More X-Men for MPQ in 2016?

The roster in this game is very wide and diverse, but I feel like the X-Men aren't getting enough love. Yeah, we have Wolverine, Storm (who doesn't have a 4* despite being an Omega-level mutant), Cyclops, Jean Grey, Beast, Magneto and Professor X, but those are all staple characters that kind of have to be in it, right? I mean, I guess they have Psylocke, Quicksilver, and Scarlet Witch.

I feel like some X-Men and characters related to X-Men could make great additions to the game:
-Cable (For a Cable and Deadpool team-up... icon_cool.gif)
-Storm (Marvel Now - 4*)
-Emma Frost
-Vertigo (I think She'd make a great character for MPQ)
-Angel / Archangel

Maybe with the new movie coming out soon, we"ll get to see more of these characters come to the game.

EDIT: I would also definitely love to see Bishop.


  • Jarvind
    Jarvind Posts: 1,684 Chairperson of the Boards
    No more Storms please. We already have 3.

    Otherwise I can get behind this. I'd throw in Cannonball on the list of "obscure X-men who are actually pretty rad."
  • Jarvind wrote:
    No more Storms please. We already have 3.

    Otherwise I can get behind this. I'd throw in Cannonball on the list of "obscure X-men who are actually pretty rad."
    Cannonball would be pretty cool. He might be kinda similar to Nova, though.
  • Orion
    Orion Posts: 1,295 Chairperson of the Boards
    We have plenty of X-Men in the game already. We have 2* Wolverine, 3* Wolverine, 4* Wolverine, 5* Wolverine, 1* Storm, 2* Storm and 3* Storm. How many more do you need?
  • Orion wrote:
    We have plenty of X-Men in the game already. We have 2* Wolverine, 3* Wolverine, 4* Wolverine, 5* Wolverine, 1* Storm, 2* Storm and 3* Storm. How many more do you need?
    They have all of the main ones, and multiple variations of them, but they don't have much of the more obscure characters who are still really cool. Lol I might be biased a little since I love the X-Men so much.
  • MaxxPowerz
    MaxxPowerz Posts: 276 Mover and Shaker
    So many underutilized villains in what is one of the best rogues galleries in comics

    Mr. Sinister
    Emma Frost
    Omega Red
    Sabretooth, The Blob, Pyro (Brotherhood of Evil Mutants team?)
    Sauron (Devil Dino could use some company)

    Of course it would seem that they already have an agenda set as to what characters they will do. Every once in awhile it would be nice to see them pick somebody out of left field instead of just making the latest release coincide with whatever property they need to push.
  • rawfsu
    rawfsu Posts: 291 Mover and Shaker
    I guess that comes with being owned by Marvel. It's smart business when you look at it. I would add that when they do it linked with upcoming movies, the MPQ events have been awesome. Can't wait to see what comes with Civil War and X-Men: Apocalypse!
  • Marine8394
    Marine8394 Posts: 301 Mover and Shaker
    MaxxPowerz wrote:
    So many underutilized villains in what is one of the best rogues galleries in comics

    Mr. Sinister
    Emma Frost
    Omega Red
    Sabretooth, The Blob, Pyro (Brotherhood of Evil Mutants team?)
    Sauron (Devil Dino could use some company)

    Of course it would seem that they already have an agenda set as to what characters they will do. Every once in awhile it would be nice to see them pick somebody out of left field instead of just making the latest release coincide with whatever property they need to push.

    Omega Red would be sweeeeett.
  • TheWerebison
    TheWerebison Posts: 431 Mover and Shaker
    Three words. One person. Negasonic Teenage Warhead.

    Probably the movie version rather than the comic version.

    Really, I just want to see them cram the name in in our rosters.
  • GrimSkald
    GrimSkald Posts: 2,705 Chairperson of the Boards
    Bear in mind that Marvel (now Disney) doesn't own the Movie rights to the X-Men and related characters, so the company as a whole has been trying to marginalize them to an extent. That being said, that hasn't stopped them before. Still, I imagine that the X-Men (and related characters) and the FF (and related characters) are going to enter the game more slowly than ones that see Disney movie time...
  • GrimSkald wrote:
    Bear in mind that Marvel (now Disney) doesn't own the Movie rights to the X-Men and related characters, so the company as a whole has been trying to marginalize them to an extent. That being said, that hasn't stopped them before. Still, I imagine that the X-Men (and related characters) and the FF (and related characters) are going to enter the game more slowly than ones that see Disney movie time...
    True. I really hate that Fox owns the rights to X-Men.
    And I wouldn't be surprised if Fox surrenders the Fantastic Four to Disney soon.
  • TLCstormz
    TLCstormz Posts: 1,668
    They simply MUST have an Apocalypse event. Like......seriously.

    And aside from that, why would we NOT get a 3*Psylocke buff, a 4* Angel / Archangel, and a 5* Magneto???

