PVE - If you want play with all chars.

Nodtveidt Posts: 4 Just Dropped In
1st of all , my apologizes for my english, i hope that plp can understand the idea.

Why the enemy nodes dont copy your rooster lvls in use for the fight? for example, nodes enemies apear lvl ???-???-???. Then they take the same lvls of you rooster used for the fight in that moment(with the increases/decreases that developers want for dificcult node). For example, if i want play with 278-179-144 lvl, the enemy turns the lvls 278-179-144 base lvls.
With this way, you could use a complete 2* rooster for fight vs full base lvl 144 enemies. You could use not maxed lvl rooster when you want, test team, or simply ENJOY the game with the chars you like, not the more overpowered or buffed.

I think that this way, any player (veteran,news,..) cant be punished for that they have.

I hope your answers! TY.