a dice and have a 50/50 chance of your teams strongest damage ability firing our your teams weakest ability firing. AI will always fire the worst ability in early PVP and biggest ability at the end of PVP, and always in PVE.
  • Stax the Foyer
    Stax the Foyer Posts: 941 Critical Contributor
    Holy thread necro.