    P.S. Negasonic Teenage Warhead has all but replaced Cannonball.
  • Cousin Simpson
    Cousin Simpson Posts: 1,086 Chairperson of the Boards
    Hey we should get Marvel Zombie variants of everyone!

    EDITED: Another couple ideas: She-Doom and Doctor Hulk!
  • edgewriter
    edgewriter Posts: 68 Match Maker
    One problem is that they don't plan to make any more three or two star characters. How many of the remaining roster are worthy of four or five star?
  • edgewriter wrote:
    One problem is that they don't plan to make any more three or two star characters. How many of the remaining roster are worthy of four or five star?
    I think a few of them could be 4* like maybe Angel/Archangel (who could be a healer as Angel and an attacker as Archangel, giving him more depth than a 3* character), but yeah, I think they should make more 3* characters because those are the ones that can actually be attained and built easily.
    And their star ratings aren't super accurate anyway, I mean Green Goblin as a 5*...seriously? A 4* maybe, but not 5*.
  • Pylgrim
    Pylgrim Posts: 2,332 Chairperson of the Boards
    Hopefully they'll go through a "phase" of X-Men characters much like the previous Spider-verse phase.
  • Qwertylot
    Qwertylot Posts: 30
    All I've wanted from this game for the past two years is Rogue, Sabretooth, and Gambit, but they don't seem to be a priority. icon_e_sad.gif

    At least I have Cyke-booty to get me through these trying times.
  • hodayathink
    hodayathink Posts: 528 Critical Contributor
    GrimSkald wrote:
    Bear in mind that Marvel (now Disney) doesn't own the Movie rights to the X-Men and related characters, so the company as a whole has been trying to marginalize them to an extent. That being said, that hasn't stopped them before. Still, I imagine that the X-Men (and related characters) and the FF (and related characters) are going to enter the game more slowly than ones that see Disney movie time...

    Deadpool movie dodging that was hilarious.

    The mansion is suspiciously, conspicuously, empty.

    The funny part is that that wasn't a rights issue, it was a budget issue. Deadpool is a Fox movie, they just didn't have the budget for any real X-Men cameos.
  • Mawtful
    Mawtful Posts: 1,646 Chairperson of the Boards
    There'd be a really interesting Venn diagram that shows the intersection of fan-favourite mutant characters, cross-media engagement relevant mutant characters, and mechanically interesting mutant characters. I don't imagine that there's too many in the centre.

    First of all, it's definitely worth addressing the Fox/Marvel interaction. Yes, it's true that Fox own the rights to X-Men and almost all "mutants" from the Marvel catalogue. Yes, it's true that Marvel is not inclined to help promote their competitors in that space. However, I think a lot of people are under-estimating a lot of things about the MPQ player-base. We've had a few tastes of cross-media promotion through MPQ - Kingpin, Ant-Man, Quake - you would recognise them by the in-game pop-ups advertising the related Marvel products - Daredevil S1 on Netflix, Ant-Man movie & Blu-ray release, Agents of SHIELD respectively. We had Mr Fantastic and Thing turn up fairly close to the cinema release of Fantastic 4, but there were no accompanying pop-ups. We had a bunch of Deadpool related stuff in February while his movie was just being released - but again, no pop-ups advertising the film itself. This makes sense though - since people who see Deadpool and decide to play MPQ are essentially moving money "away" from Fox (yes, I know this is dumb logic - welcome to the world of advertising). So, when all is said and done, I really don't think that characters being in a Fox movie is any reason for a character to be avoided by other products (specifically, games).
    Conversely, Marvel are interested in cross-promotion. Not just for their film & television media either, but also comic books! (Marvel? Comic books? What a world!) Case in point would be the Women of Power events and current variant covers. We've also seen characters, like 4* Thor and 4* Hulk who are very new comic book characters and who premiered in video games in MPQ.

    Anyway, I think the mutants with the best chance of seeing a release in MPQ this year are
    Psylocke - X-Force variant
    Angel/Archangel - It'll be Archangel design to cash in on Age of Apocalypse, but maybe just called Angel so that we can finally fill out that Original X-Men line up. Also an X-Force team member.
    Kitty Pryde - I'd say she's a fairly well known x-man outside of that original line up, plus she's been doing a bunch of "non x-men" stuff recently and is one of the principle characters from the Black Vortex story that's not yet in game.
    Gambit - *the* fan favourite from last years polls. Although I think we've moved away from Charged Tiles being the new hotness.

    Sabretooth - I wanted to include a villain as well. Apocalypse may very well appear as a boss, but certainly won't be playable for us. Sabretooth is basically "bulkier Daken" and "evil Wolverine" as far as the mechanics of MPQ are concerned, so he's not an ideal pick (he honestly adds nothing substantial to the game) but he's still probably got the best chance to getting into the game. Mr Sinister? Again, might be better tuned as a non-playable boss type character. Toad? Yeah, that's not happening. Black Tom Cassidy? I mean, he's got a pretty interesting range of powers which would be mechanically interesting for MPQ but he's just not A-tier material. At best, you'd get a bunch of threads about "literally who is this guy?"